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Everything posted by Jaggrey

  1. Can anyone see if they changed the radio?
  2. Green lights are solid and aren't flashing anymore.... could it be broadcasting a blocked signal? Does Sprint still do that with newly deployed towers?
  3. Oddly enough, someone over on XDA said that they had poor 4g performance then switched for a black one and it performed better. I'd wait to hear that from more people cuz that might just be a placebo effect.
  4. I also just saw that the two small squares on the antenna tower (can't remember the technical name... RRU?) have green lights flashing on them. Can't recall seeing those before on others but I may not have noticed.
  5. Over the weekend I saw crews working on the tower on NW 195th St and NW 57th Ave (about 2 miles south of the turnpike). I didn't think anything of it since there are several carriers on that tower. But today I saw them working again but now there were Sprint LTE panels up! Woot! Hopefully it'll start broadcasting within the next few weeks. I also saw 4g flash on my phone going into the Walmart on Red Road just north of 826. I've never gotten 4g there and the closest to there I've gotten 4g was either further south on the south side of 826, or to the north at the Target. Not sure where that was coming from.
  6. Makes me wonder if certain runs of the phone are having more issues than others. Hardware versions, purchase locations, color... something!!
  7. Yes I remember your findings and I appreciate them! I guess I'm just wondering if there's something to the other postings. I guess I'm being overly concerned since the phone isn't for me.
  8. Sorry, I didn't want to derail the discussion here since it's about a bit of everything with the phone and I had a specific question.
  9. I've been reading more and more reports about the HTC One not being as great as holding on to a 4g signal as other phones. I know there will be some variance between phones, but this is starting to remind me of the Evo 4g LTE. I wanted to get this phone for my dad to replace his Evo Shift and take advantage of the trade-in offer, but I don't want him to have any issues, especially regarding signal. For that he can keep his current phone. Is the jury still out on whether this is an issue or not? How is the 3g performance - similar to the Evo in that regard?
  10. One way to test this is to get one of the DualPro's that are just plastic instead of the one with the aluminum finish.
  11. That stinks. In Sense 4+ you can move screens around but you can't set other screens as home. Weird.
  12. If that's the case that's awesome!
  13. I'm in this same position. Any luck with Sprint? Another friend of mine is in the same position also and they told him no.
  14. Does having a case on the phone help? Don't know if that was already answered.
  15. haha! Well it's not my upgrade but my dad's, who's got an Evo Shift. He's fine with that phone but I'm sure he wouldn't mind a new one . So I guess part of my hesitation is the lines that have upgrades will probably need them soon.
  16. Has anyone tried using this phone while running GPS? I remember the Evo had an issue with that initially where it would either overheat or drain the battery even while plugged in. I don't remember if an update or a certain charger fixed that but I no longer have that issue. With reports of this phone charging slow, has anyone seen that the charger can't keep up with the drain that GPS has?
  17. wow.... and that's in a fully deployed area? I need to stop reading this thread or else I'll end up using one of my upgrades!
  18. I'll be looking for a new phone for my mother-in-law soon since she's eligible for an upgrade. I'd like to get her off her Replenish as soon as possible!!! I'd also like her to have an all touchscreen phone, but she'll probably want a keyboard, which leaves the Mach or Photon Q. Both are kinda "meh" to me, but as long as they're reliable, good phones it'll be fine for her. She does little more than Facebook and check her email on her phone.
  19. Another slider would be nice. I know a few people that would pick it up if it was.
  20. I played with the AT&T version at a Best Buy on my way home today. Sweet phone! I like Sense 5 and look forward to whenever Evo LTE owners get that upgrade. I also thought it was interesting that the phone didn't have LTE in that area but my Evo did :-P If I didn't have the Evo I'd definitely get that phone. Since I do I'm not as compelled to use an upgrade. Oh and the speakers were pretty cool! One thing I do wonder tho..... I've been hearing about slow charging (Anandtech's review along with random reports). I wonder if that will be a problem when using GPS with the phone. I still remember with this phone how it would overheat if you didn't use the right charger with it while using GPS. Makes me wonder if that'll be an issue.
  21. That is nice! The tower on UM's campus 3g has been pretty good recently, but no 4g yet.
  22. I hope there's a newer firmware than the one that says "print" instead of "Sprint" on the notification bar!
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