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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. Qualcomm had the UMB standard which is what Verizon would have used instead of LTE if LTE hadn't made it possible for CDMA to work with LTE. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra_Mobile_Broadband
  2. I'm pretty sure there isn't removable storage but I'll bet Sprint will carry the 32GB version though. More of your money to take.
  3. Weird, I clicked on it again and the layout was completely different and much more readable.
  4. I couldn't even read that article, that ad placement is awful. I understand that they need those to stay afloat, but it shouldn't hinder the reading experience that badly.
  5. AT's mini review is live: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7251/lg-g2-and-msm8974-snapdragon-800-a-quick-look
  6. That's pretty intense, you just gotta make sure you don't break the tablets in anger when you see a golden calf.
  7. I was mainly kidding, although it does sound cool, but are you sure you're a man of letters? I was thinking more along the lines of hieroglyphs.
  8. The review should be up soon on AT so we'll soon know.
  9. Don't listen to them, AJ. You have a big heart, it's just filled full of hatred of AT&T.
  10. I think part of it has to do with how many people here know what they're talking about. So if someone comes along who pretends to know what they're talking about, when they don't, they'll get called out.
  11. I think they're already selling them in Korea already, but I'm not sure about that.
  12. What's so interesting about that? We know that it exists, we just don't know that it's coming to Sprint.
  13. I wish he didn't sign it, then I could call him WiWave, which sounds pretty cool in my opinion.
  14. One of my father's favorite quotes was: "Some people would complain if you hung them with new rope."
  15. Yes, you are exactly right. However I will avoid the term "Snapdragon 800" like the plague because it is a tier, not a specific chip.
  16. Oh I absolutely agree, I just know that Verizon won't be crying over not getting the whatever the call the next Nexus.
  17. They won't beg for mercy, from what I understand Nexus devices don't sell that well.
  18. That's the way things work though. There are people who signed up for alltel and got stuck with Verizon.
  19. That stuff happens all the time, didn't you the NCAA tournament or the NBA playoffs? lots of great basketball last season.
  20. I think Neal mentioned something about band 41 being the problem.
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