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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. As crazy as it sounds, the ISP should be considered when buying a house, IMO.
  2. I can't see whose RRU's those are, so it could be pointless.
  3. Never said I didn't.
  4. Oh, Will. You're such a tease.
  5. Depending on how it's RF capabilities there's a good chance this is my next phone. Also, AJ I just want to thank you for all work you put in here at S4GRU and even though we may tease each other and disagree on some things, you have my utmost respect.
  6. I think even 70,000 might be being generous. To me it seems like most of the sites would end up being redundant. Plus you have to agree that it would need to be at a time when they have already deployed VoLTE otherwise it would be a huge pain in the butt. Not to mention that most Sprint devices don't support AWS and most T-Mobile phones don't support any of Sprint's LTE bands. Also, why can't we have four carriers? If Sprint's network gets to where it should be it'll be fine and T-Mobile has had a decent couple of quarters so they should be sustainable unless things take a turn for the worse.
  7. I was more thinking of adding more sites, but yeah, that works too.
  8. If you're SoftBank wouldn't you be better off spending money on Sprint's network than having to pay for T-Mobile?
  9. "Who's they!? What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?!?"
  10. While I understand what you're saying, AJ what about the people who are only covered by the duopoly, do you just not have any cell phone? Also, what about people in markets like Digiblur where the Sprint network is crap, shouldn't the consumer punish a bad network and support a good one?
  11. I wonder if they're still having issues of interoperability between NV vendors.
  12. If the spec supports both I would imagine they would wait a little bit and do 12+2. Oh man, I hope it wasn't the F block. That would be unfortunate.
  13. Well I actually meant combining noncontiguous PCS blocks, but yeah you're idea is going to happen sooner. And, yes, Release 11 http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/html-info/WiVsSpec--510025.htm
  14. Ah I see, But they could use CA like Sprint will with band 41 right?
  15. Wow, it's crazy that AT&T could have a 20x20 LTE in some markets.
  16. I know AJ does, but you're no slouch yourself.
  17. Milan, how much PCS does AT&T have in those markets?
  18. No it doesn't. The purpose of 600 for T-Mobile should be similar to how Sprint is using ESMR.
  19. Don't forget that with Chicago there were incompatibilities with legacy equipment that made them speed the process up, having said that, I think your point has some truth to it.
  20. How did they get locked out though? You're forgetting a key point, legacy equipment. Also, I think both Verizon and AT&T use some Alcatel-Lucent IIRC.
  21. That's kinda crazy. Why did they limit themselves to Asia only?
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