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Bob Newhart

S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by Bob Newhart

  1. I wonder how much data would be kept off the Sprint network if people stopped doing gigabytes of speedtests I wonder?
  2. Thanks, I found it. It was a special version titled "SprintTV & Movies Galaxy Nexus" Here is the link, in case anyone else is interested. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobitv.client.sprinttvngfull
  3. Last month I got an automated email from Sprint, telling me that new firmware update will allow me to use SprintTV on the GNex phone. The app store says that the SprintTV app is not compatible, is this changing, anyone know?
  4. I have two SERO lines, my bill each month is $100 plus fees plus pretend taxes plus real taxes = $116. They make money off that, its not too much different than a non-SERO family plan. They will raise the 'fees' before the advertised plan costs, they have been doing this for years, all cell companies have.
  5. You aren't listening to people in this thread, by not using your phone's internet connection, you get to keep unlimited data... on your phone! Pretty amazing huh? And you of course get to pay for it. A lot of people on here haven't really been stuck with telco monopoly of an ISP, for example centurylink, some days it works, some days it doesn't, when it does work sometimes it lets me watch youtube, other days it too slow. Once (if, a big if) 800 Mhz LTE comes to my area, there is no way that I'm using wifi on my phone.
  6. and kills the battery in record time. Not very smart, very bad. Sent from my PC...
  7. Actually I heard the myth was if you tried it a hundred times is turns your Nexus into an iPhone, don't try it! Those steps I described do work for the Gnex, its how I got mine to update today. Patience is needed, after you stop the task.
  8. It is easy to force the update. Force stop the google services frame work in the 'all app' list, wait for the clear button to become available, select clear. Then go to system update.
  9. GrRRrrrr When I see people complaining about only getting 5 or 10 Mbps, I laugh and laugh. I asked Comcast to run cable to our town and then my home, it would cost close to $250k. I decided against it. At a town near by that has a new Sprint store, I got a good 3G speed though, best I have ever seen. http://www.speedtest.net/android/241693883.png
  10. Yep, the low caps of the VZW LTE home internet are a problem. That and that people who live in rural areas can't receive it, I have no cell coverage.
  11. I do have a SamKnows router also on my network. One big problem with this service is that it doesn't take into account when the DSL lines are down 100%, for .... days. CenturyLink DSL lines are down a lot, in my area close to 10% of the time, I think that is a high number, usually on a weekend day too. I have 2 DSL lines bonded using MLPPP, so some nights I get a combined 0.6 Mbps from using two 1.5 Mbps DSL lines. Pretty sad I know. No other choice for our home.
  12. They should start to care about wired promises first. I have complained to the FCC numerous times about the poor CenturyLink (and Qwest) DSL service that we receive, the FCC does nothing. I have also complained the WA state attorney generals office, they do nothing about the false advertising. CenturyLink advertise 1.5 Mbps DSL, yet we only receive 0.3 Mbps in the evenings and on the weekend. Their DSLAM is not fed by fibre, it is fed by 8 x T1s, this feeds several hundred houses, the DSL and the phones. I give money to the FCC every month, and receive little to no service from them. I feel if they just quietly reduce the 'service' they 'provide' and cut the fcc fees, we'd be better off.
  13. I think if Nokia released these phones running Android, they would sell really well and could even save the company.
  14. If I had roaming disabled, it wouldn't have showed that the phone was roaming, it would've shown no signal. All roaming is enabled, voice and data, it roams on Verizon daily.
  15. Can we roam on US Cellular? My phone was roaming on US Cellular in the Rainier National Park, got several bars. NetMonitor said it was US Cellular. I could not send a txt message, dial or use any data, yet it shows I was roaming. Also, when the phone (GNex) shows roaming, it doesn't display on the top status bar whether it is 3G or 1x.. how come?
  16. I have worked in buildings where they block RF leaving the building, which would also block RF entering. But jamming? I don't think so.
  17. I tried T-Mobile for a month with their monthly 5GB plan. In the big cities, speeds were really good, but in smaller cities the phone indicated the 21 Mbps connection, but never could get more than 1.5 Mbps, any time of day, which tells me they only have a single T1 for data. I wish I 'only' got that slow speed on Sprint. Their maps on their site were a pipe dream, read their good/best/better comments, mostly it seems as though good means that I have to be on a ladder on a roof with my arm stretched out. Kinda silly. They do play the 'confuse the user' with map coverage on their website, not as how bad Sprint does though, using slightly lighter shades of a light green. Use greatly different colours please, both companies. But having any phone, swapping with a SIM is great, battery life is amazing on GSM phones.
  18. I disagree. The huge advantage over a nexus device is that they lack all the bloatware that both the phone manufacturer and the cell company install on there. I equate Android on a nexus to technical Lego and Android on anything else to Duplo Lego.
  19. Thanks, just ordered two of them for our phones online via two orders. $8.07 each.
  20. The north or south of the city where the I-5 and I-405 join?
  21. Watched the Blue Angels in town this afternoon at the Lake, full 3G signal, not usable unfortunately. Sooooon it will change. Took the light rail into town, took a few minutes for the phone to have a signal once we walked out of the tunnel. Data did not show backup after 5 minutes, had to reboot phone, junky GNex, junk junk junk phone.
  22. Where about in Seattle? I haven't seen a none 3g signal in the city, awful speeds though, not really usable. If you go the rural parts of the county, it is a lot more usable.
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