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Bob Newhart

S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by Bob Newhart

  1. Pretty good. Does the PA PUC have any say in the quality of the network? For example in WA, the PUC doesn't care if the 1.5Mbps DSL provides 0.2 Mbps at night (which it does) or 0.00001 Mbps.
  2. #Uncarrier #waa #waa #Gold!!! #UnATT #etc... His twitter posts are like a 5 year old having a temper tantrum.
  3. Why underground?? hmm... At my house, we have both underground power and phone lines. We paid extra to get it to be underground to all our houses from the substation. In the winter I take a chain saw with me, as it is normal to spend time sawing through fallen trees and branches to get home.
  4. Yep, it will tell you this when it wakes up the screen. Funny thing is though that 'My Tracks', doesn't require the screen on, maybe as that is a google app.
  5. Sprint is not communicating to the general public, they have all the information, they should tell the public in very simple terms. They aren't doing this very clearly on their website.
  6. I have this error on mine too. http://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1jdenw/psa_if_you_have_netflix_read_this_before_updating/ Where when using the app, the phone just hangs and the screen never turns on. I could only fix this by powering off, then on again.
  7. My ISP speed is very poor, less than 0.6 Mbps most days, so that is why it is pretty laggy when controlling the video. It isn't meant to handle less than great (i.e: CenturyLink DSL) connections it seems.
  8. You should get an email from Best Buy with a link to get your digital download with the title "Your digital product is ready to download", gives you a link to get your code. It is an ok device, maybe it will get better. Playing Netflix from the phone isn't very user friendly. I found that the PS3-Netflix app integration is a lot smoother.
  9. After being plugged in over night, this morning I have seen a dramatic increase in speed for the Nexus7-2012. Nice, hopefully another few nights, it will be fully useable again. The article mentions that it runs the trim once every 24 hours.
  10. And this, if it is correct. http://anandtech.com/show/7185/android-43-update-brings-trim-to-all-nexus-devices
  11. In other countries the phone companies are offering bonded VDSL, speeds upto 76 Mbps on the plus net in the UK. They must be copying CenturyUnlink by calling it fibre internet, even though only part of it is. http://www.plus.net/home-broadband/package-guides/fibre-optic-broadband/#fibre-explained
  12. This is a great reason to upgrade to 4.3. http://www.androidpolice.com/2013/07/25/app-ops-android-4-3s-hidden-app-permission-manager-control-permissions-for-individual-apps/ I leave the gps enabled globally. I disabled the location access individually in many news app, makes it quicker to start the app and doesn't use the battery as much.
  13. I don't think that the US government should auction the airwaves, the money should be spent by the cell companies on actually using the airwaves, building their network. The government should give it away to companies that will use it, if they don't use it within a number of years, it should be taken back and given to someone else. As it is now, a company owns frequencies in areas that it has no intention of using.
  14. The 800 Mhz panels are those tall skinny ones that are on either side of the large 1900 Mhz panel, is that correct?
  15. I've read that its to do with the poor flash memory. I have run the app called ForeverGone, which really does help but only for a short amount of time. I'm hoping (wishfully) that 4.3 will fix it.
  16. The CPU is fast enough, install a cpu monitor app, you'll see where the bottleneck is.
  17. We could get lucky and get the 800 Mhz coverage in SE King County into Pierce County.
  18. How many people use a cell connected tablet though? Watch a few videos and the cell plan limit is reached, too spendy. I'm waiting until the reviews come out about the nexus7. My nexus7-1 is very laggy due to the cheap flash memory they put in there, it is very frustrating to use.
  19. Yep it is there. http://support.sprint.com/support/tutorial/Turn_4G_on_or_off_Samsung_Galaxy_Note_II/42955-665
  20. There isn't an additional cost to text a landline.
  21. Why? They have licenses that cover the entire county and hardly use any of them. Why should any new license be different?
  22. Not really, as you can configure the application to only upload the results when it is connected to wifi. This is the best way to run the app, if the app or any app is using EVDO cell data, it might not switch to LTE. I do that with my Sprint and AT&T phones.
  23. They can charge more, if their network warrants it.
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