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Bob Newhart

S4GRU Member
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Everything posted by Bob Newhart

  1. I do wonder, in the data used, especially when roaming, which image size goes towards the count, the pre or the post compressed image? That would be interesting if it was the pre but gave you the post. I really don't like this altering the data downloaded, what if I was wanting the real image, how can they choose it for me? So wrong. I have heard of the mifi devices having tethered devices having their images altered before.
  2. Verified it again today.The images were of higher quality, but not great. I downloaded a jpeg from my server on the Sprint cell over both 4G/3G, different towers, the file size was 87KB. I downloaded it the same Sprint cell using a VPN connected, the file size was 304KB. I downloaded it from an AT&T phone, the file size was 304KB. I downloaded it from a PC, the file size was 304KB. The images were of noticeable differences in quality, one was very good, one was meh. When did Sprint start doing this? Do all cell companies do this too? From the differences in qualities from today and yesterday, it looks like they are tuning it, my guess.
  3. These under the ongoing title. Can I make them not show up? Or do they show up because of the two icons on the notification bar?
  4. I would like an option to either disable the drop down icon or to put the icons side by side, instead of above each other. On an S3, there are too many Samsung pull down icons as it is. I like the small icons in the notification status bar.
  5. If it happens it is very easy to see. http://goo.gl/6KsMJ http://goo.gl/Xi7T2 http://goo.gl/TTBTR http://goo.gl/XL7u5 http://goo.gl/djKsL http://goo.gl/VOh4b I wonder what is going on, it is like the jpg is gradually being built, but it only gives the first pass.
  6. The video streamed from a few sites looked awful too. This would explain it. I will try it again with a vpn and/or proxy if it does it again this week. On my work AT&T nexus4, no visible issues.
  7. A speed test on that same tower was very good. http://www.speedtest.net/android/489808604.png I'm another tower now, slow speeds , but full quality images. I didn't try a vpn/proxy of my own. I have seen other reports online of people seeing similar problems.
  8. Super secret! From memory, they were 1) merge, 2) pay the fat cats more cash, 3) if not enough votes, wait for more votes
  9. What is the reason for getting very low quality images on the chrome/opera browser, bbcnews app, engadget app, other apps? This was when connected to a strong LTE signal, also tried it on 3G, same issue. Is this a temporary problem that is introduced when a tower is testing? Why is this issue introduced? Does Sprint normally alter images to reduce the bandwidth on their servers, are all images cached on their proxies? In Federal Way, WA.
  10. I voted my miniscule amount of shares today, 1) yes, 2) no, 3) yes, on their three questions.
  11. The nearest 'town' to me is Bayne, WA. It looks like Seattle is about 70 miles from the international border around Vancouver Island, Renton about 80 miles. So it'd be interesting to see if they install the 800 Mhz system out in SE King county. Today I saw contractors ripping out the underground cables from a Nextel tower that they just turned off. They removed the concrete building the other week. They really aren't leaving anything behind.
  12. You can request that no third party billing be allowed on a line, I have done this for many years, never had a charge. Do that for every line, they will do it for you. It is separate from the online password permission that you have set. The charge on that line could be a scam item too, not originated from your daughter. Very common. The phones that you have, the less reason for insurance too. If you're paying $40+ per month, that is a the price of a new phone each year that you're paying for.
  13. Ugh! With all the trees around here, I was hoping for an increase in voice signal coverage. Are they working on this issue with the Canadian Government? Do we have a detailed map of which towers that the cdma 800 Mhz will be deployed on? I'm about an hour SE of Seattle.
  14. So the Seattle area is getting no 800 Mhz signal? What about the areas that get iDEN on 800 Mhz right now?
  15. There is an Android app that lists the TMO towers.
  16. With my Airave 2.0, my old GNex used to show 3G, but now with an S3 it shows 1X most of the time, strange.
  17. Flagship, when did this become the cell companies favourite word? It is used more than the word 'literally' these days, and mostly used incorrectly.
  18. 10 cents per minute. Its a good deal, as people talk less and less. If they had better coverage (any 1/2/3/4/G), more people including me would switch to this plan.
  19. Prices might come down, but 'fees and surcharges' will continue to go up, 61 cents at a time.
  20. I do wonder though if the phone is programmed to search for the 1900 Mhz signal over the 800 Mhz signal, and that will end up working like today where if its roaming it continually looks for a Sprint signal, killing the battery and becoming a pocket warmer.
  21. Its pretty good in Felony Way, but once you get off the main freeway/roads it drops off. http://www.speedtest.net/android/463565161.png
  22. I have been in contact with the developer about this and another issue. He fixed them after I tested a beta version on my phone. thanks
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