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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I think they will release it without much hurrah about LTE. They are likely not going to draw much attention to the infancy of the LTE network at this stage. That's my guess. Robert
  2. That is just completely future speculation on my part. Just based on the perceived popularity of the Note, it seems natural that there will also be a GS3 variant of the Note in the not too distant future. Robert
  3. None of the Nextel iDEN towers are moving to Sprint. They all are slated for decommissioning. Only the Nextel 800MHz spectrum will be moving over to Sprint CDMA sites. Robert
  4. to S4GRU.com. I'm your host! Hope to see you around. Robert
  5. Official sites do penetrate better. Good observation! But it's not because of the frequency set used. Protection sites are deployed with little to no downtilt. The panels are pointed out 90 degrees straight out from the tower to maximize coverage area. This is good for creating a large coverage circle on a map that you showcase to the FCC to "protect" your license, but not good in actually being usable to the people on the ground, or especially inside buildings. The whole point of the protection site isn't to give people service, but rather to protect their license from being revoked by the FCC for failing to meet minimum coverage standards. If you can actually use the signal, then they just consider that bonus. Also, Protection Sites will give you better coverage from higher buildings and hills and mountains than you will from being on the ground. That's because if you are up in the air, those panels are pointed right at you. That's the reason why there is a difference between Protection Sites and Standard WiMax Deployments. Most people don't even notice the difference. Good job. Robert
  6. It's interesting how Phandroid was the first to doubt us on the GNex article where we stated the 4/15 date, but they are first to take credit on the 4/15 date now. What? No Phandroid retraction? No giving S4GRU credit for breaking the 4/15 date story first? Robert
  7. I reported about Sprint LTE speeds in early testing in this article: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-83-new-network-visionlte-deployment-details-and-central-jersey-market-work-is-under-way-with-several-sites-live/ Go down to Item #3 near the bottom of the article. Performance is not as fast as Verizon, but it's fast enough that you can't possibly notice any difference in speeds on a smartphone. Only in tethering would you notice the speed difference. But Sprint's LTE speeds will still be faster than most people have for their personal home ISP. Robert
  8. Don't jump off the bridge, yet. New rumors today make it sound like the GNex will be for sale in stores on Sunday (just like we reported). Maybe the Viper too? We will know soon enough. Robert
  9. I have recently seen some of the Backhaul contract awards. To me it appears that the contracts for the backhaul put the entire burden on the vendor. They provide a complete package. Ethernet via AAV, Microwave, fiber...whatever. Then NV OEM's take the ethernet connection left for them at every site and connect it all up. How the vendor gets the ethernet to the site is largely up to them. I imagine each backhaul vendor will have their own microwave schemes and you will see tons of variability between vendors. Robert
  10. I do hope the Note comes to Sprint sooner than later. We have seen the LTE Lab/FIT device reports and schedule through September. So it would have had to be a new decision, and then be slotted to get into the LTE labs. However, if it was not a LTE device, then it wouldn't go through the LTE lab and FIT testing. I think the Note is a very exciting device. However, I don't put much hope in a LTE Note hitting Sprint soon. And further, I think by the time it could get to market, the Note will be too old. Might as well try for the first round of the next GSIII based Note. If I am wrong, I will still be very happy! Robert
  11. S4GRU

    IOWA is here.

    to S4GRU. Hope to see you around. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  12. That's not quite how testing schedules work. Especially on a device that has never been on CDMA. An accelerated lab schedule for a device that already runs on a similar network would be more like 30 to 45 days. But given this device has never been in a network like Sprints, it would likely be longer. And then, after testing, the quickest it could get to market is another 30 days. They don't start final assembly plans until after lab testing. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  13. Because our sources are just that good. S4GRU doesn't report on rumors and speculation, or even verbal communiques from intelligent sounding people. We report on hard evidence we receive directly from within. I feel so good, I think I am going to eat a steak dinner tonight! Robert
  14. You keep saying June...but Sprint said Mid Year. I define Mid Year as between May 15 - August 15, myself. Not June 1st. Also, don't be so darn pessimistic. It depends on how you define things. Sprint will have live LTE service in 10 markets before the end of June. And it's our plan to provide coverage maps of them, so you can keep track of progress (like we did with the interactive Atlanta LTE coverage map that's in the Premier Sponsor section). When Sprint announces a market as launched or "live" is semantical, since their plan is to announce when 50% of the sites are live. At 50% coverage, the market will have pretty decent saturation of coverage. The last 50% that continues after a market is announced will just be fill in coverage. It will just get even better and better after launch. However, there will be millions of people covered with pre-launch LTE in yet to be announced markets. And we will try to cover it like we did the WiMax Protection Sites. Keeping our members up to speed with the progress. You guys will likely know much more about a market's coverage than Sprint will even say at the official market launches anyway. Robert
  15. It's not a Nevada thing. Washoe, Douglas, Carson City and Churchill County schools are very good in the North. However, Nye and Clark Counties probably are what you are referring to.
  16. S4GRU

    Hello Everyone

    Ditto. In fact, here is the S4GRU Mission Statement, "To provide a forum for discussion and education about wireless spectrum, networks, and Sprint Network Vision, in particular, in an online community that is mature, intelligent, and free from uncritical negativity."
  17. The way wireless companies divy up their markets is a giant mystery. But Sprint does appear to have the largest markets by far. Robert
  18. Second Round markets were originally scheduled to start between July and December 2012. Now some are starting a little early, in May and June. But these early markets are not in NC. Stay tuned to S4GRU for more updates. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  19. Also, here is an article on Charlotte: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-82-austin-charlotte-are-scheduled-to-be-in-the-second-round-of-sprint-network-visionlte-deployment-in-2012/ Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
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