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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Deval: Though the geek talk is a little difficult to sort through, the EVO LTE does support SVDO and SVLTE by all indications from the FCC docs. Robert
  2. Yeah, I just read the article. I think we need to accelerate our article as we have more "nerdy" details than what's being provided about 800 from Sprint and also we have more detailed schedule info. Sprint is being very vague about the 800 LTE schedule. They just keep saying "by 2014." I understand why, its a long ways out. Why be specific to month and year for something that far into the future? You are creating unnecesary accountability/expectations. And the truth is, it is a juggling act. However, S4GRU can be specific. Because we report what we see. And if it changes, we will report that too. And maybe having both an official Sprint info release and a S4GRU behind the scenes release in tandem is a very good thing for Sprint customers? It gives them the range, the actual schedule versus Sprint's worst case scenario. Customers want information. And they can understand changes, if they are explained in the right way. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  3. Auto Zone Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  4. Thats the kicker. It will be challenging for Clearwire LTE partners who dont have their own LTE networks. Clearwire will be a good solution for extra capacity for existing LTE networks, but not much else. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  5. Thats a good strategy. Next years devices are more likely to be even more expensive than this years, with more bands/antennas crammed in them. And possible inflation. I would also likely buy this year and contract upgrade next year if I was in your shoes. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  6. Subaru Brat Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  7. I think it's both. Even though technologically it could be overcome now, why spend the money to push it now? And since the FCC isn't permitting LTE on 800 now, it doesn't really matter. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  8. I don't know what your question is. I know what all those words mean, but together it doesn't make sense. Please elaborate. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  9. S4GRU


    There are no devices currently than can handle LTE aggregated carriers. There are also no LTE aggregated carriers either. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  10. I once read it described that 65% of Sprint data issues were backhaul, 30% are capacity issues (need more carriers), and 5% were spectrum constraints. The first two will be fixed by Network Vision. The last one will only be fixed with more spectrum or smaller cell deployment in affected areas. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  11. Spy Hunter Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  12. S4GRU


    It is 10MHz channels. Meaning 10x10. Its no typo. Its intentional. We are working through some more details and corroborations. Hopefully we can write an article about it in the next week. Your eyes are not deceiving you. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  13. welding machine Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  14. LTE 800 equipment? I can't say definitively. I have seen docs that say both things. Sometimes when things look conflicting, it's not that one is right and the other is wrong. More likely, it changed from one to the other. However, even if they are not, it's just adding a 800 LTE carrier in the rack. All the other equipment, and I mean all of it, from the antennas/panels, radios, sweeps, cabinets, racks, backhaul...I mean everything, will be in place for 800 LTE. It will take a field tech a few hours per site to get 800 LTE up and running after the fact. It will almost be plug and play. Then testing. So it doesn't matter a whole lot if 800 LTE is in place now or when it goes live in 2013. However, 800 1xAdvanced carriers are being installed right now in Network Vision. And they will be going live a lot sooner. They will be migrating enough iDEN space to clear room for one 1xA carrier at every site. As soon as iDEN is cleared enough space in every market, 800 CDMA will be lit up without rolling. Essentially just flipping a switch. Robert
  15. I have not seen the numbers on a month by month basis. But I would guess based on what I know that there will be more Clearwire sites live than 800 initially. That assumes Clearwire stays on schedule. However, 800 LTE deployment will be fast. Most of the work will already be done. Robert
  16. You should PM some of our sponsors and see if they feel they get a benefit from sponsorship. I have never had negative feedback from any of them. But you are the master of your wallet. I can respect that. Robert
  17. You are making the assumption that Clearwire TD-LTE is coming online before 800 LTE. That is a faulty assumption. Robert
  18. How will people know to become a sponsor if we don't tell them what benefit they get from it? The threshold for becoming a sponsor is pretty darn low. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/page/index.html/_/announcements/s4gru-member-ranks-and-groups-r20 We are a not for profit site. The costs to run S4GRU are paid by our sponsor members. They even pay for the free content that people enjoy and all of our articles. I don't think our requests for sponsorship is unreasonable. Robert
  19. By 2014. S4GRU knows it is launching sooner. We will have an article about it soon. Robert
  20. I can understand the wait and see method. I just want to help set your mind at ease. Based on the testing data we have seen, I feel very good. Sprint's LTE will not be faster than Verizons. But it will be better than WiMax in speeds, and it will be much better than WiMax in coverage. No matter how you slice it, Network Vision results in across the board improvements for the Sprint network in every measurable category. Whether that will be enough improvement for your needs, well you will have to decide that. However, count me as excited! Robert
  21. S4GRU


    I haven't read it yet myself. I'm looking forward to doing that tonight when I get home. I am trusting in AJ's account thus far. Which has never lead me astray yet. Robert
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