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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I think it's the opposite. I think that production slipped slightly to where they needed to push out to the 22nd, but they are scrambling to put up the preorder to legitimize the 15th date. They want people excited about Sprint and they want the positive unsubstantiated info to look legit. Builds excitement about Sprint. Robert
  2. The capacity of Sprint's LTE will be half, but Sprint has half the customers. Capacity will not be an issue. Not only because the size of a 5x5 LTE carrier is less, but also, Sprint has a very solid plan for additional LTE carriers for more capacity. Also note that AT&T has 5x5 LTE carriers in many markets. They do not have enough spectrum to put 10x10 LTE in every market in the country. Only 1/3 of the country in fact. I would take Sprint's 5x5 nationwide over AT&T's hodge podge of 700 LTE spectrum, myself. You will likely only know when NV is in place by following S4GRU. We keep maps in our Sponsor area showing all the completed Network Vision sites. An example from the Houston area is below:
  3. Thanks for the post. I didn't see anything new that we didn't already know, except for possibly this: I wasn't aware of any new announcements regarding the RCA. This is good news, and I eagerly await this info. And this quote brought a huge smile to my face: Robert
  4. I too am guilty of shameless self-promotion. What are hide tags? Robert
  5. There are all kinds of different definitions. LTE is currently live at sites in DFW, Waco, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, New Jersey, San Antonio, Kansas City/Olathe, St. Joseph and probably also in Baltimore, Washington DC, New York City, Boston and LA. And more are being added every day. We have a map in our Sponsors section that shows every live Network Vision site in the country. However, markets won't start launching for a month or two. Sprint wants to have good coverage in an area before the proclaim that a market is "launched". Before formal launch, they are advising customers that they may "discover" LTE in their area in advance, and they are welcome to use it. S4GRU is in the process of creating coverage maps for these pre-launch areas now. Stay tuned. Robert
  6. S4GRU

    sprint gnex

    From the album: Article Photos

  7. by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Monday, April 16, 2012 - 8:29 AM MDT I woke up this morning to AndroidCentral.com proclaiming to us all that Sprint's Galaxy Nexus is now available for pre-order. Talk about a soft launch! Pricing is $199 on contract, as has been said the past few weeks. Looks like the device will be available in stores on April 22nd. It sounds like pre-orders can get into the hands of customers even slightly earlier by their language. Seems consistent with our story we broke back a month ago. This is a good day. Anyone planning to be one of the first with GNex? Thanks to S4GRU Member newboyx for the notification. Source: AndroidCentral.com
  8. toy store Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  9. Thanks for joining S4GRU. Hope to see you around! Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  10. heavy lifting Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  11. Micro Machines Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  12. ATTENTION S4GRU MEMBERS! WE HAVE A LIVE ONE...err, two! I was going through my latest list of live NV sites, and I came across two sites labeled with CDMA 800. All the NV completed sites to date have been labeled CDMA 1900 or LTE 1900. Does this mean that the 1xAdvanced carrier is active on Channel 476 on these two sites? It looks like it! If you are in the Chicago area, have a 800 SMR capable device and have the skills to install our 800 CDMA PRL, then please drive out to the Rochelle/De Kalb area and try to connect to these 800MHz CDMA sites on Channel 476. This is some crazy exciting stuff for the wireless nerd! If you are going to give it a try, let me know before you head out there. The suspense is killing me. See the map of the site locations in question below. Robert Click Map to Enlarge
  13. How many towers are on this site? Holy moly!!! Here is the info I have on this site: MARKET: Boston OEM: Alcatel Lucent SITE ID: BS43XC845 SITE STRUCTURE TYPE: Monopole LATITUDE: 42.26906 LONGITUDE: -71.61033 SITE RTE TEST EC: 4/20/2012 SITE RTE TEST AC: RRU INSTALL EC: 4/20/2012 RRU INSTALL AC: 3/7/2012 3G CNSTRCTN CMPLT EC: 3/19/2012 3G CNSTRCTN CMPLT AC: 3/24/2012 4G CNSTRCTN CMPLT EC: 4/25/2012 4G CNSTRCTN CMPLT AC: 3G 1900 ON AIR EC: 3/15/2012 3G 1900 ON AIR AC: 3/8/2012 MW ON AIR EC: 4/23/2012 MW ON AIR AC: 4G 1900 ON AIR EC: 4/24/2012 4G 1900 ON AIR AC: 3G 800 ON AIR EC: TBD 3G 800 ON AIR AC: 4G 800 ON AIR EC: TBD 4G 800 ON AIR AC: SITE DEINSTALL EC: 6/2/2012 SITE DEINSTALL AC
  14. I too share some frustration that devices this year do not support 800 LTE. But I have gotten over it now. I think my biggest concern about not having 800 LTE was capacity issues. I don't want to have a device that is stuck on the sole 1900 LTE carrier that is full, when a completely unburdened 800 LTE carrier goes live that I won't be able to access. But now that I know that Sprint has plans for more 1900 LTE carriers, that doesn't seem like such a big deal anymore. Robert
  15. I think Sprint was planning 800 LTE sooner, and now is pushing it out. Now that Sprint has pushed 800 LTE out another six months, should they try to stick some temp 800 EVDO carriers in there? Heck no. Robert
  16. Thanks for the thread. I actually came across your website and read your posting earlier in the week. Sprint has a combined 800/1900 panel in Network Vision. They are not separate anymore. The large one in the middle of each sector is the new NV panel. It is connected to the RRU. The smaller ones out at the ends are likely legacy panels. They will be removed later. Typically 30 to 45 days after all the work on the site is complete. At most sites, 800 CDMA will go live on Channel 476 later in the year, but not at initial NV deployment. They are still clearing iDEN out of the way to free up Channel 476 for the new 1xA carriers being installed in NV. Respond with the exact location of this site, either GPS coords or nearest cross streets and I will tell you some more schedule info on this site. And welcome to S4GRU! Robert
  17. Because Sprint can't start deploying EVDO carriers on 800 until Fall (just like 1xA). So they would be spending a lot of money to deploy something for less than one years use. Because in less than 12 months they will need to vacate those carriers for LTE800 in that spectrum. A lot of wasted money for carriers that are going to be in use for less than 12 months. Sprint doesn't have the luxury for additional expenses. Also, they would have to vacate more iDEN channels than they are planning now. Sprint is only vacating enough room for Channel 476 in the iDEN thinning. And that is going for the 1xA carrier. These devices only have EVDO 800 capability, because they are coming naturally with it. Why block it? Also, in the future, Sprint will have some weird little pieces of 800 spectrum left over in some markets with irregular sized spectrum holdings. They may be able to take a EVDO carrier that can be used for these devices in those instances. Robert
  18. Clearwire does not have 150MHz nationwide. Their EBS spectrum is highly variable. Some markets they have as little as 60-70MHz. I would say it's more like 100MHz on average. The most they have in any market is 140MHz. And that's only in a couple of markets. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  19. psychological profile Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  20. Are you petite? I can fit my 7" tablet in my cargo pant pockets. I can fit the Note in most of my pants pockets. I never wear skinny jeans. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
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