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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. It is a device feature. Many Sprint phones will allow surfing WiMax or WiFi and talking on the phone. The LG Viper and Galaxy Nexus will allow LTE and talking on the phone (SVLTE). And the new EVO LTE will allow 3G, LTE and WiFi simulatenously while talking on the phone (SVDO and SVLTE). Robert
  2. Don't expect to see S4GRU invited to Overland Park any time soon. AJ is now guilty by association. Agreed. However, anecdotally it appears to be deploying this way looking at completed NV site maps. Except in LA, where it is right in the middle of the market. Robert
  3. This is the same exact site (KC60XC009) at Black Bob Park in Olathe, KS that AJ visited when he filed this article for S4GRU! Robert
  4. I've increased this now. It was set to 10 by default. Robert
  5. You know, now that you mention it... Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  6. I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure they are tested in Apple labs only. Apple doesn't let those suckers out of their grip unless they have to. That's one of the chief reasons why there is virtually zero leaked info. Heck, if they ended up in Sprint labs, even I might know about it! And Apple could never let that happen. Robert
  7. I had someone PM me today and tell me they follow every post I make around the forums to see what I say. They said they learned more from picking up little info crumbs I scatter all over the place than they do from articles. Although it was kind of creepy to realize you are being cyber stalked around your own forums, I did think it was kind of clever. So, who else follows my posts really closely to see if they can glean some unreleased information? Hoping for morsels of additional info? Robert
  8. If they will be releasing to Sprint at that time too, then it was extremely covert. So covert that it never went through Sprint's LTE labs, even. Which isn't unprecedented, because Apple devices don't go through Sprint labs for advance testing. However, all previous Samsung devices have, so this would be the first to go through covert stealth mode. We will have to see. I would love for it to happen. However, I am skeptical that we will see the GS3 on Sprint before Fall. Robert
  9. ##DEBUG# in your phone dialer. Does not work with some custom ROMs, like anything from Cyanogen. Most devices, you will need your MSL #. Robert
  10. Can't get backhaul to support it at the site location. Could not negotiate changing the leases with the site owner. Zoning changes that allow grandfathered operations but not new operations. And I am sure there are others. However, it is such a small fraction of sites that will not get LTE 1900 that is almost not worth noting. Robert
  11. Although it's off topic, below is a screen shot overseeing completed NV sites in the Boston market. Sponsors can actually view this map in detail, pan/zoon around and click on sites by visiting this page.
  12. Sooner. I believe they will push a PRL that will run on 800 CDMA in the near future. Robert
  13. I do like the idea. Any thing we do to move in a responsible direction is good. I just think it's a fine line. If you push too hard, it will backfire. Robert
  14. I'm in waiting mode. I have not seen any plans of this occurring, only evidence of it. Robert
  15. Yes. Once the PRL is updated in the future to run on it. Or you download ours. Robert
  16. Just to clarify, Sprint is adding LTE 1900 to 99%+ of all their sites nationwide. The only places they are not is in the handful of places they cannot. Less than 100 sites. Sprint will be installing LTE 800 later in 2013 at approx. 80% of their sites. There are places they cannot install 800 LTE because they do not have enough spectrum, or other licensing or logistics constraints. Sprint is working with Clearwire to have LTE 2600 starting to go on sites in 2013 as well for additional capacity. Robert
  17. We did get a report. Was likely testing, since these two sites are the first ones to show live in the Sprint system. Sort of. They cannot deploy 800 CDMA on Channel 476 until enough iDEN channels have been cleared out of the way for it to be used. It appears that Sprint is removing some iDEN carriers this year, just enough to deploy 800 CDMA on Channel 476 in most markets. This will substantially improve voice coverage in advance of full iDEN decommissioning. Please post a screen shot of your Debug screen the next time you connect. Would love to see some verification of 800 CDMA live in your area. Thanks! Robert
  18. I guess that's possible. However, that just seems crazy to me. But Sprint is really pushing this Eco thing. That could really backfire though. There are very few things less environmentally responsible than smartphones. So what if one has a slightly less carbon foot print? If you push it too hard to the evironmentalist set, they will push back and say it's the difference between a H1 Hummer and a H2 Hummer. And they would be right. Robert
  19. Totally bogus. I was just talking about this here: http://s4gru.com/ind...2362#entry12362 Granted he now has a new video which at least coincides with the timing where LTE testing could be done. However, it still far exceeds the speeds Sprint, Samsung, A/L and Ericsson have observed in ideal situations in FIT testing. Bogus. Robert
  20. According to my data, the 3G isn't live from this site. Only LTE. So the 3G on the site would be connected to legacy backhaul and the LTE would be connected to the new backhaul. That may be why. For some reason, many Ericsson sites have the LTE live before the 3G in Network Vision. Samsung has the opposite going on. Maybe it has to do with equipment deliveries. I'm not certain. Robert
  21. Thanks! This post is what alerted me to write our article. You posted it only 3 minutes after AndroidCentral put up the link. Awesome!!!! Robert
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