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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. No bueno! Why would it be different than WiMax devices and SERO? It shouldn't be! Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  2. VZW is smart and shrewd. The cable cos are outdated dinosaurs. I have a feeling we already know who wins in this setup. If the cablecos could think long term, Sprint is a better partnership. However, only looking through the wireless porthole of 2011-2012, Sprint/Clearwire seems like a bad idea. VZW will always come up roses. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  3. I sent you a PM. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  4. Emo Cutter Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  5. I think that's accurate. I live next to a Sprint site in New Mexico. As I change sectors around the tower, the Base ID changes. The Base IDs are in no way connected to Sprint Site ID's. The only way you can connect the two is geographically through GPS coords. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  6. I am a high level bureaucrat on a state level. Do not give your government so much credit. I see every day assumptions, misused numbers, miscalculations, misunderstandings, errors, ineptitude, and the list goes on and on. Just because the FCC somewhere officially in a database or in an application has the right number, doesn't mean the committee overseeing the application will use those numbers in making their decision. Do you know how many legislative and/or committee meetings where I have heard public officials quote statistics they have heard from the media instead of the official ones they should be using? Countless. My idea I put forth is more than plausible and is based on my personal experiences. But I recognize its only a theory. There is no definitive way to know what VZW is up to unless they tell us. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  7. They offer upgraded support for customers who will sign an exclusivity agreement with them. Which means dumping Forum Runner. I like being able to offer both apps for our members. And I personally prefer Forum Runner. In fact, I am using it right now. But I know many of our members prefer Tapatalk. So I want to be able to offer both. Many sites use one or the other because of this reason. Robert Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  8. My tower map only says that 3G is live at the Network Vision sites that are complete in the Boston market. Because the site list from Sprint only had 3G checked. However, it's possible that 4G LTE is indeed live, but it is not getting checked off in the Boston market database. I'm looking for confirmation from Members in Chicago and Boston once they start getting LTE devices. Robert
  9. I think while Verizon is trying to get their spectrum deal approved, they will be intentionally understating their subscriber numbers, or making them sound less than they are. Keep pushing just the retail numbers publicly. It may be a strategy, since their other performance indicators are so high, why talk up the subscribers numbers too? If the FCC is constantly hearing numbers less than 100M, makes Verizon seem less formidable than over 100M. That 100M threshold is huge. Even if just psychological. That's just my opinion. Robert
  10. For some devices, NetMonitor will be a better app than CDMA Field Test. Robert
  11. S4GRU

    Server Issues

    As most of you probably experienced today, we ran into server issues with IP Board. IP Board sets limits on the amount of simultaneous server activity that is permissible based on the account type you have. Back on January 24th, when I signed up for IP Board, I selected their lowest hosting package. As popularity in S4GRU grew, we were "automatically upgraded" to higher and higher hosting plans. S4GRU is now so popular, we are on an Advanced hosting plan. Advanced hosting plans come with dedicated servers. However, unbeknownst to me, I have to ask IP Board to migrate us to the new higher performance servers that we are paying for. Today, the consequence of my inaction was discovered. Since we were on the economy "shared" servers, we were consistently exceeding our maximum allowable simultaneous usage limits, and IP Board kept taking us offline. It took a few hours for IP Board to discover the problem. They initially thought it was caused by aggressive indexing bots. After discovering that we needed to migrate to new servers, I went ahead and pulled the trigger. It takes a few hours to migrate our site over to our new higher performance servers and for the DNS caching to catch up, so normally that would have been done after hours to impact the least amount of users. However, in this instance, our site kept going down. So I asked them to do it immediately and get it over with. This way we would be back online through the prime evening hours tonight. I apologize for the inconvenience. But as long as we allow the site to grow, there will be growing pains, like this one. Thanks for your patience during this ordeal. Robert
  12. Agreed. However, the roaming issue is supposed to be solved very soon. I'm uncertain about the reconnecting after 3G one. Robert
  13. to S4GRU. Information is what we are all about. You are in the right place. Robert
  14. Roberto, I am going to remove your thread. Thanks for posting, though! Glad so many of our members are paying close attention. Rober
  15. All Nextel iDEN sites will be decommissioned. The only variable is when. About one third in 2012, the last two thirds in 2013. Robert
  16. You will have to pardon us. S4GRU has grown so fast and we are just not a well tuned machine for use by the mainstream. In many ways, we function like a club, and it can come off like a clique from someone on the outside looking in. We are experiencing some growing pains. Sponsor sections were not created to get people to part with their money, but rather, we created these sections for our Sponsors who were so generous to support our site. All of the premium content for our site is in the Forum section. So, the PayPal donation section is there. If you click on The Forums tab, go up to the right hand corner of the page, you will see the PayPal donation area. Thank you for considering a donation to S4GRU. Robert
  17. It may be that their insurer has raised their premiums. I hear a lot of phone insurance fraud claims around forums (not ours of course). That's the cost of a morally degrading society. The rest of us have higher insurance premiums. Robert
  18. I don't have any knowledge about it. Maybe someone else does... Robert
  19. Tapatalk told me that it was going to be resolved in 2.0. It did not resolve. I wrote them an e-mail. They basically said unless I dump Forum Runner, then they will not be able to give us that level of support. I hate ultimatums. If I didn't have so many members that prefer Tapatalk, I would have removed them right then. That was a ridiculous answer. I'm sorry. Robert
  20. Yes, the grass is always magenta'er on the other side. Robert
  21. I bought CLWR at $1.61. Wish I was paying attention at $1.52, I would hsve doubled down. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
  22. Sprint is projecting steady 20%+ iDEN subscriber losses quarter after quarter until complete iDEN shut down. This is the main source of post paid subscriber losses. Sprint is not retaining iDEN subscribers at the rate they were hoping. The plan was to get them to move to Sprint Direct Connect or normal business CDMA accounts. However, competitors, especially ATT, have been very aggressive trying to pick up Nextel customers. Especially medium and large business customers. After iDEN customers are migrated to CDMA, or all gone, you will finally see the end of the trend of postpaid subscriber losses. Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner
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