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Sprint Galaxy Nexus available for pre-order now...physically available on April 22nd

by Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Monday, April 16, 2012 - 8:29 AM MDT


I woke up this morning to AndroidCentral.com proclaiming to us all that Sprint's Galaxy Nexus is now available for pre-order. Talk about a soft launch!


Pricing is $199 on contract, as has been said the past few weeks. Looks like the device will be available in stores on April 22nd. It sounds like pre-orders can get into the hands of customers even slightly earlier by their language. Seems consistent with our story we broke back a month ago. This is a good day.


Anyone planning to be one of the first with GNex?




Thanks to S4GRU Member

newboyx for the notification.



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Sprint releasing two LTE phones next weekend. Does that means some of the early markets will go live in May?



The GNex is a great phone and this is a great deal at $200 (vs. $300 at Verizon) plus the $50 Google Wallet credit. That being said, I think the HTC Evo 4G LTE sounds like a better overall device (screen, camera, processor). All that being said, I think I'll wait to hear what Samsung is bringing when they have the next Galaxy event on May 3rd...

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Be careful with the Nexus antenna. Research reviews-plenty of complaints.

My son is on VZW, and got a Nexus. Download speeds were terrible on my home WiFi (8 mbps). He swapped out for a Maxx, and it was night and day (25 mbps). I'm assuming that translates to 3G/4G out in the real world.



Sprint releasing two LTE phones next weekend. Does that means some of the early markets will go live in May?


There are all kinds of different definitions. LTE is currently live at sites in DFW, Waco, Houston, Atlanta, Chicago, New Jersey, San Antonio, Kansas City/Olathe, St. Joseph and probably also in Baltimore, Washington DC, New York City, Boston and LA. And more are being added every day. We have a map in our Sponsors section that shows every live Network Vision site in the country.


However, markets won't start launching for a month or two. Sprint wants to have good coverage in an area before the proclaim that a market is "launched". Before formal launch, they are advising customers that they may "discover" LTE in their area in advance, and they are welcome to use it. S4GRU is in the process of creating coverage maps for these pre-launch areas now. Stay tuned.



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They probably just pushed it back a week to screw with everyone who had pegged the correct launch date lol.



They probably just pushed it back a week to screw with everyone who had pegged the correct launch date lol.


I think it's the opposite. I think that production slipped slightly to where they needed to push out to the 22nd, but they are scrambling to put up the preorder to legitimize the 15th date. They want people excited about Sprint and they want the positive unsubstantiated info to look legit. Builds excitement about Sprint.



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I will be picking this up for my wife, and getting the Evo 4G LTE for myself. Now if Sprint would get around to upgrading the tower 100 feet from my house...

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They probably just pushed it back a week to screw with everyone who had pegged the correct launch date lol.


Call me lame but I think part of the reason Sprint pushed the launch of the GNex and Viper to 4/22 to coincide with Earth Day. It makes total sense that Sprint would be launching an eco-friendly phone in the Viper on Earth Day. But I also believe that production issues could have contributed to the 1 week launch delay for both the Viper and GNex.



Call me lame but I think part of the reason Sprint pushed the launch of the GNex and Viper to 4/22 to coincide with Earth Day. It makes total sense that Sprint would be launching an eco-friendly phone in the Viper on Earth Day. But I also believe that production issues could have contributed to the 1 week launch delay for both the Viper and GNex.


I guess that's possible. However, that just seems crazy to me. But Sprint is really pushing this Eco thing. That could really backfire though. There are very few things less environmentally responsible than smartphones. So what if one has a slightly less carbon foot print?


If you push it too hard to the evironmentalist set, they will push back and say it's the difference between a H1 Hummer and a H2 Hummer. And they would be right.





When I was at the Sprint Advocates Group Event last September it was stated that the environmental movement within the Sprint/Nextel organization is driven by Dan Hesse personally. The eco-friendly devices are a small part of Sprint's efforts that include: alternative energy sources, environmentally friendly marketing materials, device buyback or possibly trade-in programs (goal is to recover 9 devices for every 10 devices sold by 2017), and other internal programs designed to reduce, reuse, recycle e-waste generated by Network and IT departments.

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When I was at the Sprint Advocates Group Event last September it was stated that the environmental movement within the Sprint/Nextel organization is driven by Dan Hesse personally. The eco-friendly devices are a small part of Sprint's efforts that include: alternative energy sources, environmentally friendly marketing materials, device buyback or possibly trade-in programs (goal is to recover 9 devices for every 10 devices sold by 2017), and other internal programs designed to reduce, reuse, recycle e-waste generated by Network and IT departments.


I do like the idea. Any thing we do to move in a responsible direction is good. I just think it's a fine line. If you push too hard, it will backfire.





I guess that's possible. However, that just seems crazy to me. But Sprint is really pushing this Eco thing. That could really backfire though. There are very few things less environmentally responsible than smartphones. So what if one has a slightly less carbon foot print?If you push it too hard to the evironmentalist set, they will push back and say it's the difference between a H1 Hummer and a H2 Hummer. And they would be right.Robert


Hahaha...I knew I would get some response flak for my theory. In all seriousness, I don't think the delay was focused on being eco-friendly but rather that Sprint just wanted to delay it as long as it could even for 1 more week so that it gives all 3 vendors 1 extra week to build out as many NV towers as it can. Right now as we know that the LTE build out is very very small and the hope is that by the time Sprint decides to launch some markets hopefully by end of June that there are at least a thousand or 2 NV sites.



Im going to be waiting for the LTE iphone. Hopefully Sprint will get it.



any evidence showing that this device will also have an embedded lte sim like the evo lte and viper do?



Be careful with the Nexus antenna. Research reviews-plenty of complaints.My son is on VZW, and got a Nexus. Download speeds were terrible on my home WiFi (8 mbps). He swapped out for a Maxx, and it was night and day (25 mbps). I'm assuming that translates to 3G/4G out in the real world.


He probably had a defective device, or inconsistant testing locations. My GNex is faster on Wi-Fi than my wife's RAZR MAXX. Most if not all of the complaints about weak antenna's are coming straight from the difference between the signal that Gingerbread reports and ICS reports. GB reports the 1x signal when you are connected to LTE, where ICS reports the LTE signal.



any evidence showing that this device will also have an embedded lte sim like the evo lte and viper do?


This picture would certainly make it look like the SIM is embedded. Not sure if this is an authentic pic of a production device though.


as opposed to the GSM and Verizon versions


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