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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. It's a bummer it doesn't support AC WiFi. Everything should anymore, IMHO. Robert
  2. Band 26 is an LTE band. Specifically LTE on 800MHz. There is no Band 26 deployed in Modesto, yet. However, there is CDMA with 800MHz. But the CDMA band class for 800MHz SMR is 10. CDMA is expressed in "Band Class" and LTE is expressed in "Band." Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  3. They just need 98 other Shentels, and they'd be set. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  4. I would have thought it was much higher. I thought I remember them saying once that their own fiber was the largest source of backhaul they have. But relying completely on my memory for something I haven't seen or heard for a long time is rarely a good idea. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  5. I think Sprint has too much to lose if it goes through or not. They either will not be successful and lose valuable time being distracted with a buyout and a valuable break up fee that will only strengthen a competitor or they are successful and have to make crippling concessions and spectrum dispositions. It's hard to imagine Sprint coming out a winner and being in a position of strength over the duopoly. Even if it is successful, the feds will make sure AT&T and Verizon get a chunk of the New New Sprint's spectrum that make it nearly an even playing field spectrum wise. Except the new emerged Sprint/Tmo will be at a disadvantage with low frequency spectrum and coverage. It would just be two strong companies and a weaker one. A combined Sprint needs a strong spectrum advantage where they can lord over high speed unlimited to compete against the duopoly, gaining subscribers and allowing it to expand coverage to match AT&T and Verizon. A weakened third competitor will not likely to be able to expand coverage. I just don't see a healthy conclusion for Sprint in making a bid for Tmo from the info known now. The only way this works is if the Feds allowed it to happen without much divestiture. I don't see that happening. And the DOJ is on watch. They shot across the bow just yesterday. Every day I get a little less neutral and more against this potential transaction. I like what it could be, but I fear what it more likely will become. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Band 26 is active in Modesto? I'm always the last to know. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  7. Can I make up some rumors too? I'd love for them to add service in South Dakota. I'll even tolerate a Broncos win to get it. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  8. Ehhh. That's just an app. What I miss is being able to use my Sprint account across all my Android devices. Nothing like being free to text from my tablet and listen to voice mails, while my phone is charging at the other end of the house. I miss GV integration ever so much. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  9. S4GRU

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Intraband Carrier Aggregation is all we will see in the short term. Interband Carrier Aggregation is not ready for prime time any time soon. Dealing with CA across bands is not only difficult on the device side, but its usefulness is questionable because of the differing propagation characteristics of disparate bands. It would almost be unusable while driving. It would be constantly going in and out of one band/carrier and to another band carrier and switching sites, losing this band and scanning another half of the connection over there. It would destroy battery life and your speeds would be anything far from consistent as you would be constantly falling back to one band. I could see Interband CA being useful in a stationary application, or even fixed wireless. Where the different variables of band/carrier combinations is static and steady. Sprint is planning Band 41 CA. And may even one day have B25 CA. And if Sprint ever gets any Cellular 850 spectrum, they could do B26 CA with their existing SMR LTE carrier. And since Sprint has committed to taking Band 41 wall to wall in the Top 100 markets, including adding sites to fill in coverage gaps, the Band 41 CA experience is likely to be very good. And Band 41 stays almost continuous in the car in fully deployed areas. Intraband CA will always perform better and take much less resources to do. So if Sprint can offer 200Mbps, or more with increasing MIMO, just with a ubiquitous B41CA network, the needs for interband CA are much less important. I know the real desire is to get the well performing B26 LTE carrier to be faster. But if you are on B26, it's because you are out of reach of B25 and B41 anyway. And Interband CA will not help in that situation. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  10. My wife has the issue on her N5 when receiving calls/texts. I just assumed it was an AT&T issue. I've not had the problem with my N5, that I'm aware. But no one really calls me anymore. And I'm fine with that. My wife does not use Google Voice. And AT&T doesn't offer GV integration. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  11. That's an oddly appropriate hold music. Here is Legere's appropriate hold music... Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  12. Air Supply? I'm all out of love. I'm so lost without you... Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  13. OK, I may have exaggerated a little. I use an iPhone for work. So I do get all the Apple I desire. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  14. I have had an EVDO ping below 100ms on T1 lines. Possible but not common. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  15. It seems like whoever the backhaul provider is in this market was able to actually able to get a lot of work done before sites were getting complete. A nice change. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  16. For a market that started so late in Network Vision, the deployment in this market has gone quickly. It's farther along than some markets that started a year earlier. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  17. Since they started in the Rochester Metro area, Samsung has been flying on the Sprint LTE deployment. Probably one of the fastest deployments we have seen in a city this size. It's been pretty impressive. Robert
  18. Yeah, you do get what you pay for with Tmo. No bars. Robert
  19. Because you are trolling my site and you are one sided in your arguments. You give Tmo passes. Like how long it took them to bring WCDMA to your rural corner of Mississippi after they started to deploy it, but not give credit for Sprint bringing LTE to your area a short time after they start deploying it. Too much coverage of Sprint is not done fairly, and lately you are an example of that. It's disappointing. Robert
  20. If WCDMA is plenty fast for you, then you certainly are not in a position to complain about Spark/B41 high speeds. So you must at least dispute Kevin's Band 41 conclusions, correct? Also, Sprint has launched LTE service in Starkville, and all over the Golden Triangle. I know you once claimed that you couldn't connect, but surely it is live now. Sprint shows it on their coverage maps. So this also must make you happy? Correct? Robert
  21. This is the only benefit to an iPhone for how I use my device. It sometimes makes me envious. And then I remember an iPhone doesn't meet my 3,217 other needs as a wireless nerd. But that is a great feature. I also like how iOS shows the carrier width of the channel connected to. Robert
  22. Please never count on Sprint LTE coverage maps for anything but for comedic diversions. Robert
  23. Before Network Vision, Ericsson Network Solutions won a contract to provide all the Network Management for Sprint. And Clearwire too. It is a different division of Ericsson than who is deploying Network Vision. And Ericsson Network division still manages the Sprint network, even on Network Vision sites. Alcatel Lucent is just a NV OEM. Ericsson runs the whole Sprint network...at least for now. Robert
  24. S4GRU

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Yeah, if you need to do something upload intensive, just disable Band 41 temporarily and go back over to B25. I imagine 95% of usage is more dependent on download performance. Robert
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