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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. The next known things for Sprint is Band 41 Carrier Aggregation and VoLTE. I can't see B41 CA happening in devices before early 2015. As for VoLTE, I don't think it's imminent. Or even all that necessary. Voice on CDMA 800 is the most important thing for voice on the Sprint network. VoLTE voice will likely use the same HD codec and it will just offer less coverage. Triband devices may get even better over time. But the reports of band handoffs on Triband has been good. And it's hard to imagine an RF performer better than the Nexus 5. Now if we can just measure its use on Band 41. Robert
  2. That sure seems pointed at Sprint, huh? Robert
  3. S4GRU

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    10Mbps may seem fast. However, the network doesn't run speed tests to see how fast it is running on band versus the other. It is looking at other data. Like, how many users are on the site. And it could even be ratio. The Band 25 site has 300 users and the airlink is at 90% capacity, but that Band 41 has 10 users and the airlink is at 5% of capacity. So it would keep you on Band 41 until the difference between the two lessens to a point where Band 41 can't handle you any more, or Band 25 is under capacity and has a better signal. Robert
  4. S4GRU

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Would you want the Band 25 signal? Especially in Chicago? It may be the network holding you there. The days of device thresholds are ending. Your band priorities are just preferences for scanning. If the Band 25 is too full, the network can prevent you from joining it and keep you on a weak 41. Robert
  5. I agree with this thinking. If the Feds go along with a merger, the conditions will be painful and expensive. But it may be an opportunity to get a lot of things that have been on our wishlist completed. It is possible that we could end up with a more competitive landscape with the 3 big providers than two large and two small providers. If it was structured right for the consumer. Robert
  6. S4GRU

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    And it makes sense if you think about it. The upload is using the weak radio in your device on a frequency band that is not known for propagation. The downlink is being transmitted by a powerful site radio. So when the signal from the tower is weak, the signal from your device is extremely weak. Robert
  7. Anyone using Doctor Who references, gets bonus points! I need to get a Dalek emoticon! Robert
  8. Don't you have to say that you have to wait to see Tmo 20MHz service yourself? And see it spread to all areas of the country? Say, Starkville?? Get off it, man. Robert
  9. S4GRU

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    On my Netgear Zing hotspot, my Band 41 performs better than Band 25 even with weak signals. It may vary in different network locations with different devices. However, I have been very pleased with weak Band 41 connections. Robert
  10. He also makes it sound like T-Mobile has a 20MHz network everywhere. No mention of lack of rural coverage. No mention of the patchy LTE network. No mention they only have 5MHz in some markets. Only the good news. And with Sprint, only the bad news. And even the bad news was poorly portrayed. It's a bad piece. Robert
  11. That's your perception too. Isn't that convenient? Kevin supports your narrative. Band 41 is helping, buddy. Helping a lot. You only look for evidence that supports your anti-Sprint, Magenta loving point of view. Robert
  12. Wow, Kevin Fitchard really blew it on his Sprint coverage in the article. That is the worst piece I've ever read from him. I'm really shocked. His Band 26 info is wrong, there is even Band 26 live right this very second. Also, no one is aggregating different bands yet. Why would you hold that against Sprint? But worst of all, his Band 41 stuff is completely off the mark. He know that Band 41 speeds can be kept way higher than 5-12Mbps because Sprint has so much capacity. They can just keep deploying carrier after carrier to keep peak speeds up. Sprint can keep average speeds way over 30Mbps on Band 41 if it wants to. It mentions 5-12Mbps because of the signal strength many will encounter, especially deep in buildings. Not because of network performance. Since he is so familiar with carrier aggregation and holds it against Sprint for not doing it with other bands together, why doesn't he mention that Sprint is working on aggregating Band 41 carriers to bring really fast speeds surpassing even the other wireless providers? I'm really disappointed in Kevin Fitchard. Robert
  13. In looking at the EBS licensees that make up Mobile Citizen, they have EBS licenses in Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Portland, Denver and Northern Colorado. These are important markets for Sprint to maintain EBS. They will keep these licensees happy. But it will likely not benefit any people who have visions of keeping the Sprint/Clearwire WiMax service. Robert
  14. I didn't realize that Mobile Citizen was actually an amalgamation of five EBS license lessors. I thought they were just a non profit wholesaler. To give some background, EBS is licensed from the FCC to schools, school districts, colleges and universities and other educational non-profits. EBS licensees can lease out the spare spectrum capacities of their licenses to other entities. Clearwire (and now Sprint) is the lessee of these licenses. These EBS licenses are now tied up for 30 years to Sprint, and Sprint can do whatever they want to with their leased licenses (as allowed by the FCC). Sprint doesn't provide additional spare network capacity of theirs back to the school. That isn't the spare capacity being referenced on their website. The school gave them a lease of their initial spare spectrum. And it is a set amount. They cannot change the amount that is spare during the lease period. So, even if Sprint pulls the WiMax network, it will not likely cancel the lease. However, it sure would probably not make the lessor want to renew the lease in 30 years. What has happened here for Mobile Citizen, is these 5 EBS licensees banded together and are providing non profit service using a wholesale agreement on the WiMax network. And they can continue to use the WiMax network as long as it is operational. They may even pay Sprint for their use of this service. If so, it would go to offset their EBS lease income from Sprint. And the wholesale rate is probably much lower than everyone else pays. Also, Clearwire often did offer free or reduced cost service back to the schools who leased them the spectrum as a means to try to sweeten the pot. And this may even be a part of that deal. They may even work out a deal to use the future Band 41 LTE network. Or, if Sprint doesn't want them on their LTE network, they could either let the deal die with WiMax decommissioning, or even keep WiMax operating past the sunset in these five EBS license areas. They have lots of options. However, Sprint does not give spare WiMax capacity back to Mobile Citizen. That is a misunderstanding. And either way, this use is just for the 5 EBS license holders, their staff, and some other educational non profits that they want to offer service to. This is not a big draw on the network. And it is not an open door for the general public. Sprint will probably negotiate a deal that works for both of them. But not for you. Robert
  15. I really don't want this thread to become a place of every Sprint member in Chicago who can find a bad spot on the network to go into excruciating details and post tons of speedtests. I think the problems in Chicago are already well documented. The issue is in Sprint's hands. We will have to see if they get another PCS LTE carrier deployed on new USCC spectrum soon, or at least get Band 26 fired up. We know that Band 41 provides wonderful relief in Chicago where it is available. IIWU, I would be using only a Trband device in a place like Chicago. Robert
  16. That accepted site is a TOY cell. TOY cells are located inside MSC and DDC's. They rarely have a usable signal outside. Here is some more info on TOY's: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2401-network-visionlte-hawaii-market-including-honolulu-oahu-and-all-hawaiian-islands/?p=265057 Robert
  17. Yep, outside Bakken, but within the Williston Basin. But we are still a major market area providing support for even the Bakken Fields. And the business environment in South Dakota is much friendlier. And we have no state income tax. Plus, we all know that the Black Hills is the nicest area in all of the Dakotas. Oil executives, and even a lot of oil blue collar workers live in Rapid City and commute up to the fields. Our housing market is really starting to get tight. I got into a bidding war on several homes, and they are rentals. However, I am straying off topic. Bad, Site Administrator!! Robert
  18. My DOCSIS 3.0 runs at 100Mbps down and 15 up. I hit 122Mbps last night on AC WiFi! Robert
  19. You can see which ones specifically in the Sponsor section. S4GRU Sponsors get that kind of information, updated every day or three. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ Robert
  20. The quality of your signal improved outdoors, yet the "volume" went down. I can sometimes use a -130dBm signal with really high quality of signal. Robert
  21. S4GRU

    Dead zone

    The EVO LTE has more dead zones than any other Sprint device. Especially LTE. On another note, I used to ride on my school bus in that area when I went to Lake Weir Middle School in 1987. Robert
  22. S4GRU

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Not likely. It usually means voice roaming while connected to Sprint LTE. We haven't seen anyone make an LTE Roaming connection yet anywhere with a Sprint LTE device/account. Robert
  23. Shentel may only be installing Band 41 on their own sites, and the Clearwire sites may just stay WiMax and then just go away after decommissioning of the network. Or maybe Shentel will assume leases on Clearwire sites? Or maybe they will run on both Shentel NV sites and Clearwire sites (except where co-located) like in other Clearwire areas? We don't have those kinds of details yet. Robert
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