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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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I, too, am surprised they don't rank higher. I think the whole Baltimore/Richmond/Hampton Roads space is going to show a tremendous amount of improvement in the 2H2015 report. Again, this is all based on my own anecdotal use, but the network is really, really on point for me now. I will be curious to see the Richmond 1H report.


Yeah, I really don't understand how they can have lower scores. Unless maybe some tower optimization is on-going during the testing period and caused some minor hiccups.

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BTW, they mentioned aluminum poles.. Most monopoles around here are steel. With all the potential weight I think they are using real lightweight stuff.. Idk just using the imagination a little.


Aluminum has a very high strength to weight ratio.





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But does that apply to VoLTE too? Any T-Mobile VoLTE users want to chime in?


I'll admit I use FaceTime audio a lot and never drop calls on that while Verizon CDMA drops calls here a lot. That said, VZW's CDMA network here is pretty creaky and old. Sprint's CDMA deployments are much newer with the best end of line CDMA tech.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

T-Mobile VoLTE is incredibly reliable here especially given its all over AWS. AT&T VoLTE has been dropping calls left and right for us OTOH, so bad I had to set the phone back to data only. (At least 2-3 dropped calls a day). Never experienced dropped calls like that on Sprint even when they were in the middle of NV 1.0.

Those supposed LTE<WCDMA handoffs are non existent.

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Arysyn, you really are becoming insufferable. So, let us dispense with the bullshit, okay?


Because of the USCC spectrum acquisition, Chicago is Sprint's most PCS spectrum rich major market in the US. See my article:




Forget any band 41 carriers for the moment. In Chicago, Sprint is already running a 5 MHz FDD band 25 carrier in the PCS G block, a 5 MHz FDD band 25 carrier in the PCS B block, and a 5 MHz FDD band 26 carrier in the SMR X block. That adds up to 15 MHz FDD -- the same LTE bandwidth that T-Mobile now provides in Chicago.


So, stuff your sorries in a sack, mister, over the bandwidth issue. Sprint is doing just fine in Chicago. And the LTE bandwidth does not all need to be in one carrier -- that is for the peak speed e-penis masturbators. The capacity of three 5 MHz FDD carriers is the same as that of one 15 MHz FDD carrier. Plus, returning band 41 to the discussion, Sprint has one or more 20 MHz TDD carriers on hundreds of sites in Chicago.


In the end, Arysyn, you need to stop arguing with your superiors that you are right due to some misunderstanding or technicality. Much of the time, you are wrong -- again, because you lack the requisite knowledge. But you can gain that knowledge here if you post less, listen more, and most importantly, learn.



Looking back at when I had Sprint the last time, when the majority of that time my phone was stuck on PCS most of the "working" time, it was less than 2mbps, often less than 1mbps, which is not enough to properly stream music or low quality video, etc while out for a few hours at a time, not at home where all I used it for was web browsing, that is, when I could even get a signal. Although back to while I was out, when I had a signal showing band 41 and everything started working again, which the few speed tests I did then we're to confirm why this was, along with Signal Check Pro, instead of getting the 1 or 2 mbps on PCS, I was getting well over 20 mbps.


I took the device into a few stores which told me that if I was able to get those fast speeds on band 41 in the few areas along the way between the mostly PCS and the 1xrtt and no service areas, then it wasn't a problem of the device, but of the network. However, seeing as soon many people here on S4GRU keep telling me there isn't a problem with Sprint's network, except when not replying to me there have been quite a few mentions of coverage holes around here, something which I've certainly experienced, that leaves me to figure out what else possibly could have been for my issue.


I stopped complaining about it a while ago, though keeping in mind it may just very well have been an issue with congestion on the PCS band. I've been reading about analysts giving their opinions about Sprint running out of money and saying that Sprint ought to sell its band 41 spectrum. Knowing from my experience with Sprint that band 41 works very well, I made the suggestion that if Sprint had to sell its spectrum, why not sell PCS spectrum, which it could make a lot of money on these analysts say is needed to fund the NGN project.


Yet, while most of the members on S4GRU have been polite in responding to me about this, you decide AJ to write this to me which is practically attacking me with harsh words, along with immature tech-sexual language which is disgusting to read, even in the form its written. What if there are people under 18 years of age reading this and their parents see this wondering why such language is on a forum not privated, but publicly viewable, as this forum section is not members-only. Very inappropriate.

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That's where B41 comes into play.


Combine the multiple B41 carriers with the B25 carriers and B26 carrier and it's a perfect network.

In the case they combine it with band 41, I can see the benefit of that.

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We know his true motivation is just that he prefers Tmo to have Sprint spectrum assets for his own personal benefit. Why stop at PCS? Let's just give all Sprint assets to Tmo? :hah:


And Sprint's PCS spectrum in Chicago is not contiguous with Tmo's PCS. AT&T separates them. So they are not useful to Tmo unless they get whole 15x15 chunks. And that ain't gonna happen.

And again, if you'd actually read my posts, especially the one on the T-Mobile thread where I clearly stated my motivation for mentioning this is not to help T-Mobile, though I admit that it would, but more so for Sprint to focus on NGN being primarily for band 41, as I've given my experience of band 41 being the best working Spectrum they have, which Sprint happens to have the most of.


The other reason being, as I've written many times, particularly most recently in my response to AJ, regarding analysts saying Sprint needing to sell band 41 spectrum, in order to pay for the NGN project and for their claims of Sprint running out of money. I of course am against the idea for Spring selling band 41, as that works very well for Sprint.


Besides Robert, I've mentioned over dozens of times both in my long and short posts of my interests in switching over to Verizon when the time is right. I've also been critical of Jon Legere sooo many times, as well. So you can't honestly be trying to paint me as a T-Mobile fan boy.

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Yet, while most of the members on S4GRU have been polite in responding to me about this, you decide AJ to write this to me which is practically attacking me with harsh words, along with immature tech-sexual language which is disgusting to read, even in the form its written. What if there are people under 18 years of age reading this and their parents see this wondering why such language is on a forum not privated, but publicly viewable, as this forum section is not members-only. Very inappropriate.


You can stop right there.  As I said, I was polite but forceful in my rebuttal to you.  I did not attack you.  And while you may not appreciate my clever turn of language, it is language that has been in the lexicon at S4GRU for much longer than you have been a member.


Arysyn, you are treading on thin ice here.  Members and staff alike are growing weary of your pipe dream ideas and terminal illness posts.  We are sympathetic to your plight, but that does not garner you special treatment at S4GRU.  Maybe you routinely get that your in everyday life -- but not here.  You are just one of the guys (and a few gals).


What you cannot seem to do is admit that you are wrong, that for whatever reason, you were wearing your Bad Idea Jeans that day.  It happens to all of us.  You would not get a hard time at all if you would just say, "Okay, I can see now that won't work.  Back to the drawing board."


But if you continue to push back, you are not going to win this argument in the court of staff or member opinion.  That verdict has already been rendered.  You lost -- and lost handily.  If that is unacceptable to you, then you are free to leave at your leisure.



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You can stop right there. As I said, I was polite but forceful in my rebuttal to you. I did not attack you. And while you may not appreciate my clever turn of language, it is language that has been in the lexicon at S4GRU for much longer than you have been a member.


Arysyn, you are treading on thin ice here. Members and staff alike are growing weary of your pipe dream ideas and terminal illness posts. We are sympathetic to your plight, but that does not garner you special treatment at S4GRU. Maybe you routinely get that your in everyday life -- but not here. You are just one of the guys (and a few gals).


What you cannot seem to do is admit that you are wrong, that for whatever reason, you were wearing your Bad Idea Jeans that day. It happens to all of us. You would not get a hard time at all if you would just say, "Okay, I can see now that won't work. Back to the drawing board."


But if you continue to push back, you are not going to win this argument in the court of staff or member opinion. That verdict has already been rendered. You lost -- and lost handily. If that is unacceptable to you, then you are free to leave at your leisure.





A few of the members have posted with some helpful information for me on this issue, such as how the PCS spectrum Sprint has, could be used to aggregate with band 41. That is something I agree with and find as a useful aid for the spectrum. I have mentioned this here too, along with the fact I was unaware of the additional PCS spectrum Sprint was using for voice currently. I was going by what had been told to me sometime over a month ago of two separate 5x5 carriers. Alone, that just isn't much to carry congestion, just as T-Mobile's 10x10 isn't in many areas, which is why they've been trying to allocate more spectrum to it.


Since Sprint is currently using PCS spectrum for voice, once they are able to launch a stable VoLTE service, which I know Sprint is being wise about by waiting to get it right, then will allocate that extra PCS spectrum for LTE. I think if they can get it to a 15x15, if they leave that onn FDD, as I'm aware that won't be the case with TDD, then that sounds as a good amount for part of its network strategy. So is the idea of aggregating it with band 41.


Anyways, I've given my opinion to how I hope Sprint would sell PCS rather than to sell band 41, if it came down to it, as what is being said in these tech and finance blogs, and I'd rather Sprint make full use of band 41. Really, I'm not bashing Sprint here and I'm not suggesting anything bad on their part, which is why I don't understand the hostility to this, even though most responses by people here have been fine. Besides, I'm not even bringing up my illness here with it at all, just that I don't want my ideas to seem as I'm being critical of Sprint, when I'm not.


I'll agree though that if Sprint selling any of its spectrum is a bad thing, despite what analysts say, then it is a bad thing.

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A few of the members have posted with some helpful information for me on this issue, such as how the PCS spectrum Sprint has, could be used to aggregate with band 41. That is something I agree with and find as a useful aid for the spectrum. I have mentioned this here too, along with the fact I was unaware of the additional PCS spectrum Sprint was using for voice currently.


For practical reasons, I will not quote your entire post, but this reply is in response to your entire post.  The above is exactly the kind of post that furthers learning without animosity on either side -- the student or the teacher.  Write more like this, and we will all benefit.


Now, I have an actual class to teach, so I do not have time to respond in full.  But I will return late this evening.  And if you want a minimal concession to your idea, Sprint eventually may wish to sell the isolated PCS G block to Dish -- or whatever becomes of Dish and its spectrum.  The PCS A-F block spectrum, though, is off limits.



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For practical reasons, I will not quote your entire post, but this reply is in response to your entire post. The above is exactly the kind of post that furthers learning without animosity on either side -- the student or the teacher. Write more like this, and we will all benefit.


Now, I have an actual class to teach, so I do not have time to respond in full. But I will return late this evening. And if you want a minimal concession to your idea, Sprint eventually may wish to sell the isolated PCS G block to Dish -- or whatever becomes of Dish and its spectrum. The PCS A-F block spectrum, though, is off limits.



Sounds very fair, AJ.


By the way to clarify my network/carrier standing, I'd like for all carriers to be able to have enough spectrum to where they work for their customers, although not entirely a realistic vision due to how things work in the industry, especially in dealing with the government. That which is why people should choose a carrier that works for them, while managing the price they pay for it.


Also, to show I'm not suddenly all in favor of T-Mobile, it looks as though I'm going to Verizon, because I really, really want the new Sony Xperia Z4v, which only Verizon will have. Which is the next important choice people will have to make with carriers, until all devices become non-carrier exclusive.

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Looking back at when I had Sprint the last time, when the majority of that time my phone was stuck on PCS most of the "working" time, it was less than 2mbps, often less than 1mbps, which is not enough to properly stream music or low quality video, etc while out for a few hours at a time, not at home where all I used it for was web browsing, that is, when I could even get a signal.

What exactly are you trying to stream? I watch video on YouTube over evdo just fine with 1-2mbps. Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, Netflix etc all work fine with 2mbps.




Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

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Looking back at when I had Sprint the last time, when the majority of that time my phone was stuck on PCS most of the "working" time, it was less than 2mbps, often less than 1mbps, which is not enough to properly stream music or low quality video, etc

Not to pile on, but this is utter BS. I get 1-2 Mbps speeds during the day and have no problem streaming a 360p video or using high quality Spotify. Most Radio streams go no higher than 64 kbps AAC+, so even 1x should be enough to stream a live radio stream.


Are you a millennial by any chance?

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What exactly are you trying to stream? I watch video on YouTube over evdo just fine with 1-2mbps. Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, Netflix etc all work fine with 2mbps.

Not to pile on, but this is utter BS. I get 1-2 Mbps speeds during the day and have no problem streaming a 360p video or using high quality Spotify. Most Radio streams go no higher than 64 kbps AAC+, so even 1x should be enough to stream a live radio stream.


Are you a millennial by any chance?


As I recall, Arysyn mentioned streaming Tidal, which uses lossless compression.  Is it FLAC?  If so, for two channel 16 bit 44.1 kHz audio, it should average 500-800 Kbps.



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As I recall, Arysyn mentioned streaming Tidal, which uses lossless compression.  Is it FLAC?  If so, for two channel 16 bit 44.1 kHz audio, it should average 500-800 Kbps.



But think of the speed test results that won't impress Twitter!!!

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Tidal recommends 5.0 Mbps as a minimum for their Hifi service. SMH, DSL isn't even that fast. Tidal won't work on any mobile network in major cities, PERIOD.


To expect a network to stream lossless music is ludacris (no pun intended). YouTube 720p video can be flawlessly streamed with less bandwidth requirements. Hifi is definitely meant for WiFi downloading.


This Tidal Hifi fad won't last long. Mobile networks can't handle the load and phones don't have the memory space to build a large library users can save on their phones for offline use.

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I am not so sure. His name is Stephen Bye, and he is leaving? Frankly, it sounds made up. You know, like Joe Mayo.



I just chucked out loud...one of the Project Managers where I work is actually named Joe Mayo...and that literally is his real name. [emoji3]


(apologize for going off topic)

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I am not lying about my experience using Sprint, particularly the PCS and band 41 issues. If I was some sort of lying troll, all I'd be doing here is bashing Sprint ala Fabian Cortez, who must be in a bind now trying to figure out how he's going to defend T-Mobile's new softcap. But that's more for the T-Mobile thread.


I think for the most part, I've been fair about Sprint, though I ought to ask questions to more than one person, or at least get answers to a question from more than one person before forming and giving an opinion about something, including if it has to do with something about Sprint.


Also, I've been very honest here, particularly regarding my experiences with Sprint and on other carriers. Even when some of those experiences were negative, I've always included the note, "in my experience". I've never generalized it by saying trollish statements such as "Sprint sucks" or T-Mobile sucks", etc.


I've stated already what my experience was on PCS, which for the most part from what I can remember, wasn't good. You can choose whether or not to believe me, though please understand I'm not saying this to bash Sprint, only to say from what I experienced, which also had some good to it being when I was connected to band 41.


My whole point in all of this really wasn't to rehash my experiences though, but to compliment Sprint on having great service on band 41 and to give my opinion of Sprint using that as the primary band on their network upon completion of NGN. I admit though that my wording regarding the PCS usage could have been better, perhaps more positive such as instead of just suggesting Sprint sell the PCS spectrum, they might use it to aggregate with band 41, something which was suggested by someone else here.


Last thing to mention about this, is my going back to account for all the PCS spectrum in use, not just that currently being used for LTE. Once all of the PCS Sprint has gets used for LTE/VoLTE, then it could provide an experience well worth keeping the PCS spectrum, especially if its aggregated.

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And most people listening to "hifi" Tidal are probably using cheap earbuds ???????? ...killing networks for bragging rights. Stupid!

Yes I do use Tidal HiFi streaming music, which for some reason doesn't work well for me under 2mbps, as I've measured both when I had those speeds on Sprint and on T-Mobile. While I haven't yet checked T-Mobile speeds on 15x15 while going to Schaumburg, back when it was 10x10 and the speeds got down to those levels, Tidal had difficulty playing. To note, Sprint works on band 41 most of Schaumburg and Tidal works fine, all except an issue I had with it using Nexus 6, which is another story I won't go into now.


Anyways at most, I've only been streaming music from Tidal HiFi 3-4 hours per week, which is around 1-2gb per week. When I switch to Verizon when the Sony Xperia Z4v is released, my plan is to pre-download most of what I listen to on it at home using WiFi. Right now though on T-Mobile not much point of doing so, and not because I have the Unlimited plan, but because Tidal is part of T-Mobile's Music Freedom.

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I just chucked out loud...one of the Project Managers where I work is actually named Joe Mayo...and that literally is his real name. [emoji3]


Is his winter coat a man fur?


Elaine's Joe Mayo coat argument is one of the greatest examples of tortuous logic ever.




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