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HTC One M8 User Thread


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Well, as of Friday night, my M8 is flaking out on me. I was on a phone call with my wife when the call ended suddenly. I was at home, with no known issues. I tried calling her back countless times, but kept getting an error message "Call origination attempt fails due to an immediate signal loss (signal fade or no service available)". I cycled power and couldn't get it to come back. We then drove across the state, where I was able to have her M7 and my M8 side by side, where my phone almost constantly had little/no service. I called Sprint technical support yesterday, who had me try manually entering the MSN and MSID, changing them and forcing them back to my phone #, but to no avail. The symptoms now include having limited voice service and no data, or data and no voice service. I can use WiFi just like before, but the other antennas seem to be acting up.


I'm getting my old M7 ready to go back to, but I'm going to back up my phone first and try a factory reset to see if it fixes the issue. Any other suggestions?


Edit - just found the articles about the data bug. Downloading the urgent update now.

Edited by Overboost
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Be forewarned the update turned my m8 from a spark monster to a 3g king. On the other hand I pulled 73 megs near hodaks, Gravois & 55


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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Mine was one that the update was supposed to fix. It's done and it appears to be working a little better, but I'll give it a few days and make a better judgement then. If I have to go back to Sprint and get a new phone, I will.

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I'm still experiencing issues post-update. No LTE connection whatsoever, very limited voice/text capability, and flaky 3G signal. I've tried manually setting the MSN and MSID, but that has made no change as well. I'm looking at doing a factory reset after work once I have time to back the phone up. If that doesn't work, then I'm heading to Sprint for a resolution. Any other suggestions?

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I had an issue this morning after updating the other day.  I could not connect mobile data on either CDMA or LTE.  I tried multiple times to toggle airplane mode with no success.  I also toggled mobile data with no success.   As I was pulling into the Sprint store, I restarted my phone and everything has worked for the rest of the day.


I did not have any issues before the update.  I will reserve judgment until there is more data, to see if it fixed a problem or caused another.

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Quick question: does this m8 suffer from the same problem that the spark nexus 5 suffers from where if you're next handoff doesn't have a CSFB patch, it will drop to 3G? The reason I ask is because near my house, I have unbelievably fast, reliable service. Band 26 just hit the second furthest tower from me, and while traveling close to home on 26, it dropped to 3G on my street--which has never happened before. Any thoughts? I wonder if they turned on 26 on my home tower, and it hasn't been patched yet.

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Quick question: does this m8 suffer from the same problem that the spark nexus 5 suffers from where if you're next handoff doesn't have a CSFB patch, it will drop to 3G? The reason I ask is because near my house, I have unbelievably fast, reliable service. Band 26 just hit the second furthest tower from me, and while traveling close to home on 26, it dropped to 3G on my street--which has never happened before. Any thoughts? I wonder if they turned on 26 on my home tower, and it hasn't been patched yet.


yes this last 'urgent' update, in m experience, caused it to be drastically more sensitive to ecsfb problems and drop to 3g all the time all over the place here in stl.


prior to this update, i never had any problems connecting to lte of any type.

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Absolutely no band 41 in Chicago since updating. The whole reason I upgraded was to get access to all three bands, and they've killed it. Do they even field test this stuff?

It's crazy how there have been so many issues with the m8,thankfully I haven't experienced any of it. As far as testing though, they do quite a bit of testing in real world but for whatever reason something just isn't working out.

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It's crazy how there have been so many issues with the m8,thankfully I haven't experienced any of it. As far as testing though, they do quite a bit of testing in real world but for whatever reason something just isn't working out.


My first M8 had tons of issues. My current M8 has been working perfectly though. No data drops or anything of the sort. Connects to Band 41 seamlessly now too.

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Tried a hard reset last night. No change in service. Connecting to LTE effectively locks the data up. Also, when on LTE, I lose voice (1xRTT) according to SignalCheck. Taking it in to Sprint today. What are the odds of getting a refurb phone vs. a new one? I need a working phone for work and due to not having a land line, so this is EXTREMELY important that I get this resolved ASAP.

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Reading these posts has me convinced that it really comes down to the device. I had mine replaced after a week due to these issues and it's been fine ever since. They told be it was a shot sim card reader, suggesting a hardware failure, not software.


Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

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(Apologies for being slightly off topic)


Thank you for this post! I've been wondering about international travel, but have never really looked into it. What carrier did you buy the SIM from in Austria? My cousin live there and I *hope* to visit her later this year or early next. Is it easy to get a SIM for data+voice? 


I believe I went with A1, but that's because it was the first provider I ran into.  For the 3G GSM, our M8 covers pretty much all the frequencies on HSPA.  Voice/Data SIM is easy, but I believe you need to show them your passport to get one.  That doesn't seem to be the case for data-only SIM.  The hard part will be to find a store without wasting your time running around the city, so a mall would be your best bet.

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my m8 is almost back to 'normal' coverage here in stl, along with some new b41 and b26 sightings, so apparently they have been doing a bunch of ecsfb updates since this m8 update came out.

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Tried a hard reset last night. No change in service. Connecting to LTE effectively locks the data up. Also, when on LTE, I lose voice (1xRTT) according to SignalCheck. Taking it in to Sprint today. What are the odds of getting a refurb phone vs. a new one? I need a working phone for work and due to not having a land line, so this is EXTREMELY important that I get this resolved ASAP.


On any triband phone, you lose 1x when you connect to LTE. It's not limited to your device at all. The network tells your device when a call is coming in and your phone goes to 1x to accept the call.

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On any triband phone, you lose 1x when you connect to LTE. It's not limited to your device at all. The network tells your device when a call is coming in and your phone goes to 1x to accept the call.


I had my wife's M7 next to mine on LTE and hers showed both available via Signalcheck. I'll confirm that again tonight to be sure. I also know the Sprint tech rep told me the voice quality was reported to be poor for my phone as of recently. Does that mean anything?

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I had my wife's M7 next to mine on LTE and hers showed both available via Signalcheck. I'll confirm that again tonight to be sure. I also know the Sprint tech rep told me the voice quality was reported to be poor for my phone as of recently. Does that mean anything?

He said on any triband phone( a phone that supports band 25, 26 and 41).  The m7 is only a single band phone, it only supports one lte band which is band 25.  All triband devices so far only support one transmission path, which means it can only connect to one at a time, so when you get a call it disconnects from lte to go to 1x and when you finish the call it disconnects from 1x and reconnects to lte, never both at the same time which is what you see on signal check.  The m7 on the other hand supports two transmission paths thats why you can be on a call and still connect to lte at the same time, thats not the case with a triband device like the m8, g2 and gs5.




(the blind leading the blind)


This is another reason why there are so many complaints when dealing with customer service, a lot of this stuff just don't make sense to the average consumer and to make it even worse a lot of this same stuff don't make sense to your average customer service rep either.  So unless you get with someone that really knows their stuff(which is rare to be honest) they would just exchange the phone out for you not realizing that there isn't anything wrong with the device at all because they don't know how to effectively communicate with the consumer so they could better understand what is actually happening.

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Tried a hard reset last night. No change in service. Connecting to LTE effectively locks the data up. Also, when on LTE, I lose voice (1xRTT) according to SignalCheck. Taking it in to Sprint today. What are the odds of getting a refurb phone vs. a new one? I need a working phone for work and due to not having a land line, so this is EXTREMELY important that I get this resolved ASAP.

Did you do self-activation and did that work?  


Did you get the patch that came out over the weekend?  (it should make the radio more robust and self activation unnecessary)

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yes this last 'urgent' update, in m experience, caused it to be drastically more sensitive to ecsfb problems and drop to 3g all the time all over the place here in stl.


prior to this update, i never had any problems connecting to lte of any type.


Agreed,prior to update I had no problems connecting to lte.

I drive by 3 towers to and from work and my phone is still on 3G. I have to toggle airplane mode to get lte.

This worse than my old 4g lte.

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Last night only made me hate both Sprint and HTC more.


After work, I went to the Sprint store. The tech there was able to help and tried a few things, including reset, loading the software via his PC, and he checked my signal quality, which said the device was showing poor (red light), while my wife's M7 showed good (green light). He said my options were to pay $80 for a refurb device under warranty (I don't have TEP),add insurance to file a claim, or go through HTC. I told him I felt it was ridiculous that I should have to pay a dime for a phone that doesn't sound like it was ever working properly. Ultimately, I had them reactivate my M7 I had as a way of getting a working phone (more on that later).


Next, I contaced HTC. I spoke with someone named Wes, who was helpful and took me through a few more troubleshooting steps, but wanted me to contact Sprint to have them try a new SIM card in the M8. I ran back to the Sprint store, had them try a SIM, which had no effect. Wes said that after that, if it didn't work, I would be eligible for an overnight exchange.


Back home I called HTC again. After going through yet more troubleshooting, I finally had the rep taking my information for an exchange when the call was disconnected. I called a third time, got someone more difficult to understand, and went through other steps (why I did this after giving them ticket info I don't know) then started giving her address info, when the phone disconnected again. I called a fourth time and got someone who was easy to understand, but told me my phone was put in the system as a broken screen, not as a connectivity issue, and would only be eligible for repair, not replacement. I was told that I would be getting a call today to straighten things out.


Not thinking anything of it, I went to bed. This morning, I sent a text to a coworker, who replied asking who it was. The Sprint store mistakenly put my M7 onto my wife's phone number.


Needless to say, I'm at my limit with both Sprint and HTC. This WILL be the last phone and last time I have Sprint service.

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Last night only made me hate both Sprint and HTC more.


After work, I went to the Sprint store. The tech there was able to help and tried a few things, including reset, loading the software via his PC, and he checked my signal quality, which said the device was showing poor (red light), while my wife's M7 showed good (green light). He said my options were to pay $80 for a refurb device under warranty (I don't have TEP),add insurance to file a claim, or go through HTC. I told him I felt it was ridiculous that I should have to pay a dime for a phone that doesn't sound like it was ever working properly. Ultimately, I had them reactivate my M7 I had as a way of getting a working phone (more on that later).


Next, I contaced HTC. I spoke with someone named Wes, who was helpful and took me through a few more troubleshooting steps, but wanted me to contact Sprint to have them try a new SIM card in the M8. I ran back to the Sprint store, had them try a SIM, which had no effect. Wes said that after that, if it didn't work, I would be eligible for an overnight exchange.


Back home I called HTC again. After going through yet more troubleshooting, I finally had the rep taking my information for an exchange when the call was disconnected. I called a third time, got someone more difficult to understand, and went through other steps (why I did this after giving them ticket info I don't know) then started giving her address info, when the phone disconnected again. I called a fourth time and got someone who was easy to understand, but told me my phone was put in the system as a broken screen, not as a connectivity issue, and would only be eligible for repair, not replacement. I was told that I would be getting a call today to straighten things out.


Not thinking anything of it, I went to bed. This morning, I sent a text to a coworker, who replied asking who it was. The Sprint store mistakenly put my M7 onto my wife's phone number.


Needless to say, I'm at my limit with both Sprint and HTC. This WILL be the last phone and last time I have Sprint service.

Just take your phone to the Sprint store for a replacement. Tell them what isn't working, then let the technician handle your phone. If he can't fix it, he'll order you a new device. At least that's what I did when my M8 was messed up.

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I think part of the reason I was given a replacement device with no hassle was because I only had the phone for a week. It seems like those who have had it longer are the ones getting flack.


Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

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