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What would You do if Sprint gave you free Hot Spot for the first LTE phones?


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I would use mine exactly the way I do now, for only those times when I urgently need to do something work related in the car or in those times I find myself in a hotel with no wifi or poor wifi.


There is usually one instance per month when I have to pull off the highway and wifi tether my phone to send an urgent work email that needs to be done from my laptop, because of an attachment, etc.


Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

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Sprint would do well to offer 100 MB to 500MB of free tethering per month as part of Premium Data for the casual user who will only use tethering periodically and unpredicably. Then redirect the user to a website offering additional access at reasonable tiered rates. Asking people to buy in at $29.99 for 5GB makes it an all or nothing proposition (or more accurately, a Sprint or illicit tethering option). This is the same as the problem with the music industry trying to fight MP3s to preserve pricey CD sales. Better to embrace the iTunes model of charging smaller incremental amounts.

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Sprint would do well to offer 100 MB to 500MB of free tethering per month as part of Premium Data for the casual user who will only use tethering periodically and unpredicably. Then redirect the user to a website offering additional access at reasonable tiered rates. Asking people to buy in at $29.99 for 5GB makes it an all or nothing proposition (or more accurately, a Sprint or illicit tethering option). This is the same as the problem with the music industry trying to fight MP3s to preserve pricey CD sales. Better to embrace the iTunes model of charging smaller incremental amounts.


I'll admit, I have tethered my phone on and off since around 2003. I started paying the $29.99 per month, but I barely ever used it. I ended up figuring out how to change some settings in the phone that would allow me to tether without it setting off something at sprint saying what I was doing. They probably could have figured it out, but I was willing to chance it. I even paid somewhere in the $50 range for the cord and software. Then custom ROMs started unlocking the Wi-Fi hotspot and it made it that much easier. If there was even a $4.99 per day option, I think a lot more people would pay for it.


Personally I think the $29.99 tethering charge is aimed at businesses and wealthy subscribers who would rather pay than deal with unauthorized work arounds and Sprint doesn't care that much if people use these work-arounds for casual/intermittent use. They might look for abuse of the system, but connecting to check e-mail or do a little web browsing when an internet connection is unavailable isn't going to be an issue. It would cost Sprint more to seek that casual use out and fine/boot those customers. The ones who are using 10GB plus per month though... they are taking advantage of the network and the rest of the customers in their area and should be booted.

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