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US Cellular changes


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Being kicked from sprint for roaming next month, this was my only other choice besides Verizon and now they cost pretty much the same for a single line.

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USCC is a trainwreck. 


Lots of issues with the billing system being talked about at TeamUSCC. Seems as if they're preparing for the big sale.  


Hope it's Sprint and not AT&T if that's the case.

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The well-reasoned consensus is that those prices are horrible. Now the question is whether they are hurting for cash and desperate, greedy and aiming for a buyout, or just dumb.


USCC used to lead the industry in several metrics, and I was very happy to have once been their customer. Sadly, now they are just copying Verizon without the (data) network to back it up. I will be curious to see the state of that network after they've activated a few iPhones.


Hope it's Sprint and not AT&T if that's the case.


More importantly, when the sale comes, let's hope Sprint is willing to invest what it takes to bring all non-redundant towers up to NV status and doesn't just grab the spectrum and shut them down a la Nextel. There are a few places where they remain the only carrier with reliable coverage.

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Cspire pulled this move awhile bank, yanking unlimited in favor of shared data priced identical to verizon. That lasted less than 1 year. Customers stonewalled the plans and they brought unlimited back at higher price points.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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just throwing a little price comparison out there......


i currently have 9 lines on my account, 4 on the 1500 minute everything data plan and 5 on the 3000 minute everything data plan. taking taxes, fees, and discounts out of the equation that costs us $489.93/mo or $54.45/line/mo.


these new USCC plans, with 10 gig of shared data for those 9 lines would be $460/mo or $51.11/line/mo. (verizon would be the same price)


For comparison the new sprint plans would be $510/mo or $56.67/line/mo.


so if you have a lot of smart phones but don't need a lot of data i guess they aren't too bad. me personally, for ~$5 more per month i would rather have the unlimited option :D

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Positioning yourself to match pricing / practices of the companies that would be looking to buy you out.. makes a lot of sense.


Might already be a deal in the works with VZ or ATT....

get as much money before being bought out!

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