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Alternate forms of wireless communication beyond radiowaves?


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He must be the great and powerful OZ.




Does anyone have any idea as to how frequencies, and the radiospectrum can be made obsolete?


Smoke signals.

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I'm thinking that this spectrum crunch can be solved with a little bit of innovation.

Does anyone have any idea as to how frequencies, and the radiospectrum can be made obsolete?

I have several generations of wireless technology planned out for the future, all of which use spectrum.
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Does anyone have any idea as to how frequencies, and the radiospectrum can be made obsolete?


You should ask Snake Plissken...




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Maybe you could create a wireless network that runs on the power of hopes and dreams instead of spectrum. The question is.. Do you believe?


The Dream Academy has the "Power to Believe"...




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Infrared?  That is still electromagnetic spectrum, radio waves, or however anyone wants to put it.



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Oops, I failed to add to my post, I was thinking of "quantum Internet"


Intro Article:


Recent Articles:





I've forgotten what I was going to summerise all of this with.


I have a migraine.


What I wanted to get at is if "sub-space" communication is actually feasible. Warp drives are feasible.


So, are unjammable forms of communication possible, or not?


I mean, you gotta' love those Cylons right?


How is Resurrection possible without some form of communication that isn't capped at the speed of light?

Edited by EmeraldReporter
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I am looking for somewhat of an intellectual discussion. Not a donkey-fest.

I mean, you gotta' love those Cylons right?


How is Resurrection possible without some form of communication that isn't capped at the speed of light?

Sounds like you're down for nerdiness. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.



What I wanted to get at is if "sub-space" communication is actually feasible. Warp drives are feasible.

The problem is, warp travel is inherently unsafe, and communication through it just as bad. As points within the warp often have little relation to their realspace points, messages between even local star systems can take weeks, while across an entire segmentum could take only a day or so - if you're lucky, of course. Additionally, signal fading is a serious concern, as without enough signal strength, a message will arrive distorted, or not at all. And when you're dealing with things that take at least an hour minimum (say, from a ship in orbit to a planet), you don't really have the luxury of error correction. I'd say, as long as you've got the ability to utilize Vox communications (standard radio waves), go for it.
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Sounds like you're down for nerdiness. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.



The problem is, warp travel is inherently unsafe, and communication through it just as bad. As points within the warp often have little relation to their realspace points, messages between even local star systems can take weeks, while across an entire segmentum could take only a day or so - if you're lucky, of course. Additionally, signal fading is a serious concern, as without enough signal strength, a message will arrive distorted, or not at all. And when you're dealing with things that take at least an hour minimum (say, from a ship in orbit to a planet), you don't really have the luxury of error correction. I'd say, as long as you've got the ability to utilize Vox communications (standard radio waves), go for it.


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