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Contact names not showing up when receiving calls just numbers


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Sometimes when I receive call from people that are stored in my contacts there names don't show up just there number. This has been going on for 3 to 4 months now so, its not related to jelly bean which i'm not running. I do store all my contacts with the area code if this matters. Has anyone else experienced this problem? :o

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Sometimes when I receive call from people that are stored in my contacts there names don't show up just there number. This has been going on for 3 to 4 months now so, its not related to jelly bean which i'm not running. I do store all my contacts with the area code if this matters. Has anyone else experienced this problem? :o


In my experience the number sent thru caller id needs to match exactly the number in contacts for the name to display however I have not had this problem with my EVO LTE. For example on some phones the inclusion of a 1 in the caller id made it not show the name. I have been told by customer service before (verizon) that the number calling is transmitted in the format sent by the originating caller and they had no control over it (I have no clue if this is true or not).

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I have had the lte evo since it came out and never incountered this problem up until a few months ago. 75% of the time show the name along with the number and if it dosen't, after the call is missed or in the call log it will give the contact name. So i'm thinking they are stored correctly. I don't use a cloud.

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Are your contacts loading slow for anything else? I had that problem for a little while when on ICS. Things like making calls, opening the people widget and I think the problem you describe. Hard reset fixed it for me.

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Are your contacts loading slow for anything else? I had that problem for a little while when on ICS. Things like making calls, opening the people widget and I think the problem you describe. Hard reset fixed it for me.

Thanks! my need to try that
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  • 4 weeks later...



Here are a few places to check.

Settings -> Dev Options -> Advanced

Don't keep Activities


Background Limit

standard limit


I think that your phone is killing off the phone app and when people call you it loads the app while the the phone rings.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Are you syncing your contacts through Facebook at all? A glitch popped up a few months ago (I'm suffering from it myself) and most indications are that its related to Facebook contacts sync. Supposedly the issue is fixed in Jelly Bean.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you syncing your contacts through Facebook at all? A glitch popped up a few months ago (I'm suffering from it myself) and most indications are that its related to Facebook contacts sync. Supposedly the issue is fixed in Jelly Bean.



Thanks to all the responses, I will try them and update you on what happens. Mike I haven't updated to jelly bean yet. Are all or most of the bug worked out? Does jelly bean help any toward the LTE issue? I don't have LTE yet but do pick up a signal a few miles away and have to do the airplane in and out mode to get pick up LTE. If the jelly bean update corrected this problem I will be updating as soon as Sprint turns LTE on in greenville.
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Thanks to all the responses, I will try them and update you on what happens. Mike I haven't updated to jelly bean yet. Are all or most of the bug worked out? Does jelly bean help any toward the LTE issue? I don't have LTE yet but do pick up a signal a few miles away and have to do the airplane in and out mode to get pick up LTE. If the jelly bean update corrected this problem I will be updating as soon as Sprint turns LTE on in greenville.


I have not upgraded my EVO LTE to JB yet either, so I can't confirm it personally. But I have seen other threads on XDA and elsewhere talking about this exact issue, and apparently others have resolved the problem by upgrading.


As far as LTE issues, each software, firmware, and radio upgrade has reportedly improved the situation. I'm running ICS with thte latest firmware and radio, and while I still have some issues, I believe a lot of it is related to the half-built LTE network in my area. If you want to update your device the easy way (or your device is not rooted), take all of the latest stock Sprint updates, and you'll be on JB with the latest radios and firmware.


If you don't want to upgrade to JB yet, you can still install the latest firmware and radios if your device is fully rooted (S-OFF) and you can follow directions.. check the links below for more information on that, there are instructions and a lengthy discussion:






If you don't feel comfortable following the instructions there, or your device is not fully rooted, don't try it. You could brick (i.e. break/crash/wreck/render inoperable) your device if you do it wrong. If you have questions about this process, check those threads; most of the questions you might have are probably already answered.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks to all the responses, I will try them and update you on what happens. Mike I haven't updated to jelly bean yet. Are all or most of the bug worked out? Does jelly bean help any toward the LTE issue? I don't have LTE yet but do pick up a signal a few miles away and have to do the airplane in and out mode to get pick up LTE. If the jelly bean update corrected this problem I will be updating as soon as Sprint turns LTE on in greenville.


I upgraded to Jelly Bean last week, and the contacts delay problem is completely fixed.. everything else works well too. No complaints.



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I upgraded to Jelly Bean last week, and the contacts delay problem is completely fixed.. everything else works well too. No complaints.



Thanks for the update! I'm guessing I may need to upgrade as well since my visual Voicemail updated, a few month back and seems to not work that well now. Do you have a more compleat LTE build out yet? and if so did it help your LTE connection?

Another question .... When open your bookmarks does your device refresh them as look for the marked page you want to open?

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Thanks for the update! I'm guessing I may need to upgrade as well since my visual Voicemail updated, a few month back and seems to not work that well now. Do you have a more compleat LTE build out yet? and if so did it help your LTE connection?

Another question .... When open your bookmarks does your device refresh them as look for the marked page you want to open?


I haven't had much LTE progress around here lately, so not much has changed. I spend 90% of my time in areas where LTE is available though, and I found that switching the radio mode to "LTE, CDMA" was surprisingly not a bad idea. It basically forces your phone to either 1X or 4G, never connecting to 3G. As a result, it always holds onto an LTE signal, no matter how faint. It works well for me, but only because of the way the coverage is in my area. If I was stuck on 1X more often, I certainly wouldn't do it.. 3G is much faster than that.


As far as your bookmarks question, I'm not sure what you are asking...?



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