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Network Vision/LTE - Central Iowa Market (Des Moines and surrounding areas)


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Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


thanks all for your help! :D



Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


thanks all for your help! :D



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Is this a new LTE tower?


got your other two 1x800 connections added, thanks!


as to this question, in a word, yes, in a bigger word YES! we have the hex (GCI) confirmed for all of the known live towers in the metro so far and that isn't one of them! now the question becomes, what tower was that one coming from. we have a guess as the GCI's seem to be following a pattern but we need more data before we know for sure. the tower your 1x800 signal is coming from is one of our guesses for the GCI your LTE was coming from. only way to find out for sure is to get closer to the tower and see if the signal gets stronger. -80 RSRP is what we shoot for with LTE confirmations.

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got your other two 1x800 connections added, thanks!


as to this question, in a word, yes, in a bigger word YES! we have the hex (GCI) confirmed for all of the known live towers in the metro so far and that isn't one of them! now the question becomes, what tower was that one coming from. we have a guess as the GCI's seem to be following a pattern but we need more data before we know for sure. the tower your 1x800 signal is coming from is one of our guesses for the GCI your LTE was coming from. only way to find out for sure is to get closer to the tower and see if the signal gets stronger. -80 RSRP is what we shoot for with LTE confirmations.

At the tower.



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Aren't we just waiting on Mediacom ?


yes and no. mediacom is doing the fiber for the metro so they have to get it hooked up before LTE can be turned on. but even if they get fiber hooked up sprint still has to schedule someone to come out and turn LTE on and test it. 

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Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)

This should be the crane building.


thanks all for your help! :D


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This morning on the way into work, my LTE lit up at a place it normally doesn't. Is this a new LTE tower?


nope, that one isn't new. you are a sponsor, check the maps/spreadsheet in the sponsor thread (link in my sig) and you can see where the towers are and what their GCI numbers are to know which tower it was coming from. there were however 6 new towers that got LTE yesterday! :D

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Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)

This should be the crane building.


thanks all for your help! :D



Some great 1x800 Confirmations coming in !!  

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Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


Here are some more.


thanks all for your help! :D

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Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


Here are some more.


thanks all for your help! :D




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Looking for some help in confirming some 1x800 connections. There are 8 towers around the downtown area that should be broadcasting 1x800 but no one has posted a screenshot confirming that they are live. If you are a sponsor you can check out the spreadsheet and map in the first post in the link in my sig to see which towers aren't listed as 1x800 live yet.


So if you get a 1x800 signal from a tower around downtown please post a screenshot of it from signalcheck so we can get the information added.


All i ask is that if you are a sponsor you look in the spreadsheet for the BID(s) you are going to post about and make sure it hasn't already been reported. If you are not a sponsor please at least make sure it hasn't already been posted in this thread before posting. doing that will help cut down on the work i need to do when updating things :)


Here are some more.


thanks all for your help! :D



gtpred99 - if you happen to get around SE 14th / Hartford area see if you can get some 1x800 from a tower near there.   Thanks for doing these screen shots of data lately !   Been a great help  :lol:

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I'm new here and have a question about the SignalCheck Pro app...

How do you get the street address on the BSL line?  All I have is "Click for map".


BTW, it appears that the tower at Valley West Dr and I-235 is now 1x800.  I am connecting to that tower from near the WDM Marriott.  I figured I would just connect to the tower at the Marriott.



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I'm new here and have a question about the SignalCheck Pro app...

How do you get the street address on the BSL line?  All I have is "Click for map".


BTW, it appears that the tower at Valley West Dr and I-235 is now 1x800.  I am connecting to that tower from near the WDM Marriott.  I figured I would just connect to the tower at the Marriott.




hello and welcome! looks like you are a sponsor, thanks for that! make sure to check out the link in my sig as it will have a spreadsheet and map of all the towers around here and their current known status :)


as to the signal check question, if you don't get an address that means the google services process that is used to get the address is messed up and you will have to restart your phone in order to fix it :)


are you getting LTE from that tower? its one of the ones that should be broadcasting LTE now.

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Thanks for the "welcome" bmoses!  Yea...I've been monitoring the map for DM and saw that this tower is a unverified LTE (with question mark).  I do not get LTE from this tower (Valley West Dr & I-235), at least from my office building near the WDM Marriott.


Also, I just powered down and back on my phone and it still says "click for map".  It does (and did) go to google maps and show the tower on the map.  It just doesn't show the street and/or address next to BSL.  Not a biggie!


Do you know if the WDM Marriott tower are going to 1x800 or LTE?  I noticed crains there before Christmas and saw some posts here about it but wasn't sure if this tower is getting upgraded based on what I've read here.


Thanks! Gilly

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Thanks for the "welcome" bmoses!  Yea...I've been monitoring the map for DM and saw that this tower is a unverified LTE (with question mark).  I do not get LTE from this tower (Valley West Dr & I-235), at least from my office building near the WDM Marriott.


Also, I just powered down and back on my phone and it still says "click for map".  It does (and did) go to google maps and show the tower on the map.  It just doesn't show the street and/or address next to BSL.  Not a biggie!


Do you know if the WDM Marriott tower are going to 1x800 or LTE?  I noticed crains there before Christmas and saw some posts here about it but wasn't sure if this tower is getting upgraded based on what I've read here.


Thanks! Gilly


do you have "fast boot" enabled on your phone? if so then its probably not fully powering down and restarting which it needs in order to restart that service.


as far as we know any tower on the map thats listed as 3G/800 right now will also get 800 LTE. These sites are considered "full builds" and have all of the equipment already installed to allow 800 LTE so there shouldn't be any reason for them not to get it.


all towers in the metro have all their NV (network vision) equipment installed and have been accepted and switched over to run on the new equipment. all we are waiting for now is backhaul to get hooked up so they can enable LTE on 1900 and then either very soon after or at the same time they will start turning on LTE on 800. the only site left in the entire "central iowa market" to get the new equipment installed is in boone.


if you do drive by that new LTE site off valley west dr and get connected to LTE take a screenshot of signal check showing the LTE connection with the GCI listed and we can get it added to the spreadsheet as confirmed :)

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Yep, I did have it set to fast boot!  Rebooted (w/out fast boot) and it works!  :)  Thanks!


I keeps moving from tower to tower.  Is that normal if I'm between towers?


As far as the screen shot, I'd be happy to do that.  Can you tell me tho, how to post a screen shot here from the phone?  Right now, I am accessing this forum from my PC.


Thanks again!

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Yep, I did have it set to fast boot!  Rebooted (w/out fast boot) and it works!   :)  Thanks!


I keeps moving from tower to tower.  Is that normal if I'm between towers?


As far as the screen shot, I'd be happy to do that.  Can you tell me tho, how to post a screen shot here from the phone?  Right now, I am accessing this forum from my PC.


Thanks again!


yep thats normal, you will bounce between many towers constantly just sitting there in the same spot. your phone has always done that but without signal check you never knew :)


to take a screenshot on your phone (assuming the EVO LTE your profile lists is correct) you press the power button and the home button at the same time. i find posting pics from my pc to be the easiest, and this is how i do it.


i signed up for a free photobucket account. then installed their app on my phone. from the app i can upload the screenshots. once they are uploaded you can sign into your account on your PC and go to the picture you uploaded and there will be a link you can click with IMG tags that you can copy and paste into your response in the forum here. then when you post it will show up with the picture in your response.

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Here are a few screenshots...


next to WDM Marriott tower:



near intersection of Valley West Dr and I-235 tower:



Driving south on Valley West Dr near E.P. True Pkwy (50th St tower).  Had a quick 5 second LTE signal:


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I've noticed lately as more of these towers are updated and backhaul completed that even though LTE isn't widespread, the 3g is much better than it was a couple months ago. Not good enough to stream or anything, but at least I can browse the web, use feedly & currents reasonably well when I'm at lunch. 


And the locations that have LTE, it's pretty darn good. Not sure about streaming music/video as I don't use it much, but webpages are very fast. 


Glad to see it finally happening, I was -> <- this close to switching to tmo's $30 plan recently, had the sim card and everything (nice to have many carrier options with the N5).

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Here are a few screenshots...


next to WDM Marriott tower:



near intersection of Valley West Dr and I-235 tower:



Driving south on Valley West Dr near E.P. True Pkwy (50th St tower).  Had a quick 5 second LTE signal:



thanks for the screen shots! the last one you posted is what we are looking for with LTE confirmations, the only change would be is we like the signal to be -80 or better, which means basically being right next to the tower, to make sure the LTE ID goes with the correct tower. sing you have an EVO LTE when you drive by that tower again you will probably have to do airplane mode at least once to force it to connect to LTE, then with the higher signal strength take a screen shot and post it so we can confirm that ID goes with that tower :)

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