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No idea if this was already done, but I wanted to see if there were any console gamers in the community. Maybe talk about current and upcoming games. If this thread is way off topic for this site, then feel free to delete it. BTW who here is picking up Halo 4 tomorrow? I am!

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No idea if this was already done, but I wanted to see if there were any console gamers in the community. If this thread is way off topic for this site, then feel free to delete it.


BTW who here is picking up Halo 4 tomorrow? I am!


Sent from my EVO 3D powered by Jelly Beanz


The description of the General Topics thread is, "Have something on your mind? Doesn't fit with any other category? Post about it here. Off-topic threads are OK." So, no problem. :tu:



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The description of the General Topics thread is, "Have something on your mind? Doesn't fit with any other category? Post about it here. Off-topic threads are OK." So, no problem. :tu:



OK, thanks. I was just a bit concerned.


Sent from my EVO 3D powered by Jelly Beanz

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I started a bit of video game talk in one of the staff threads a month or so ago. I am a thirty-something retro Nintendo gamer. I had a brief dalliance with the original PlayStation about 15 years ago over a new "Final Fantasy" game. Otherwise, I have owned only Nintendo consoles -- NES, Super NES, Super Famicom (Japanese Super NES), NIntendo 64, GameCube, Wii. And I have a pre-order for the Wii U. I have zero interest in ultra realistic first person shooters and sports games that seem to define hardcore gamers these days. I am a casual retro gamer, mainly for nostalgia, very little for realism or innovation.



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I started a bit of video game talk in one of the staff threads a month or so ago. I am a thirty-something retro Nintendo gamer. I had a brief dalliance with the original PlayStation about 15 years ago over a new "Final Fantasy" game. Otherwise, I have owned only Nintendo consoles -- NES, Super NES, Super Famicom (Japanese Super NES), NIntendo 64, GameCube, Wii. And I have a pre-order for the Wii U. I have zero interest in ultra realistic first person shooters and sports games that seem to define hardcore gamers these days. I am a casual retro gamer, mainly for nostalgia, very little for realism or innovation.



Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes I do get bored of the hardcore games and wished that I still had my PS1 and NES. I missed those days where you play games for fun and not for achievements, etc.

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I have a pre-order for the Wii U also. I played a demo of the new Rayman coming out at a local Bestbuy, was pretty fun. I actually mostly watched while my daughter played around with it. Was the only demo avail to try out though.


I was a little torn on which system to get Black Ops 2 for.. I wanted to see how a hardcore FPS would do on the new U system, with that controller..so I ended up getting it for that. Not into the COD multiplayer, so that really wasn't an issue. I had the hardened edition on pre-order for the PS3.. but cancelled it.

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I'm getting Black Ops 2, waiting for Halo 4 reviews before I decide. It looks sweet, but with a totally different developer, it can be a huge fail.


Also - My gaming career (lol career) started back when I was 2!


Snes > N64 > Gamecube > Playstation 2 > Xbox 360 (Best one so far) > Playstation 3 > PC


I've owned nearly every single handheld device, so I didn't want to clutter the list. Every single Gameboy I've owned. The Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advanced, Gameboy Advanced SP, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, and the Nintendo 3DS. Also owned the PSP.


About 2 years ago I was obsessed with gaming (earning achievements over Xbox 360 games), but since then I've become a casual gamer. It's sad growing up.

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I'm getting Black Ops 2, waiting for Halo 4 reviews before I decide. It looks sweet, but with a totally different developer, it can be a huge fail.


Also - My gaming career (lol career) started back when I was 2!


Snes > N64 > Gamecube > Playstation 2 > Xbox 360 (Best one so far) > Playstation 3 > PC


I've owned nearly every single handheld device, so I didn't want to clutter the list. Every single Gameboy I've owned. The Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advanced, Gameboy Advanced SP, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, and the Nintendo 3DS. Also owned the PSP.


About 2 years ago I was obsessed with gaming (earning achievements over Xbox 360 games), but since then I've become a casual gamer. It's sad growing up.

Halo 4 has gotten great initial reviews so far.

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Black Ops 2 FTW!! Can't wait, can't wait. I already sweeten the deal for my wife and made her happy so when I disappear for the next month, she won't divorce me. lol I just have to remember... Pick up my boy at 10:45, Pick up my boy at 10:45.

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Black Ops 2 FTW!! Can't wait, can't wait. I already sweeten the deal for my wife and made her happy so when I disappear for the next month, she won't divorce me. lol I just have to remember... Pick up my boy at 10:45, Pick up my boy at 10:45.

lol put a sticky note on your head just in case. I'll be off the grid for a while as well

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Halo 4 has gotten great initial reviews so far.

Halo 4 has gotten great initial reviews so far.


I don't buy these big title games anymore and mainly get good ones from steam sales and indy providers (my latest one is Chivalry Medieval Warfare and it's damn fun!).


Anyways regarding halo 4... I've been an avid halo follower since Halo CE. In fact I still have the box for the PC version next to my desk. Good times...


About Halo 4. Read the Halo books and halo 4 will be even more amazing. Especially Halo Cryptum, Halo Primordium, Halo Glasslands, and Halo: Thursday War. Read those books and the game will be amazing story wise and you will recognize so many things and come to so many realizations that just playing the game doesn't give you.


spoiler: akdjalsjdslakdjancientevilaksiskjflsnotakajfdidactkajsd

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I don't buy these big title games anymore and mainly get good ones from steam sales and indy providers (my latest one is Chivalry Medieval Warfare and it's damn fun!).


Anyways regarding halo 4... I've been an avid halo follower since Halo CE. In fact I still have the box for the PC version next to my desk. Good times...


About Halo 4. Read the Halo books and halo 4 will be even more amazing. Especially Halo Cryptum, Halo Primordium, Halo Glasslands, and Halo: Thursday War. Read those books and the game will be amazing story wise and you will recognize so many things and come to so many realizations that just playing the game doesn't give you.


spoiler: akdjalsjdslakdjancientevilaksiskjflsnotakajfdidactkajsd

Took advantage of the Steam Halloween sale and bought 4 games around $20 in total :D I will look into the Halo books next time I go to Barnes and Noble. They sound pretty interesting

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The Halo books are part of two trilogies and written by two different authors.


Halo Glasslands and Halo Thursday War relates more to Halo 4.

Halo Glasslands and Thursday War talks mostly about after the events of halo 3 and deals more with ONI and backside deals and stuff like that... It's part of the Kilo-Five trilogy


Halo Cryptum and Primordium are part of the Reclaimer Trilogy. You learn all about the past eras. The Forerunners and their dirty politics, technologies, civil war, human-forerunner war, and meeting the Primordial and learning about the ultimate forerunner betrayal *which is a major hint at the ending of this halo 4/5/6 trilogy*.


Halo Primordium follows that of an ancient human who was imprinted with a geas / memories of ancient-defeated humans who was abducted and then dropped onto a halo and forced to fend for thyself from the flood, mendicant bias, and primordial. A part of this ancient human... becomes a major character in halo. Also the revelations in it are daunting.

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I will say this, and it will probably make you guys all mad but I never played Halo 1 and Halo 2 and I didn't understand 3. Did you guys understand the storyline at all from playing the games? Or did you have to read the books?

I didn't play Halo 1 or 2 either. But I understood the storyline.


Sent from my EVO 3D powered by Jelly Beanz

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Read the books & watched the game playthroughs - cutscenes for every game after halo 2 since they didn't release it on pc anymore. Fairly interesting back story that you don't get from just playing the game. You can just play the games and it'll be fine but if you read the books then you'll recognize a lot of things that are in the games and you'll go "ohhhhhhh" when you see them.

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I didn't play Halo 1 or 2 either. But I understood the storyline.


Sent from my EVO 3D powered by Jelly Beanz


Played the hell out of Halo 1 and 2 especially online with xbconnect for free. Those were the days to have 3 original xboxes in the house hardwired ethernet with them all sporting large hard drives. Still have those machines and play them from time to time. They were great for their time with xbmc, game loading for no discs, emulators, mame, etc. Still lots of value in my eyes. I play it more than the 360 it sits next to! I am lazy to switch discs I guess and really don't like the 360s small controllers. Prefer the old school xbox large controllers. They just fit your hands better. I hated the play station controllers as the were so small you couldn't press the buttons.


I played a bit of halo 3 but just got burnt out. Today's games just got too crazy and you have to play online 24/7 to even last 5 minutes.


Sent from the EVO 4G sometimes-LTE



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