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Will Sprint continue Unlimited Data once Network Vision is done?

Will Sprint continue Unlimited Data once Network Vision is done?  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Will Sprint continue Unlimited Data once Network Vision is done?

    • Yes, absolutely.
    • No, Sprint will go tiered data like the other national carriers.
    • No, Sprint will throttle after users hit a certain threshold.
    • Maybe, dependent on how the network performs.

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On the investor conference calls, Dan Hesse repeatedly emphasizes the Sprint brand being about value and unlimited data, and that unlimited data is the primary differentiator between Sprint and other carriers. Sprint has been building itself up as the #1 value carrier. Its marketing is based around the simplicity and value of an unlimited (talk, text, data) plan. For them to do a 180 on unlimited would make little make sense. Of course anything can happen, but it would be a complete reversal of the past few years of marketing and brand building.

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On the investor conference calls, Dan Hesse repeatedly emphasizes the Sprint brand being about value and unlimited data, and that unlimited data is the primary differentiator between Sprint and other carriers. Sprint has been building itself up as the #1 value carrier. Its marketing is based around the simplicity and value of an unlimited (talk, text, data) plan. For them to do a 180 on unlimited would make little make sense. Of course anything can happen, but it would be a complete reversal of the past few years of marketing and brand building.


Thats what he is suppose to say but I can assure you that at some point there will either be tiered data for sure or at least some sort of throttling.

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if i recall Hesse said the Sprint would throttle data to the heavy users .. I think the statement was taken out of context but who knows ..of course i cannot find the article right now .... the max amount of data i have ever used was like 8 GIGs and that was streaming netflix and pandora for almost 24/7 so if they do tier they are still a great deal....MAN i sound like some sort of fanboi :)

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I voted that they will stay with unlimited data. It really is the only thing they have right now that makes them an option. Price wise they have already caught up with AT&T for a lot of users.( or the diffrence is so small it doesn't really matter). **


** obvioulsy for new users. not talking about those with plans so old that thier service is so cheep that nothing can compete.**

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I know at some point unlimited data will end. Hopefully sprint will grand father those who are currently with them and have the new users on tiered plans. Last week I ported my number out to Verizon because I was pissed about all the price increases and slow data speeds. I ported my number back to sprint because Verizon's voice quality in my opinion is worst than sprints. Also, the number 1 place I needed my Verizon line to have signal didn't have service at all and my sprint phone did. Sprints voice is top notch to me they just need to work on data. Sometimes I think tiered or throttled data may be a good thing to ease the congestion. I believe that sprint will get right with network vision and take customers away from the big two. Just my thoughts.

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if i recall Hesse said the Sprint would throttle data to the heavy users .. I think the statement was taken out of context but who knows ..of course i cannot find the article right now .... the max amount of data i have ever used was like 8 GIGs and that was streaming netflix and pandora for almost 24/7 so if they do tier they are still a great deal....MAN i sound like some sort of fanboi :)


Yes, you are incorrectly quoting. He said that they can remove users who roam too much. I can dig up the article for you if you want.


What they have talked about is how much "runway" they have to offer unlimited data. Essentially, with clearwire's spectrum, the runway is a bit longer than say, AT&T.


Once that runway runs out, they will switch to similar plans as AT&T and VZN. The difference will probably be that with Sprint you get "double the data" for less, or some other marketing scheme.

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Yes, you are incorrectly quoting. He said that they can remove users who roam too much.


I can confirm this; I was on the conference call and heard it firsthand. Hesse was talking about roaming costs and the cost of roaming data, e.g. data usage not on the Sprint network.

Edited by strung
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If Network Vision is the "panacea" for the Sprint network that we're all hoping it will be... That is, we'll be coated in LTE coverage that peaks at speeds faster than most people's broadband... good press would cause people to flock to sprint in droves.


As current customers, we know that there are areas of the network where we can surf and stream fine and areas where the data is useless. Building a better network will also cause us to use more data...


Can sprint handle people flocking to its network , together with skyrocketing usage from its current users? I don't know...


As long as the "tiers" or "buckets" are set at a higher point than the competing network, I fail to understand how tiering is a bad thing. What i know is that my casual usage is more than 2GB a month, and at times more than 4GB. I also know that I use more when I'm able to use Wimax. Give me a higher tier and give me a sensible overage price point and we're golden.


Or, maybe, the big change in data plans we see at Sprint will redefine the way we're billed. Hesse spoke of this sometime around the launch of the original EVO.... He hinted that eventually, all services will be billed as "Data". Maybe sprint redefines the market and counts everything in data. Could be interesting!

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I thinnk that Sprint will continue their unlimited data plans as long as pepole want it and use smartphones because smartphones use a lot of data and pepeole enjoy unlimited data plans than capped data.Sprint should keep their unlimited data because is going good for Sprint so why let unlimited data go is going good for Sprint.So hopley Sprint keep it's unlimited data plans.

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I think they will keep it for at least a few more years. I am sure they believe that with competitive prices, fast network, and unlimited data, people will come running to their network.( I know they have me as soon as the LTE iPhone comes out). Also with ATT capping unlimited data users to only 2GB per month, a lot of them will be looking to switch once their contract is over. Verizon will probably also do something similar, so some of their customers will probably want to leave. I believe most will leave for sprint vs tmobile, especially if Sprint's LTE network is well received.

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If Network Vision is the "panacea" for the Sprint network that we're all hoping it will be... That is, we'll be coated in LTE coverage that peaks at speeds faster than most people's broadband... good press would cause people to flock to sprint in droves.


As current customers, we know that there are areas of the network where we can surf and stream fine and areas where the data is useless. Building a better network will also cause us to use more data...


Can sprint handle people flocking to its network , together with skyrocketing usage from its current users? I don't know...


As long as the "tiers" or "buckets" are set at a higher point than the competing network, I fail to understand how tiering is a bad thing. What i know is that my casual usage is more than 2GB a month, and at times more than 4GB. I also know that I use more when I'm able to use Wimax. Give me a higher tier and give me a sensible overage price point and we're golden.


Or, maybe, the big change in data plans we see at Sprint will redefine the way we're billed. Hesse spoke of this sometime around the launch of the original EVO.... He hinted that eventually, all services will be billed as "Data". Maybe sprint redefines the market and counts everything in data. Could be interesting!


If Sprint goes to tiered data, they will have to offer tier amounts that offer a significant value over the other carriers. More data for less money. It would also be good to offer an a la carte pricing, where you can buy an extra GB or two for a week off plan, say if you are travelling and using your device more than normal, etc. for a period of time. Or maybe an unlimited day pass for $10 for a period when you need to do some heavy usage for a short period. And those passes don't count against your monthly allotment. There are many different ways to skin the cat, so to speak.

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Hopley Sprint don't go to tiered plans they cost to much money than unlimited data and if u go over than $10 dollars after 2GB of data is a lot of money unlimited data plans saves you money over tiered plans and than when you see ur bill go up than everybody will be getting mad about the bill.I think that Sprint should keep the plans the way they is now it's better for everybody and saves money also.

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I have never really understood the need to place caps on data. You are still having the same amount of users access the data at peak times regardless of the cap because generally people will use data at the most convenient time for them (afternoon/evening for most people). Maybe I just don't understand all the technical aspects of it.


Keeping my fingers crossed that they keep unlimited data

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Sometimes I dont understand why these companies go tiered. What about the people that was paying for unlimited data and was using much less than a GB. I know people that dont even know that a GB is. Tiered minutes can be easily tracked a person knows how many mintues they talked on the phone but data is very hard to track. I tried verizon lte out for a couple days I used a GB in a day without trying. Im sure that these carriers are making alot of money off the folks that buys unlimited and use less than GB. I used to be one of those people for years.

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I don't know how it's possible to use a GB in a day "without trying." You had to be streaming and/or downloading files to use a GB in a day.


I use an avg of 250-350MB streaming my Google music everyday working out. When your getting faster speeds you tend to use data for more things then you would with a slower speed due to convenience. With Verizon you get access to the ESPN Watch app and i could burn some data on that. But for most people to burn through a GB in a day would take a lot of effort I agree.


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A couple short YouTube videos, multiple speed tests, streamed music for 30 mins and went to a lot of websites. And probably some other stuff can't remember what else it was I know it occurred on a work day so it couldn't have been much. If it was the weekend it would be a lot different.

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