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Network Vision/LTE - Jacksonville Market (including Gainesville/St. Augustine/Ocala)


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My classes ended but for the one site that was at my college campus, I connected to it just fine (after cycling airplane mode.)


Sent from my LG-LS980

Do you keep all the bands enabled or just 41 and 25? Also does haven't the additional bands enabled effect your battery life?


I got s full 24 hrs yesterday and I had to charge my phone twice today. Also my time without signal was higher today than other days. Do you think that my phone was trying to connect to other bands today?

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Do you keep all the bands enabled or just 41 and 25? Also does haven't the additional bands enabled effect your battery life?


I got s full 24 hrs yesterday and I had to charge my phone twice today. Also my time without signal was higher today than other days. Do you think that my phone was trying to connect to other bands today?

My battery life has been decent but not astounding. I was running stock V8 deodex. I flashed the new Furnace kernel this morning and my battery is noticeably better.


As for the bands, I had all of them enabled and set priority to 1 on B41 and 0 for B25/26. Cycle airplane mode in a weak B25 location and it'll connect no problem. I noticed areas where B25 is lower than a -105dBm is optimal for it to not override B41.


Although I've only been connected to two B41 sites so far. One is co-located with B25 upgrade, and the other one is standalone Verizon/Clear site. I connect to the standalone Clear site, then drive to the co-located B25/B41 and it will hold the connection as long as there's an active session. When the connection goes idle for more than 30 seconds, it'll scan for B25 and connect to that, regardless of "proirities.".


Sent from my LG-LS980



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Is florida spectrum rich for sprint? If so how much do they have per city in each state? Is there a map?


There is an S4GRU article that links to an excel sheet that shows the amount of available spectrum in many of the top cities, including Orlando and Tampa.  I remember the excel sheet leading to the conclusion that Sprint had enough 1900mhz spectrum in Orlando and Tampa to launch a second LTE carrier if they wanted to.


So yeah I think it would be fair to say that Florida is spectrum rich for Sprint.  About as rich as it can get for Sprint in the 1900mhz range anyways.


EDIT: Found it http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-27-spectrum-analysisdoes-sprint-have-more-options-for-additional-lte-carriers/

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Thanks man

There is an S4GRU article that links to an excel sheet that shows the amount of available spectrum in many of the top cities, including Orlando and Tampa. I remember the excel sheet leading to the conclusion that Sprint had enough 1900mhz spectrum in Orlando and Tampa to launch a second LTE carrier if they wanted to.


So yeah I think it would be fair to say that Florida is spectrum rich for Sprint. About as rich as it can get for Sprint in the 1900mhz range anyways.


EDIT: Found it http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-27-spectrum-analysisdoes-sprint-have-more-options-for-additional-lte-carriers/

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Guess what I did today...


I just mapped LTE on Sensorly at the Town Center. I was surprised when I had *5* bars of LTE when I stepped out of my car. Unfortunately, it was insanely slow. I only got 4.5 mbps down and 0.12 up. It's a start...

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Guess what I did today...


I just mapped LTE on Sensorly at the Town Center. I was surprised when I had *5* bars of LTE when I stepped out of my car. Unfortunately, it was insanely slow. I only got 4.5 mbps down and 0.12 up. It's a start...

While 4.5mbps isn't blazing-ass fast, it is more than fast enough for a mobile device and worlds better than 0.00mbps that I'm use to seeing in that area on EVDO. Hell, I would gladly take 1mbps in that area. I can do pretty much anything with 1mbps.


Edit: the site at 295( 9A) and JTB (southeast of the Town Centre) just went live 4G/3G. This is why you know are seeing good LTE signals in the Town Center area, especially in the south complex. The tower is less than a mile away. :)

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Guess what I did today...


I just mapped LTE on Sensorly at the Town Center. I was surprised when I had *5* bars of LTE when I stepped out of my car. Unfortunately, it was insanely slow. I only got 4.5 mbps down and 0.12 up. It's a start...


Well that's certainly usable, which puts Town Center in a much better position than it was in before.  I'm away for the holiday or I'd go map out all of TC lol. 

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Well that's certainly usable, which puts Town Center in a much better position than it was in before. I'm away for the holiday or I'd go map out all of TC lol.

And this is before the site has been accepted, so it should get better. Merry Christmas to all of us who have been waiting for this hole to be filled.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk



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It is nice, but only a start. While I was inside Petsmart at the TC, I was only able to pull about 600 kbps with the LTE connection. I got the 4.5 mbps outside in the parking lot.

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And this is before the site has been accepted, so it should get better. Merry Christmas to all of us who have been waiting for this hole to be filled.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk


Eh probably not.  There really shouldn't be any discernible difference to the end user when the site is officially accepted or not.  Regardless though, this is a vast improvement over what was.

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Eh probably not. There really shouldn't be any discernible difference to the end user when the site is officially accepted or not. Regardless though, this is a vast improvement over what was.

For every site I've tracked, the initial stages of testing, through acceptance and even a week or so after, showed varying degrees of speed. After that, each site I've seen speed up a good bit and stayed that way, for the most part.


Btw, this site is accepted now.

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Any chance sprint could fix the connectivity issues in silver springs shores to sr200. Getting very crappy service. Poor voice, 3g and 4g. 4g connects strong near sr200, however it is like the backbone went poof. Is it possible updates are taking place and can take a few days to complete? Kinda funny such a large area has been affected.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

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Any chance sprint could fix the connectivity issues in silver springs shores to sr200. Getting very crappy service. Poor voice, 3g and 4g. 4g connects strong near sr200, however it is like the backbone went poof. Is it possible updates are taking place and can take a few days to complete? Kinda funny such a large area has been affected.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

As a matter and fact LTE updates are taking place right now in the shores. The ruus and new panels are in place on both shores towers and they are just having some problems with the guys who installed them. They installed alot of things wrong and they are fixing them now. I talked to a Ericsson rep working on the shores towers. They both should be live by the end of the year. 

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Any chance the range on the towers will be able to reach with a good signal to oak road near Lockheed Martin? My signal check pro says there is a tower just off silver road across Maricamp that i hook to but my data connection is very sloooow. Just curious. If they get it so i can get a 3mb solid i would be super happy....:D


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

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There are only 2 upgrades in the shores that are taking place that I am aware of right now. One is the tower behind Winn Dixie closest to baseline rd across the street from the kangaroo. The second tower is the one at Lake Weir High School. Update: The tower at Lake Weir High would definitely have you covered when it goes live.


Any chance the range on the towers will be able to reach with a good signal to oak road near Lockheed Martin? My signal check pro says there is a tower just off silver road across Maricamp that i hook to but my data connection is very sloooow. Just curious. If they get it so i can get a 3mb solid i would be super happy.... :D

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

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The shores will not have fantastic Sprint coverage until 800 1x advance and 800 LTE pops up that's for sure.

Any chance the range on the towers will be able to reach with a good signal to oak road near Lockheed Martin? My signal check pro says there is a tower just off silver road across Maricamp that i hook to but my data connection is very sloooow. Just curious. If they get it so i can get a 3mb solid i would be super happy.... :D

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

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Well i am within 1 mile of LWHS so I should be good when they get it up and the bugs worked out. Thanks man!!! :)


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

No problem. I was there Monday and it definitely has some ruus up shouldn't be long now.

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I'm glad I'm not the only Sprint nerd here in Jacksonville. I remember when the tower on i95 and Bay Meadows rd came live and I mapped it for the first time. It was like one of the first 10 LTE sites active. It was magnificent! I wouldn't be surprised if the Sensorly data for Sprint was compiled 99% by us. Lol


Sent from my LG-LS980



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