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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. If you go to versus.com you can compare visually the size of the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus against themselves or any other brand model Just enter the models on the top of the page. TS
  2. Whatever happened to the update for that device? The kickstarter was done along time ago and they surpassed their amount but nothing, nada, zilch? TS
  3. The feed died just before U2 but did anyone figure out what that white building was for?
  4. Mind you I am not a watch wearer, still I find it a very good effort on Apples part. But between the Moto 360, and Samsung one and the Apple Watch, I think I still prefer the Samsung one (if i were to wear a watch.)
  5. oh please sit down people its only a watch lol
  6. I admit the watch looks nice
  7. 20 LTE bands and CA but I didn't see a Sprint logo on that presentation
  8. Man that video feed sucks lol wow
  9. Musical Performers doing a concert. U2 is what I just heard.
  10. Doubt it. This is the first event that will highlight devices that have been totally upgraded, designed, etc under the new CEO. I doubt very much he or Apple will allow a holographic or film image of Jobs to upstage him. The focus will be on the devices and not any distraction that will undermine the event. TS
  11. I rather them take a bit longer and get all the kinks out rather than quickly ship out the devices full of bugs or what not and having consumers being beta testers. The Apple users most likely will not jump ship over to Android and the same for Android users jumping over to the Apple camp, so I rather they take their time than rush out a device just to compete with the almighty Apple. As for Apple, I see the regular size iPhone shipping soon and with plenty of supply, but the larger one (if the rumors are to be true) will probably face a supply shortage since that is the one that most people are probably going to go after. TS
  12. Ok that's just creepy, but it would give new meaning to the Apple religion. Hmmm, maybe that is what the white covered building at the event is for?
  13. Very good write-up. As Darth would say "Impressive" TS
  14. Seems that Sprint is unraveling the Uncarrier. Sprint now offers buyback up to 3 devices. (As reported by Engadget and Bloomberg news) Apparently, T-Mobile (or more to the point, Legere) couldn't keep its mouth shut and was tweeting that he was going to unveil in the upcoming uncarrier event that they will buy price match any trade in price from the other 3 major carriers and give you $50 on top of that. So naturally Sprint went on the attack and announced that they will do the same but up to 3 devices and the program starts immediately as oppose to T-Mobile which starts on Sept 17th. Gives new meaning to foot in mouth. TS out
  15. That's because it is a special one time promotional discount that you have to call in and speak to a Customer Service agent and can't be done online anywhere. TS
  16. On a side note (pardon the pun) I wonder if the S5 has those water indicators inside of it. I know the Note 4 would but does the S5. And what would that mean for warranty purposes. Would they reject a warranty claim due to the indicators turning pink? Things that make you go hmmm. Anyway back on topic, The more I read about the Note Edge (Nedge ?) the more I like it. But i refuse to jump the gun this time. I will wait until the reviews and most importantly until S4GRU does its investigative work on these two devices. TS
  17. I see alot of posts throughout forums (besides this one) that state they wish the Note 4 was water resistant as well as for too much plastic. Do people actually take out their phone in the rain or at a pool that much? As for the plastic that Samsung is known for, doesn't a metal phone get dented if dropped (besides the glass breaking) as oppose to a plastic covered device? Maybe i haven't researched this fully or am missing something so can someone try to convince me why it is so important for a phone to be 1-water resistance and 2-have a metal body. TS
  18. But that was before, we are now in the age of Marcelo so I feel the reverse will happen.
  19. On a side note, I'm pissed that Samsung didn't come out with a newer Note 8. That would have been cool especially on Sprint. But alas, they didn't make one. TS
  20. Isn't that date for overseas? Lets see the actual dates for the previous models... Note # - Announced FCC Docs Sprint sells Note 2 - 09/19/2012 10/02/2012 10/25/2012 (36 days) Note 3 - 09/04/2013 09/11/2013 10/04/2013 (30 days) Note 4 - 09/03/2014 The 10th would make that 37 days since announcement which falls around the usual timeframe but it an be anywhere from the 26th of Sept (30 days) to the 10th (37 days). But something tells me that Sprint will hold up until the other carriers mention their prices and then will undercut them by $50 so I feel it could actually be the 17th of Oct a week later than everyone else. TS
  21. The Edge has plastic on the sides? I thought that both the Note 4 and the Note Edge have aluminum sides. (Well at least on 3 sides of the Edge). Source please?
  22. First line of this page from what I can tell.. But will they send out a new one or a refurbished one is the next question to ask.
  23. Put Marcelo in boxing shorts and speak directly into the camera. "We took our hits and punches, but we came back. We ripped out the equipment because it wasn't good enough for our customers and built the network from the grown up. We have the spectrum and listen to our customers and now we are on track on being the baddest and best setup in town. From our network to our customer service, from our plans to our devices. We don't hold back so we can bring you the best. We are back baby and once you experience our network, you will be too".
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