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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Yeah same message. It actually started early today. Last night over in the Sprint Community forums a member posted in the thread that talked about the Note 4 white version being $24 more than the black version, and mentioned that Sprint finally fixed it but I didn't get to go into the sales section since it was late. Today I tried to get it to verify and it is still under maintenance. Don't know about you guys, be everytime the Sprint site goes under for changes, I get antsy. TS
  2. I've noticed that I do that less now but once in a while I have to also. on a different topic, Sprint must be doing something on their website, cause the page comes up but I can't sign in. Seems the sign in controls are gone. TS
  3. Like I mentioned in the iPhone thread, I went to Best Buy to check out the iPhones and Notes and I have to tell you I was really impressed with both devices. (Actually I was impressed with all 4 devices). The iPhones felt nice and I like that they are much bigger now. But I'm an Android guy at heart and the two Notes really were nice. The Note Edge for some reason looked a bit wider but still felt good in the hands. I got used to the side edge notifications really quick. I talked to the Best Buy guy and they said that both Notes will be priced the same. (Although I find that hard to believe with all the reports stating the Edge will be have a premium charge, but if true, it will be awesome. The only thing I didn't like was that Best Buy had the Note Edge on a tighter spiral lock mechanism which kept pulling down the Edge back into the holder and that prevented me from determining and comparing the weight against the regular Note 4. TS
  4. Well today I went to the closest Best Buy near my job to check up on both the Note 4, Note Edge and the 2 iphones. After i played with the notes, I went to check out the iPhones and both that were on display were bent. Even though I am an Android guy, it pissed me off that some jerk did that to the iPhones on display. Folks really need to stop that crap. Besides that, the iPhones were nice. I like the new sizes. TS
  5. Computer World Eins zwei drei vier funf sechs sieben acht , Uno due treis quattro
  6. lol true. You all are whimps. Shamu too big? Oh Please, Shamu has nothing on the Mega, size wise. (insert deep cowboy voice here) Now that's a mans phone. <return back to wimpy voice> lol All joking aside, If i wasn't going for the Note Edge (whenever that damn thing comes out) I would probably (85%) have turned in my Mega for the Shamu. Even with it not having a sd card. TS .
  7. See here, and here and here, There are probably alot more just make sure you search by iPhone 6 Plus and not iPhone 6+. TS
  8. lol Marcelo the Good is in a secret brightly lit bunker coming up new objectives while Charlie W. Evil is just waiting to unleash his BS at just the right time.
  9. Didn't think of that. Most likely the cause. I read (in another forum) that some stores do have them Rocket mentioned that some stores do in post 381, exadyne mentioned the Note 4 in Best Buy in post 367 Jeff1234 mentioned both the both the note 4 and Note Edge in Best Buy in post 372 TS
  10. And the heat goes on... First Apple with Bendgate, now Samsung is getting the heat. Seems some new owners of the Note 4 over in Asia are complaining of gaps between the front panel and the phone's frame. Source: Pocketnow SMH, there is never a dull moment with these manufacturers. TS out
  11. ^ lol well, maybe this guy knows, but he isn't talking. TS
  12. I have two best Buys close to me and both have the Samsung Experience and hoping that they have both the Note 4 and Edge on display. There was a member over at slickdeals that saw both. I really want to check out that Edge before coming to a conclusion of which to get. TS
  13. I assume you went to see it.
  14. Speaking of plans and what not, in regards to Easy Pay, how does one go about paying off the balance? Lets say I pay my monthly bill today. But i still have about $250 on the Easy pay installment. If I wanted to pay off that $250, how do I go about doing it. I don't see a way to do it via the Sprint website. The Easy Pay FAQ doesn't mention it, so it seems the only way is to go into a Sprint store and have the rep do it. Has anyone payed off their Easy Pay installments yet? TS
  15. I never heard of that app either. Is that only for iPhones only?
  16. This may be true, but most would expect any other device to bend but a "much regarded premium device" like an iPhone to do that just plain sucks. Folks expect that out of plastic covered phones like those made by Samsung, but an iPhone? I didn't think so and yet here we are, Where the iPhones bend much easier than a Galaxy ever would. (At least from what I've seen in the videos) Actually I don't think it matters if one had stayed on line for hours, days weeks or bought it on line. It sucks either way, regardless if it happens to an iPhone or any other device. But to be perfectly honest, I do not see why anyone would want to sit down with a phone in their pocket, regardless if its in the front or back. TS
  17. Going back to this. You make a very good point to which would explain why the Note series seems to always get the short end of the stick. But I am left wondering, and let me play devils' advocate for a bit. But would this also apply to the Note Edge? Reason I ask is because it seems that the Note 4 P/G/U/V versions were manufactured in early July and sent to the FCC for testing. The testing was performed from July 29 thru Sept 4. (4-5 weeks). I believe that with Samsung stating that the Note Edge will be coming later in the year (probably for Nov-Dec) then most likely the Edge would be in the FCCs hand soon (if not there already) to meet a pre-holiday sales, since they normally take a month (4-5 weeks to test). So with that being the case, would it be safe to say that the Note Edge could possibly have upgraded internals for Cat 6, CA and CCA/RRPP compatibility since it was most likely manufactured later and submitted for testing way after the Note 4?
  18. I agree about the speaker, but until they make that home button smaller or get rid of it altogether, I don't think there will be space to put the speaker out front. As for it being water resistant, I also don't see why it wasn't. I guess the S-Pen slot may have something to do with that.
  19. I'll wait till it comes from the horses mouth (Sprint) because Cnet says $350, another says $299, so at this point who knows what it will be actually be. TS
  20. i saw a similar video about the UPS / Sprint warehouse near the airport a few months back and was surprised that someone mentioned recently in one of the threads that Sprint uses Fed Ex. I don't think that's true unless they changed distributors or use Fed Ex for certain things. But with a whole UPS warehouse at your disposal why would they use someone else? TS TS .
  21. things that make you go hmmm... Softbank sets free calls in U.S. for iPhone 6 users.
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