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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. Maybe but I doubt that is coming anytime soon lol. Hope I am wrong however.
  2. Perhaps it has to do with the less than stellar battery life (quite bad in-fact) and black color banding issues etc.
  3. The S9 does indeed support all of the needed bands, however band 71 is not enabled on the Sprint variant which is odd but can be enabled through an updated software considering all of the S9 models in the US are the same.
  4. Samsung sure went out of their way with updates on this phone, only 1 update since the phone was out.?
  5. I just watched the video from this morning, I am feeling pretty positive about this merger. Loving the energy between Marcelo and John, hope this passes and AT&T and Verizon don't know what to do.
  6. Glad I'm not the only one, I've heard of bad battery life on the exynos version but not the snapdragon 845 version, I don't understand it usage hasn't changed from the S8+ but battery life is down a good 20% on average. Granted my phone lasts me all day but I'm getting home from work with 50% whereas on the 8+ I would be in the 70-75% range.
  7. So how is everyone's battery life? I'm using my phone just as much as I did my 8+ and I'm getting significantly less battery life, granted the phone is a LOT faster but I'm down a good 20% when I leave work compared to what I was getting on the 8+. Still love the phone but just curious lol.
  8. I've never had issues in a CVS, or any store for that matter but I guess different locations lol. Ok well no there is this one Walmart, in the sticks it's hit or miss with LTE, B26 and all don't know what the problem is.
  9. I hate the fact that we might share the same place as tmobile fanboys, they're the worst. That's why I would never switch to tmobile.
  10. Ugh at this point I don't want this to happen, just gonna put a further hold on the upgrades Sprint has planned.
  11. Reviews says it's not worth the upgrade, I call bs it's a huge difference in performance in every aspect.
  12. He's saying the S8 is slow in comparison and in my experience I agree it's quite a bit slower you can feel it.
  13. S9 is definitely a nice upgrade, the S8 feels slow in comparison.
  14. I can't wait for 4x4 mimo and 256qam it's gonna be nice.
  15. Worked as soon as the phone was done setting up.
  16. Perfect in a lot of ways, battery life identical to the S8+ perhaps better in some situations. Performance is without a doubt significantly better, same goes for the camera which is amazing. RF performance is identical and sometimes better depends on the day lol, overall a worthy upgrade. Phone is a bit heavier and thicker but I like that, not to mention it's a bit shorter in length so it's easier to use one handed. Overall an amazing device, stereo speakers are a huge upgrade as well they sound good better than my brother in laws iPhone 8 plus.
  17. I have, S9+ is superior in every way.
  18. I've had my 9+ for a week now, haven't run across anything and haven't heard about anything.
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