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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. That's good to hear, baseband improvements are always welcome.
  2. Things have been pretty good since I upgraded earlier, no complaints.
  3. Yeah 3rd gen just popped loving it, I'm also in a raid group on Discord we have a blast and are actually all getting together soon for a holiday party. Made some cool friends with this game.
  4. Haven't had any issues on the latest non-beta.
  5. I'd rather improved coverage over 6Gbps, I'm fine with 100+Mbps on LTE as is it's just coverage that needs improvement.
  6. Yeah I know, still strange though.
  7. Such a rogue update, haven't been updated since August and now we get one with an old security patch...
  8. Yeah just got the update, I check for updates every morning lol. Glad they kept the signal bars from the beta.
  9. I'll definetly jump on that if I'm able to, when I joined Sprint back in 2012 I had a sub 600 credit score, I was able to build it back up to 700 or so, then contracts went away and I did easy pay and now I have no score lol since nothing has touched it since I had a contract. Maybe this will be a way for me to build it back up again, after all I've been a loyal upstanding customer for so many years without ever a missed or late payment.
  10. So yeah I'm pretty sure Sprints plan for the S8 is to wait for an official Oreo update, I mean who isn't fine with an August 1st security patch? Lol /rant it's just silly not complaining just a weird way to do things.
  11. If I see improvements then yeah sure I'll gladly pay another $5 a month, but if there is none no way. You don't buy a new car without test driving it...
  12. Depends on the coverage etc and if they improve or not, you can't charge more and give nothing in return.
  13. I hooked it up to my pc, I lost everything but small price to pay to have usability back.
  14. Sprint hub was crashing a lot for me as well.
  15. I'm rolling back to nougat, not much of a difference here on the bata expect for random app crashes and whatnot. Some random apps don't function right and the random little bugs are annoying now. I'll wait for a finished product which shouldn't be long now.
  16. Just followed the ifixit guide pretty straight forward. Still waiting on my battery...
  17. Could just be due to the beta, Sprint signal bars have been stock Android for a few years now. I do like the new ones however.
  18. Haven't noticed many changes yet but I will report back with any findings. This beta runs really good though.
  19. I tried without didn't work. Unless of course I didn't do it correctly.
  20. Yep I downloaded the app posted earlier and boom gone.
  21. Just installed it, seems to be running decent gonna restart and do a cache wipe.
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