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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. I've never been without service at least in the last 5 years but hey if I don't have to see 3G ever again I'll be happy.
  2. 50/5 on T-Mobile and 3/0 on Sprint lol. I'm using the S9+. The roaming works great, as soon as you lose LTE you go right onto T-Mobile if available.
  3. Philly not too sure on the specifics. Hoping Sprint enables B71 on this phone in the future.
  4. Sitting on T-Mobile B4 right now at work, could get used to having full bars in these old buildings. My Sprint LTE was only two bars at best with random drops to 3G.
  5. Well that's exciting, glad to see roaming is finally coming to fruition. Will be great when I visit my mom, her whole neighborhood is just horrible in general for cell service but T-Mobile is better than Sprint in the same area. I usually sit on 1x800 in her house, if I'm not on her WiFi my phone is useless. ?
  6. Yes. And also randomly dropped LTE and roamed on LTE for the first time not sure if TMobile or AT&T was in the car so wasn't able to get a speed test in it was brief.
  7. I had WiFi on when I took that picture from the speed test app, that test was done on LTE.
  8. Yes. Forgot to post the engineering screen, mind you this is right next to the tower at work, 15 feet at most. Would probably have been better if I was a little further away. I got a best of 70/15 in the 3 tests I did.
  9. You can get notifications through your browser, at least on Android. Not too sure about iOS.
  10. Just use the mobile site it works a lot better.
  11. I hope for the same on the Sprint branded devices.
  12. I've noticed a decrease in service as well, would be terrible if that's really what they're doing.
  13. I'm excited for the S10, my S9+ is off lease at that point.
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