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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. Don't let the reviews fool you, it's a lot better in every aspect. The performance difference is very noticeable.
  2. 8.43 and 14.6 on the other test I did.
  3. That's what I figured it just shocked me lol, I hardly see that on B41 anymore lol.
  4. Don't know if it's the new phone or not but I just pulled 27 down on B25 10×10 never saw that on my S8+. Rivals the speeds I used to see on B25 when LTE was first turned on lol.
  5. I'm seeing the same on my S9+, most likely a bug with the new os.
  6. Figures right after I get my S9+ lol.
  7. Sure are a lot of CA options lol.
  8. Yeah gonna take some getting used to lol.
  9. That may be but I overrode that lol.
  10. This thing feels a lot faster than the s8 after using it for a few hours, wow.
  11. From my limited testing it's about the same on B25 at my house, rarely get B26 or B41 at home lol so I wasnt able to test those. But my S8+ was sitting at 91dBm and my S9+ was sitting at 91dBm after I activated it.
  12. Phone in hand, uninstalling all the bloat and updating apps etc so far I can notice a decent difference in performance compared to the 8+. Yes MSL is still 000000, unfortunately the default priority list is B25, 26 and then 41 so I had to change that to what it's supposed to be 41, 25 and then 26... Sprint loves to mess this up every time with a new Samsung device. Other than the bloat I like it.
  13. My phone is in Philly now lol, too bad I'll be at work when it's delivered. Nice gift to come home to though, and rf comparisons will be done before I switch over. Hoping XPUE actually works on this one doesn't make a difference on this 8+.
  14. S9+ has the same size battery as the s8+ 3500mah.
  15. In transit delivery date for tomorrow.
  16. You'e probably right I've never done a preorder with sprint.
  17. Or it just might show up, nothing has been updated doesn't make any sense.
  18. Same here, I'm still thinking tomorrow the tracking information just hasn't been updated. I'm expecting a rogue update at some point overnight. *crosses fingers*
  19. I did the estimate delivery option and it says Monday, hoping that's true.
  20. The estimated delivery date for me says Monday by 1:45-5:45pm.
  21. I find it weird my status on UPS hasn't changed since Thursday.
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