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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. Yeah that's just in the last 7 days, this is going back to early April... The log was huge lol goodbye is right I don't really map anymore either.
  2. Battery is still crap but just saw this, might be the real reason why it's been erroring out since the 10th of April about when my battery took a shit. Just uninstalled it hopefully that was it.
  3. I know this haven't had it this bad in a long while, same goes with Instagram had to disable that running in the background too.
  4. I may have discovered why my battery life sucks, was just looking under battery stats and saw Facebook has been active in the background for over 4 hours, I disabled it from running in the background let's hope that fixes the problem. Currently at 66% and I hardly used my phone today since I am at work.
  5. You must have had eyes then lol, I see a huge difference.
  6. It might be cool if you get no LTE inside but get it outside, but not when you get great LTE inside like 90Mbps down... All over iphones that have terrible rf.?
  7. I've relocated the device to a different spot where I am pulling right now on B41 3xCA 90 down 2 up and 28ms ping. Hoping it improves when it finishes setting up. Yep still shit, max of around 40 down and 2 up ping is still the same at 75. So going to the magic box cut my download speed in half and ping more than doubled.
  8. The data speeds aren't the issue pings are, they have more than doubled. I would gladly take 5Mbps with a 20ms ping over 50Mbps and 80ms.
  9. Wasn't my choice to get this box, was the other people in my house who have Sprint. I wouldn't have ever ordered this thing, no need I get great service unlike the shit iphones they have which is now making my experience worse.
  10. Hopefully they go down to the 30's otherwise I might just disable B41, it's THAT bad at least to me. 70-80ms on LTE feels like fast 3G which is terrible.
  11. A few hours too long at this point, no chance on unplugging it so it will have plenty of time to annoy me.
  12. Still shit, averaging 7Mbps down and .50 up ping averaging 80ms or worse. This is absolutely terrible, I was averaging 20+ and 7-8 up on an actual B41 tower ping never above 35, hell even B25 10x10 was getting me at least 15-20. Speeds don't concern me as much as ping times, 70+ is terrible and not what I am used to getting with Sprint as I average under 35 usually in the 20's, that's quite a noticeable difference. Magic box sucks and sadly I didn't even want the damn thing, but now I suffer for the times I need to be on LTE.
  13. Two other people in my house have iphones that have terrible rf performance so I can't just unplug it. Service is just perfect on my S9+, so I have to suffer now while they don't.
  14. Anyway to force yourself not to connect to this pos? Just came in the mail I don't need it I'm getting a much slower speed especially ping with this heap of junk.
  15. Love how they advertise 480p as crisp lol what a blurry mess.
  16. I just have a lot of problems with connectivity, I'll have full strength wifi and nothing loads and times out. Common for comcast though lol.
  17. Im getting a magic box, not my decision I live with my sister and fiancee but they both have iPhones and get horrible service both are iPhone 8's. They're lucky to get two bars of LTE but here I am on B25 with 5 bars or B41 4 bars and no complaints whatsoever. HPUE is the determining factor I imagine they're fed up while I have no complaints lol, I get great service. And in my experience iPhones have never had great signal strength even when I had them, they swear now no more iPhones after this point lol. But I digress I'll take a magic box for a perfect experience everytime lol even though we have a 300 Xfinity home internet at home but it's been flakey lately I find myself just using LTE at this point, 60-100Mbps is more than usable lol.
  18. It's been months now since the S9 was released, a company the size of Samsung surely can push a stable update.
  19. This is Samsung here, we haven't had an update since post-release before most people got their phones. Whereas the S7 and S8 have gotten two-three.
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