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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. All I know is if the merger doesn't go through I am jumping ship. ?
  2. Unfortunately I don't have a device to trade in, boo. $55 a month is a bit much to have a play line $35 would have been fine.
  3. I've been dropping to 3G lately for no apparent reason in places I have never in the past, hoping that means they're upgrading things.
  4. Hoping that the T-Mobile roaming takes effect today, would be nice.
  5. Don't know why people would leave the merger is going to be great for service I look forward to seeing B41 and B26 properly optimized plus all of the goodness that comes along with T-Mobile and their 600MHz.
  6. That's sprint customer service for you, a year ago I got so fed up I got connected to a sprint engineer who understood everything I was saying it was amazing. Two nerds talking dBm etc was fantastic, I wish their regular customer service was that knowledgeable.
  7. Dropped to 3G earlier stayed on 3G until I found Sprint LTE again.
  8. I updated my profile this evening, I have a good chance to test this out tomorrow if it actually works. I shall report back with my findings.
  9. Hopefully as soon as possible, I much prefer the exynos chipsets.
  10. Nope still roaming on Verizon when I lose service which isn't often.
  11. This latest update seems to have fixed the black crush issue finally, it's nice to lay in bed and watch a movie before bed!
  12. No issues here, I also clear my cache partition after every update.
  13. Wonder if black crush has been fixed yet, ARF4 didn't. ? Can't tell right now in the daylight.
  14. Yeah I do agree, tired of just security updates which I know just isn't true.
  15. The hell? downloading now. This makes what 3 updates in 4 weeks? not that I am complaining but why no many updates in such a short period of time.
  16. And make sure you hit save at the bottom.
  17. MSL is 000000 for every S8 or S9.
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