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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. Mine is still saying processed waiting for UPS. I imagine it's been picked up they'e just slow on updating.
  2. It's still early in the day, yours might ship today.
  3. Coral blue and I ordered on the 3rd.
  4. Mine said the same a few minutes ago, but it says shipped now.
  5. What does your sprint order status say?
  6. Still saying the 12th for me, I'll report back with any changes I'll be checking off and on all day.
  7. Yeah that's what the lady I talked to said. Also just saw that my delivery date went from the 14th to the 13th.
  8. I have easy pay don't know how it's going to work either lol.
  9. Not sure how its gonna work but I guess that's just how the promotion works.
  10. Nope, still have quite a few payments on it.
  11. I'm really excited for this phone, don't know why but I am. A better s8 I guess, and the new modem and gigabit speeds even though i doubt I'll ever see them.
  12. Every review I've seen on YouTube and elsewhere says the opposite, no different than say the S8 which is a quality device.
  13. Did it on the website, got an email from Sprint a few days ago about the offer.
  14. Got my pre-order in, wasn't gonna upgrade but it's a good deal I'll be saving $20 every month and the $350 trade-in so it doesn't make sense not to do the free upgrade. So got a S9+ Coral Blue.
  15. Done with this S8+, just did the pre-order for the S9+ and gonna trade this in. Gonna be paying $18/month versus 35/month so it's a better deal all around.
  16. How the biggest manufacturer of Android phones cannot put out timely updates for flagship devices is beyond me at this point. A sad joke, when smaller companies are pushing updates well before Samsung. We will probably see 8.0 around the 1 year anniversary of its initial release which is totally unacceptable.
  17. Gotta be kidding me... I'm done with Samsung after I'm done with this S8+... good thing I installed the latest beta to hold me over it could be a few more months. Pathetic.
  18. Just don't care for them, plus I think Samsung has a lot better build quality.
  19. That's true, things should be getting quicker but they seem to be heading in the opposite direction unfortunately. I'd be interested in the Pixel 2 if it wasn't for the hardware issues and shitty screen in comparison to the Infinity Display. There are really no other options on Android, it's either Samsung or Apple and iOS.
  20. I'm thinking a month from now, let's face it I'm probably right. My phone is acting up like crazy and I'm so desperately in need of a good format and reinstall but I know as soon as I do Oreo will be available. Don't want to waste an hour setting everything up just to do it again in a week or two but I don't think I can wait much longer.
  21. Well Samsung is rolling out a new update, CRB7 so guess we still have a long wait since I'm sure Sprint will need to do their testing and add the bloatware... This may be my last Samsung phone, this long for an update that was released more than half a year ago and still waiting.
  22. From reading sammobile a report from Samsung says they pulled the update due to random reboots. So shouldn't take long for a fix.
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