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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. 100MB here as I got the last one that was pulled, hopefully they fixed the issues that have been happening with these updates. Was not expecting an update this soon.
  2. What the hell is up with this phone? seriously something wrong with it if a simple update cannot be released.
  3. Maybe he never got the first update that was released.
  4. Love how the change list is so detailed... Gonna have to see what has been changed if anything.
  5. Well holy shit look at this Installing now.
  6. Black level bandings issues, and a few others I can't think of ATM. Hasn't been an update since before the launch date.
  7. There are things that need fixing though, the last samsung phone I buy most likely.
  8. Nice, now if only samsung could push out an update for it...
  9. S9+ is better in every aspect network and performance wise. I've had the 8+ as well.
  10. My 9+ connects to mine almost as soon as I pull up to my house unfortunately, I prefer my signal from the tower itself much faster and a lot lower ping.
  11. I've been seeing a lot of B41 MM pop up recently filling in coverage gaps, very exciting. Now if they could just put one near my work where even Verizon doesn't even have a usable signal. Damn cinderblock basement.
  12. I find it hard to bench under 20Mbps on the DL, that's on 10x10 B25. Usually average 60Mbps on B41 at least.
  13. Obviously a serious problem, it's not just sprint either tmobile stopped updating theirs as well.
  14. No I manually checked for a new one.
  15. NVM a prl update seems to have fixed it for now.
  16. Anyone else having issues with calling plus not working? I have it enabled but don't see the calling plus icon in the status bar. I've turned it on and off several times but it still doesn't work.
  17. So another week down still no update, it's really sad a company the size of Samsung can't push out an update. One update was released before the offical launch date and none since. Seriously does not add up, to the point that when my lease is up I'll no longer be using a Samsung phone.
  18. Well getting rid of sensorly made a big difference in battery life, left work with 72%. Was leaving work before at around 50% if not a little lower. Glad I figured out my issue.
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