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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. I don't seem to be having any issues.
  2. You would think this one would be the volte update considering it's the second one in a week.
  3. Strange to get two in one week, still no signs of VoLTE.
  4. Read that as X, not sure about the new ones or if they even have HPUE but I doubt it being Apple is gonna Apple.
  5. I tried that no updates, what is the new verison number perhaps it updated and didn't realize it. Mine is I have a Sprint branded 9+.
  6. My phone app didn't update just the profile.
  7. Already paying $26 a month for two S9+'s, it will probably be cheaper to repair the phones myself if prices go up. Used to be $9 or $10 a month, even AT&T for the same plan is like $8 per line for the same coverage. If prices keep going up it will be cheaper to go back to AT&T.
  8. Whats wrong with that if that's what they have to do to get this merger to pass?
  9. I was in the debug screen for CA, didn't keep scp installed for long it has a problem with me and killing my battery. It was strange either way never bad problems in the past.
  10. Don't know why my phone is roaming for voice when I have calling plus full bars of LTE I don't get it.
  11. Dealing with some weird roaming right now, in a friend's basement I have full bars of LTE on B41 but voice is roaming on Verizon. No reason for this my signal is great. Was hoping it was T-Mobile roaming but nope, I'm also getting upload CA from this tower which is still clearwire so said scp. Weird lol, it's apparent they are doing some work around here.
  12. I unplugged mine about a month ago, service is a lot better.
  13. Not sure lol, I don't know the specifics of antennas around here. Never really dug into that info.
  14. No roaming for me yet, could really use it at my job in some buildings I get knocked down to terrible 3G.
  15. Still look forward to the day I see T-Mobile roaming, was on 3G quite a bit at my 9-5, but then I think of it maybe T-Mobile has no LTE there too. That would make a lot of sense, I'm usually underground when this happens so not too unexpected I guess.
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