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Everything posted by maximus1987/lou99

  1. He described why in the New York market article. You should find it if you search his posts.
  2. So AJ, now that we know for sure that TMO pre-Metro had 51k+ sites, the question is how/why do they need so many to maintain roughly same amount of coverage as Sprint (as you stated) does with 38k+?
  3. IT IS SETTLED! TMO had 51k+ cell sites (not sectors) BEFORE the Metro merger. http://assets.fiercemarkets.com/public/mdano/amis/tmopres.pdf Slide 18/34 Note: the asterisk regarding DAS only applies to Metro pre-merger. This means that TMO's announcement that they are upgrading 37k to LTE means rurals will NOT be included in this particular push. And taking into account http://www.rcrwireless.com/article/20121116/carriers/metropcs-decommission-10000-sites-part-t-mobile-usa-deal/ TMO-metro will have (52k + 2k) sites + 6k DAS for a total of 60k sites+DAS which jives with the TMO slides from first link. WOOHOOOOO!
  4. So ATT's study proved them right and USM's study proved them right. How convenient! Though wasn't ATT proving that with b12 filters, the user would receive less S/N? Of course ATT is gonna want to apply the stricter standard and USM the "it works! You get 20% BER but it works!"
  5. With this upcoming repacking for 600 MHz, will people have to get another set of DTV boxes or only rescan the channels?
  6. Having a few channels in rurals is not as egregious as wasting 6 MHz x 20 channels of spectrum in urbania. If DTV broadcasters were to go to LTE broadcast, would that be more or less efficient than current DTV encoding?
  7. But it's not enabled. Yes, I agree this argument is academic even for s4gru but where else can we have these conversations? Lol
  8. How did they do that? Do the ch 51 zones merely have lower power limits like the IBEZ? Also, I'd appreciate knowing your opinion to following questions: 1) did ATT have a valid technical reason for making band 17? 2) after ch 51 is moved, will FCC mandate ATT use b12? 3) even if FCC mandates b12, will that help USM? It's CDMA so even ATT's b12 iphone 7 won't help all CDMA carriers.
  9. Good. The 10% that still use OTA TV should not hold hostage advancement of broadband. I think everyone should be in range of ONE and only one TV station - for emergencies - and all other stations should be reclaimed for LTE.
  10. Until ch 51 is cleared, it's useless for a national carrier. If a carrier's footprint resides entirely in a non-exclusion zone, even then it has the problem of getting band 12 devices
  11. The better to screw with the smaller carriers. Verizon knew about the ch 51 issues so it had no plan to actually use them. Do they still have any A block left?
  12. Once chan 51 is cleared, they'll make band 12 devices. ATT is running LTE in Chicago on 5x5, right? It's the surest speculation I can think of.
  13. Will ATT tell low-paying Cricket subs to scram? AT&T Will Buy Leap for Spectrum and Get Low-Paying Customers http://mobile.businessweek.com/articles/2013-07-15/at-and-t-buys-leap-for-spectrum-gets-low-paying-customers?campaign_id=yhoo ATT already has two prepaid brands: GoPhone and it-that-shall-not-be-named. I doubt it's gonna take on another. I looked at Cricket's prices and if anything, ATT will get rid of ITSNBN and just replace it with Cricket. ITSNBN isn't even available outside of 3 markets.
  14. Mosaik's maps are so annoying! Why can't they use high contrast maps? "Hmmm. How shall be color our maps? I know!: (255,255,255),(255,255,254),(255,255,253)..."
  15. This update benefits the carrier more than the user. It evens the load on their network while imperceptibly increasing the user's data speeds. Carriers want you to buy new phones? Google "carrier subsidies" and you'll see the carriers do NOT want you to keep buying subsidized phones. They'd love it if you kept the same phone forever assuming you have an LTE phone With Sprint's new $80 plan, Sprint only gets (80 - 450/24) = 61.25 because of the phone subsidy (assuming a $450 subsidy). After two years, do you think they want to continue making 61.25 or switch to $80 in true revenue? They make MORE money if you keep the same phone forever. The only caveat is if you have a non-LTE smartphone. They want to reduce load in EVDO but if you're already on an LTE smartphone, don't worry: they're not gonna spam your email encouraging you to cost them another $450 And in 6 years when they're trying to remove CDMA from their network, yes they'd like you to purchase a new phone with VoLTE but they don't want you to purchase a new phone every 2 years just cause.
  16. In one year, iphone 5 will be free on contract and many people TODAY get the iphone 4 because it's free on contract. So I think there'll be plenty of people using the iphone 5 3 years after they buy it in 2014. That's not the point. It's trivial to send out an update to say "you can also use Band 5".
  17. Who's gonna buy Leap's A block? http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2013-07-15/at-t-s-spectrum-deal-with-leap-clouds-true-value-of-acquisition.html?cmpid=yhoo
  18. How would W-CDMA voice be better than GSM voice? I thought since WCDMA is more complex, coverage will be slightly worse. They have roaming option: ATT. That's what the 7 year roaming agreement from the breakup is for. Can TMO see on which ATT towers their subs roam?
  19. We're not talking about an Android update but the carrier profile file that tells the phone which LTE bands it uses like an INI file or XML. Most people wouldn't even know it happened but Verizon certainly would: the load on each band would be balanced.
  20. ATT doesn't want to kill ATT just to push it to expand farther, faster, and offer service cheaper. If Google simply wanted to provide cheap Internet for everyone, it would start places where there's only DSL.
  21. With Sprint making it so hard to find the old plans, it shouldn't be surprising that some people here feel Sprint is very close to axing them. If you were presented a page that have you a choice, I'd consider the assertion that Sprint plans on keeping the old plans.
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