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Everything posted by maximus1987/lou99

  1. TMobile 4G LTE vs Sprint 4G LTE http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3450-TMobile-4G-LTE-vs-Sprint-4G-LTE/page__view__findpost__p__163016
  2. Is that fact proof enough that TMUS is doing their upgrades solely to maximize DT's sale price? Elaboration: 1)TMO knew how long it'd take to upgrade backhaul at EDGE-only sites. 2)TMO knew Sprint's network plans. 3)DT concluded they can't even match Sprint. Therefore, upgrade TMO enough to not be completely wiped out and sell before TD-LTE comes online.
  3. What about the other Tmobile thread? At one point, I was bouncing between the two cause I couldn't remember which one i was responding to. Is merging out of the question?
  4. Here's what sucks for TMO: if JUMP! Is successful, everyone will copy it and it'll gain no advantage lol! Then, people will compare the networks and see that TMO still has least LTE coverage and it'll be back to square one: EXPAND YOUR NETWORK! It's not as if there's a first mover advantage.
  5. I've thought the reason why TMUS won't upgrade entire footprint, if not expand, to LTE is because DT would veto it. DT wants out as soon as possible and they don't want TMUS' high debt levels to depress the sale price. Is this thinking correct?
  6. Is the huge zone something special with narrow band signals bordering LTE, CDMA? When Mexico starts transmitting 700 MHz APT, will that produce equally onerous IBEZs for American 700 MHz near the border? Or because they are similar-type signals, everything will be alright?
  7. Why is the IBEZ so big? I thought signals only reach a few miles at best. Post 478: it extends 100km into America. Why? I feel so violated!
  8. Why wouldn't they be allowed? Don't think that Canada gave Sprint a waiver to help out Sprint. From the little I've read about the IBEZ, there's an allowed power for transmitting. Why would they remove it once they're done with PCS NV? If it's good enough to offload to during the transition then it's good enough to add capacity forever. If it only reaches as far as PCS, so what? And if the power limits ever get rescinded, crank it up! No reason to remove it because, as you said, it's a sunken cost.
  9. Would that even be technically possible? They'd have to: 1) build in the US and APT band plans into new phones 2) wait until almost all 700MHz phones in circulation have the dual 700 bands 3) flip the switch one day
  10. I see your point now: the $6-7bil per year Sprint has been spending is borrowed money and they can't keep borrowing $6-7bil a year at reasonable rates.
  11. He has a family and a job. I think he's fully allocated.
  12. If you're not on a budget, sure. Otherwise, you sacrifice. Though I don't see this as such a big sacrifice.
  13. In that case, I meant the last-mile service. Is it possible it might be cost effective for Sprint in the future to do its own last-mile service? I'm not even talking about then selling it to other guys on the same tower but simply because of its own backhaul costs. SINCE (I believe) Softy's only option for differentiation is TD-LTE to 150mil+, their backhaul needs will skyrocket.
  14. "Synergies" is a buzzword analysts like to hear so Softbank obliged. How much do you think vendor's margins are? Since ZTE and Huawei are out, Softy HAS to pick Samsung + Europeans for both Japan and America to get discounts and the afore four know this. The $8bil/ year is OBVIOUSLY from Softbank. It's gonna be another year until Sprint NV is done. Of course they're not gonna see huge revenue spike.
  15. TMO is screwed. Sprint will drown urbanites in 2.5GHz tsunami and what will TMO's strength be then?
  16. They speak from the perspective of customers. Customers should be able to use a product and not have to worry about backhaul, cell density, how Nextel was a bad corporate move, blah blah. What's wrong with admitting, "Yeah Sprint screwed you and millions of people by pretending that its 3G network was USABLE all these years, selling you on 'unlimited data', even though Hesse knew that his network was unusable, but it was either you or Sprint. We entrusted our 4G future to Clearwire and then realized we were @#$% when they stopped buildout so our 3G network became decimated. Also, Cleawire built their network with a far too small cell density but we had no control over that so we got @#$%& cause even in the WiMax areas, WiMax barely penetrated buildings. Welcome to capitalism" At least that'd be honest.
  17. I hope so. I don't have Sprint but I hope this is true cause I read some angry posts on Sprint.com: http://community.sprint.com/baw/message/581711
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