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Everything posted by maximus1987/lou99

  1. I guess you need another carrier. Your 300MB roaming is bringing Sprint to its knee$. Know other options?
  2. "No real minimum" That's an excellent idea! Just put a BIG sign saying "no minimum to become a sponsor"
  3. If Sprint is bringing backhaul to virgin sites, can Tmobile use the same backhaul at that site? If it can't, then will it benefit TMO at all if it wants to bring backhaul to a virgin site nearby?
  4. ATT throttles strictly based on usage, regardless of tower load, whereas this is what TMO and VZW do with their unlimited plans. The phrase "lower priority" is not enough to determine how much slower, either as a percentage or absolute, your connection will be. Verizon, to its credit, goes into great detail regarding throttling unlimited plans; it's so detailed, you can implement it from their description. And don't think Sprint cares that you've been a customer for 1,2,5,10,20 years. It's business.
  5. You know, it could be the case that Sprint leaked this and is reading this forum to gauge reaction. I hope that it's NOT the case cause I want them to drastically increase prices when their LTE is not even done so millions leave for TMO et al. But it could be a test.
  6. There. Please address the below Sprint customer. Why would Sprint even waste the time to make this knowing how bad these prices are? I guess we'll know on July 17?
  7. What? I don't understand. I read back all posts related to this conversation and I don't get what REVENUE has to do with a consumer picking a working network as a opposed to a non-functioning one so that later, it can raise prices to provide BETTER service.
  8. Have you been reading any of the posts in this thread? So many people, including contributing authors, have shown that THIS IS A PRICE INCREASE. Look at page one of this thread.
  9. This is why we NEED TMUS to exist. Even if they stop their LTE at 228 mil - their current HSPA+ coverage - that's enough coverage to keep the other three honest. Look what's happening in Canada. Three carriers control 90%+ of market and government is desperate - kinda - for a fourth national competitor.
  10. Less roaming, yes, but that's only in areas where 800 MHz voice will obliterate need for roaming. But it areas where there's still no Sprint native service, you'll still roam. Now that I think about it, the fact that they decreased roaming alotment has nothing to do with anything except making more money! If 800 voice really were to decrease roaming so much, they wouldn't need to explicitly decrease roaming alotment because 800 MHz should decrease it enough by itself, right?
  11. It's not a consumer's job to read up on backhaul, Nextel disaster. In the end, these are all just excuses. "Need backhaul?Then Sprint should've started on getting fiber to their sites years ago like Tmobile Couldn't afford it because of Nextel disaster? Not my problem. No one forced Sprint to buy Nextel, not Verizon, not ATT, not the government. I'm a consumer. I buy a phone, pay for service, and expect it to work and I don't care for your excuses. The end."
  12. You know, I think Soft-Sprint just saved Tmobile. The higher Sprint raises their prices, the more room Tmobile has to play with.
  13. I vaguely remember someone answering this question (partially) so let's give it a full treatment here: Can't backhaul be shared? Does it really require a new cable to be run to the tower for each carrier on the tower? If each backhaul cable can be scaled to 1Gbps, why can't connections be temporarily shared between carriers? I'm sure Tmobile would be happy with having 30mbps until it got its owned dedicated link. That's definitely better than a T1 line.
  14. Amen. I hope Sprint introduces these plans very, very, very soon. Like tomorrow.
  15. That Sprint commercial was when Sprint was desperate and hemorrhaging money. The point of the LTE is for CAPACITY, not so each person's speed is higher. Higher average download speed is a side-effect of the higher capacity i.e. more bits/sec/Hz that LTE offers. If you don't want your video limited, use a VPN on your phone. VPN basically encrypts your data so Sprint can't tell what you're doing. The way video streaming throttling works is that their network - basestation or whatever - looks at the packets and if it's video, they downsample it so it's a lower resolution. If they can't read your packets cause they're encrypted, it's IMPOSSIBLE for them to throttle your video, audio or anything else.
  16. It's called business. Softbank isn't here to bring down ATT and Verizon's prices but to raise Sprint's prices to match them.
  17. Yes. An even bigger payoff looms as T-Mobile rolls out LTE, minus the backhaul concerns that usually plague such deployments. "Because we've already upgraded to fiber backhaul on over 32,000 cell sites, the transition to LTE will be a much faster process, enabling us to rapidly deploy LTE in 2013," Mayo said. Read more: T-Mobile: 95% of our backhaul is fiber - FierceBroadbandWireless http://www.fiercebroadbandwireless.com/story/t-mobile-95-our-backhaul-fiber/2012-08-01#ixzz2YgFSDptq Subscribe at FierceBroadbandWireless
  18. Please provide your source for "an LTE network as large as Verizon. AJ has convincingly argued no such thing will EVER happen. Softbank is not here to be a savior; they're here to make more money off of you.
  19. No, it won't have A LOT more coverage. They're not expanding into new markets. Their antenna-mounted radio heads will give a better signal in Sprint's current service areas. It's in conjunction with the fact that they want to make more money.
  20. If you want full HD video, get a VPN. If they can't look at the packets, no way to downgrade the quality.
  21. LOL. A few months ago, I said that people who pledge their allegiance to Sprint - a multibillion dollar corporation company - vs another such corporation is foolish! They look after their own interests and don't reciprocate your devotion. And now, look what happened: Sprint is raising its prices on a network that doesn't even work in many places. AIO, get some family plans and here I come!
  22. They only cover downtown with HSPA+ anyway, remember? Lol It's funny cause they don't even show LTE areas on their site. Have to go to sensorly for that.
  23. Deutsche Telekom, 74% owner, doesn't care. They wanna sell so they can invest in Germany.
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