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Everything posted by maximus1987/lou99

  1. Why are the old plans no longer available on the website? The only way I could find the Everything Data is through Google. And I couldn't find the family Everything Data.
  2. Why would this keep phone prices high? It is eliminating subsidies but unlike TMO, they're not lowering their plans by $20. So this is all for Verizon's benefit.
  3. I was just on sales chat and they said new plans are required. Old plans gone.
  4. As Dave Ramsey would say,"Have you paid the stupid tax?"
  5. Yes, some networks can exist but not in the exclusion zones. There is a very good reason to not support them: 1) using band 12 devices but only transmitting on band 17 - what ATT would have to do - would degrade the signal in the exclusion zone. They posted signal strength/filter charts showing that Ch 51 is too strong for band 12 filter; they need band 17 filter. 2) mandating dual band 12/17 on all such devices would take up a port on the transceiver/modem/something like that. (The following statement is a guess) This would leave ATT one less port to use for Band 29 (D,E block) supplemental downlink. (End potentially clueless statement). I think the FCC should have not sold the A block at all until Ch 51 was gone. That way, at least all those A-purchasers would still have their $$$ which they could use for refarming current spectrum. Furthermore, the A-block purchasers were clueless and lazy. They should've known about the exclusion zones, they should've known about the bleed-through into B,C blocks and they should've done engineering tests around channel 51 with band 12 devices (or done simulations). Unless AJ wants to chime in, I'll assume this viewpoint is correct.
  6. As you can see, it looks like an internal TMO site. The "permanent" link is: http://t-mobile-coverage.t-mobile.com/#150million4glte Click: Check latest 4G LTE cities
  7. Paves the way? They don't need any paving; they can just do it. That's the beauty of no-class action clause in their contract. And what are you planning to do in response to this new line? You can't do anything.
  8. Sprint has been emphasizing that "truly" unlimited means no throttling. They didn't say "except for video"
  9. That 276 number is close enough to the 277 mil with LTE that is located in the PDF in "nv handout" thread. If they're really expanding to 276 LTE on PCS then a price increase is justified.
  10. Yay! That means that they're gonna expand LTE to the same number, right? If they're covering 274 with voice TODAY that means its all with PCS. Sure, some may be affiliates but I've read (here) that they're also upgrading to NV, right? If they're gonna expand LTE PCS to 274 mil, that's HUGE. Remember how ATT said they were only gonna do 250 mil and that was with 700 MHz!
  11. Again, that's not different from current Sprint LTE users. The network is getting built so someone had to get screwed. It's not as if Sprint could afford to say "Thank you for your interest but network is over capacity. We're gonna hold off on new adds until NV is done and triband LTE is available"
  12. That's no different from the current millions of sprint LTE users.
  13. http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/tri-band-4g-lte-mobile-broadband-devices-to-bring-sprint-customers-stronger-in-building-coverage-and-better-network-performance.htm
  14. How do you know triband phones are coming this fall? And why is it a rude awakening? Is Sprint lying to them regarding the bands the phones work on?
  15. The cities that TMO officially launched yesterday are available. http://click.myt-force.com/track/click.php?u=30006566&id=b9f3970fdc274a43819a344f080d0d24&url=http://support.t-mobile.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/5626-26-557849/LTE_Sheet.pdf&url_id=62c7ce8cf7c56d563cf7e732160d366b3a4aeeb8&tags=_all%2c_senddo-not-reply%40myt-force.com%2cdocument
  16. Then it should be a lot higher than 283 million since Verizon covers 298 million with LTE (and probably more with voice). Verizon’s 4G network now covers 298 million people and covers 95 percent of the U.S. population. http://gigaom.com/2013/06/27/verizon-wraps-up-lte-rollout-plans-all-voip-phone-launch-for-late-2014/
  17. That's bad. So that means you could be places where Verizon has coverage but roaming is disabled?
  18. On the landing page for the new plans, they plaster "283 million". http://shop.sprint.com/mysprint/shop_landing.jsp?pagename=whysprint&plan=unlimited&ECID=vanity:unlimited I know the mods don't "like to focus on POPs" but obviously Sprint does so it's a valid point to discuss. Is the 283 million with roaming included? I'm guessing yes.
  19. I am of the opinion that Softy doesn't even WANT more than 5x5 600 nationwide. Thoughts?
  20. If that's true then why won't TMO do what Robert said and pull out of rural EDGE markets?
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