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Everything posted by z250kid

  1. Bandwidth is fun to explain to average person. I understand why most cable company's are all digital no more analog. Analog takes up a lot of space
  2. I believe on tower near me got backhaul its getting 1.8 down and 1.1upload! I was for 3g that's amazing. I just don't understand all the towers around me are full builds and one closest to me is a gmo. That constantly goes offline.
  3. That's awesome but lets get lte up first! lol there's no need for gb per second. especially on a phone. The most the average person needs at your house is 30-50mbps.
  4. Well I just drove by that tower and I heard singlecheck lte notification go off. It is late so ill investigate tomorrow
  5. Sprint has finished this tower some time ago new panels cabinets. Last month or so Verizon did there's and they have there lte. Though this is other side of town but when im there it constantly keeps going offline. Sprint keeps telling me that its interment failure. Whats with the backhaul?
  6. wow I wish my job would install these for a vans!!!! id be happy with verizons 1x or 3g. Just so I can use my phone with out driving a mile to find one bar
  7. my company use to use sprint like 5 years ago. They dumped sprint and went to Verizon. I could not do my job with sprint service as I work in rural areas.
  8. http://www.androidcentral.com/android-43-update-samsung-galaxy-s4-google-play-edition-breaks-sd-card-writing-there-workaround
  9. Sprint is now offering this maybe make room for tri band modles Htc one
  10. Hey it brings nice features to both! So I really don't care. lol . Competition is a good thing
  11. history of android and what came with the updates. http://socialcompare.com/en/comparison/android-versions-comparison
  12. My work relies on cell coverage to do jobs. I would take a solid 1x over weak 3g signals. Sometimes its faster Verizon that is.
  13. keep mine simple with signal check!!
  14. I just want 800mhz lte! where I live 2.6 would not go justice and 1900mhz drops constantly. So id be happy with 800mhz lte and 1900
  15. what irritates me about this is I paid 250 for the phone! lol every other carrier was 200
  16. what I mean is. That it is all aerial to the tower except last 100 feet in an opening with no trees around.
  17. I climb telephone poles for work. nothing like buzz of a transformer 2 inches from your head
  18. yea I feel the same I loved it when I had my epic 4g phone. Now that I have the s4 I don't really use it
  19. I don't understand why they don't have a telephone pole just for fiber and t1 lines instead of having to trench it to tower. It is cheaper to have aerial system then underground. The pole could go right next to the fence or inside it. It would be so much cheaper and probably quicker because you don't need so many permits to dig.
  20. they can get what ever speeds they like from fiber. just have to pay a lot. I'm not sure if there going to need more pairs
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