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Everything posted by z250kid

  1. my buddy works as a tech there treated like crap!!! I work as a tech for another cable company and i also get treated like crap. Only care about the money they make
  2. maybe wait for the s5. Not paying for the same phone just for triband
  3. - This update will roll-out in a phased manner from 2/13 - 3/9 Damn thats a long time. My battery sucks on this if i use it for internet its down 85 percent in 30 min!!!! Thats on wifi
  4. just like our last two snow storms!!!
  5. http://guardianlv.com/2014/01/google-nexus-to-disappear/ i hope not
  6. specs were true maybe id get the s5 or s4s lol
  7. my hours are garbage im on call so i basically dedicate me life to this job. I need to switch positions to go.
  8. Android 4.4 baby uses less system resources. Hopefully fixing this lag. Another reason I love sprint fast updates.
  9. http://www.sammobile.com/2014/02/12/samsung-releases-kitkat-kernel-source-for-sprint-galaxy-s4/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=samsung-releases-kitkat-kernel-source-for-sprint-galaxy-s4
  10. im trying to go to school but my current job wont let me. Witch is bs.
  11. I love the s4 but for its specs it shouldn't be so laggy
  12. Once a company bug enough they don't care about consumers. Just $$
  13. I'm tired off this lag on the phone. I like the features but since I turned of animation lags less. But randomly hit back or home button it takes 3 seconds for home screen to load. To much bloat ware. I'm waiting on nexus 5 2014 edition
  14. This is why im ditching samsung. Nexus here i come
  15. okay so the cheapest place to buy it is from google them selfs. Ebay wants 325 for a used one wtf lol. I want the 32gb and thats like 450 on ebay when its only 400 on google play!
  16. if i buy one of google play will it work sprints network or due i have to buy it else where?
  17. is there lte in your area?
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