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Everything posted by Vince

  1. Believe it or not, people still make phone calls, and if you have one tower serving a ton of people, the voice carriers can get loaded up making your outbound calls take a little longer to connect.
  2. So, I'm going to the air and water show this weekend, along with 2 million other people. I'm curious how Sprint will handle this event. I just heard this on the news about AT&T installing this high-tech, 18 beam mega high capacity temporary cell site to handle their capacity problems. I wonder if Sprint will answer with a few COWs? This is the first deployment of this antenna in the country. Check it out: http://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20140811/lincoln-park/whats-that-on-lake-shore-drive-biggest-baddest-data-tower-around
  3. Proof? I've been to nearly every corner of our market recently and in between, and band 26 is everywhere. If I had to pin a number on it, I would say 70-80% of our towers have band 26.
  4. Well, did they give them a screen size(s) heads up? Did they give them advanced notice when the 5 was due for release? Not sure. I think I still have an app or two that are on the old screen size pre-iPhone 5.
  5. Is this acceptable 11 months later? This is what I'm worried about with a new screen size. Remember the iPhone 5? It took forever for the devs to get all of my apps updated to the new screen size.
  6. Here is yet another rumor. Apple insider has found a source that claims the next iPhone will be running the Qualcomm MDM9x35 modem which is a cat 6 part capable of carrier aggregation. This new rumor also squashes the sapphire display debacle. http://appleinsider.com/articles/14/08/06/new-report-elaborates-on-iphone-6-rumors-of-a8-soc-80211ac-wi-fi-nfc-no-sapphire-display And here's some information about the MDM9x35 http://www.anandtech.com/show/7531/qualcomm-announces-fourth-gen-cat-6-lte-modem-mdm9x35
  7. What kind of phone? I can say with certainty that you'll have our second carrier and band 26 all the way up 55 as soon as our market officially begins, all the way into the city.
  8. I may actually get the 5.5 if the battery is bigger than the 4.7. 2100mAh is hardly impressive, even though it's a big step up from the 5s. With faster processing power, and a larger screen, is it really that much of a jump? With the powerful devices we have on the market these days, there shouldn't be less than 3000mAh on a smartphone. That should be the standard.
  9. I think it's about time Apple makes it so that you can't power off the phone from the lock screen. We have a fingerprint scanner, but someone can still power off my phone, rendering "find my iPhone" useless. It should also quickly grab a location once the sim gets ejected, too.
  10. Your friend with the iphone 5 could have benefited from the second pcs carrier, just like your s3. I'm sure there was some second carrier being broadcasted in that area. There was when I was there 2 weeks ago.
  11. I've been talking to my buddies about this exact trend. I don't get it, and frankly, it isn't really attractive.
  12. Good enough for me. Thanks. And yeah, at wet republic, I would possibly even forget that I owned a cell phone.
  13. I'm switching to band 26 way more at home than I ever have. Its happening while idle and during a data transfer. It even jumps around while on wifi. They must have tweaked something. Maybe optimization has begun? I hope so, because I drop to 3G in way too many places. Especially those pesky pocket LTE drops.
  14. Of course I'm going there for fun. There will inevitably be down time where I would like to check on some things. Even though my dad lives there, and I'll be occasionally leaving the strip, most of my time will be on the strip, so some kind of connection will be needed. And come on, guys, I'll have to FaceTime my girl to let her know things are going "alright" out there.
  15. So, I guess I can rule out band 26 for the end of September when I arrive for my bachelor party? Some friends of mine with sprint said service is miserable on the strip.
  16. I'm just catching up on the videos. Eminem killed it. Glad there was useable service.
  17. Absolutely. They pull the backhaul via microwave from the nearest site (usually), so it should be sufficient enough to pump out an LTE carrier. As far as band 26, or our second pcs carrier, I'm not sure.
  18. I have the jabra talk headset. Hd voice sounds great through it. Although, to me it's not as "hd" as holding the phone to my ear. Still better than non-hd. And for $23, you can't go wrong. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0094NRHU0/ref=mp_s_a_1_13?qid=1406909319&sr=8-13π=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70
  19. http://www.cnbc.com/id/101884269 Looks like it might not release until mid-October? This may have just ruined my day.
  20. Sprint had the COWs out there for the taste. I'm sure they'll have them for lolla.
  21. Didn't Apple release their .11AC airport routers last summer? I remember being disappointed when the 5s didn't have .11ac.
  22. I know there have been 4.7 picture and part leaks, but is there any credible evidence of a 5.5? I just don't see Apple giving a size choice on the iPhone. I think they enjoy having just 1 high end phone model that's new and just slightly behind the technological curve just to keep us hooked for another year.
  23. My 5s is a 64, and it's too much storage for me. I thought i would need it because the 16 just isn't enough. I put my 2100 songs on iTunes match (cloud), plus having Spotify freed up a ton of storage. And with around 60 apps, and a ton of pictures and videos, I still have 47gb available. I think I'll save $100 this time and downgrade to 32.
  24. As a general disclaimer, disabling 25 makes Wi-Fi calling not work. I've tried disabling 25 and enabling Wi-Fi calling three times. It just goes through the activation process again. Maybe the phone needs all bands active for some strange reason. Anyone else experiencing this?
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