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Everything posted by Vince

  1. Exactly. I think the retina screen still looks better than some android flagship screens.
  2. I don't think interference would have been an issue. I'm sure they're low power, plus, they only had their sectors pointed at the beach.
  3. I wonder where that idea could've come from?
  4. So for the guy who doesn't know what that means--it could or could not have handled all 3 5x5's?
  5. I was also pretty satisfied considering the circumstances. There were times where 25/26 were simultaneously hammered and websites timed out. I never saw the second pcs carrier on north ave beach, but I got it on lsd right next to oak st beach which makes sense because that and 26 are pretty much everywhere in Chicago now. I don't think the cow that I was connected to all day was supporting 3 5x5's (maybe a microwave bandwidth constraint on their cow)?
  6. Of course I was listening. I was so proud to have nextradio playing real time fm radio without a data stream. It was perfect yesterday, but I got off work at 6am. Meh.
  7. I'm furious. F mother nature.
  8. I have an exclusive photo of AT&T's super cow
  9. It's getting there. I'd say another hour. It's already 3 hours late and I refuse to leave. Really nobody is leaving. This place is packed. I'm not quitting on my favorite event of the year (other than iPhone release day).
  10. Band 26 is still hanging in there at around 1mbps which is surprising. Band 25 might as well be offline. I'm also beginning to pick up a -100 band 41 signal which blazed up to 17/7mbps. I wonder if Sprint adjusted power and tilt on a nearby site to help out with the demand?
  11. Well, I'm on the beach for the air show. It's pretty packed, and there is a weather delay so literally everyone is playing with their phone. Every carrier has a cow setup directly across lake shore drive from north avenue beach (less than a block from me). I'm switching between -79ish dBm band 25 which is pretty destroyed, and a very usable band 26 @ about -80dBm. No second carrier or band 41 here which is strange. I'm definitely being switched for capacity and not coverage, and have spent almost the whole time on 26.
  12. I watched it from a rooftop on the near north side about 7 years ago. It was awesome, from what I remember (there was a keg of Amstel Light).
  13. Anyone go to the air and water show today? I'll be there tomorrow and I'll report how service is with 500,000 people on a beach. I'm using an android this year because the nextradio app is a lifesaver. I won't need data for the audio stream, and I'll only need enough data to refresh their Twitter feed which I hope by this stage of network vision will be attainable even with that many people.
  14. I guess we are lucky in a sense that we're so far along, and several markets are still left in the dust. It will just keep getting better, but it needs to happen fast. Sprint is losing big time with word of mouth, and they need to regain momentum.
  15. I have similar issues with mine. I'm on 3g and my fiance's 5s right next to me is on LTE. I drop to 3g way too much. What did you tell Apple? I may give it a shot this weekend.
  16. It's strange when TMZ reports on technology, but it looks like they've obtained pictures of the iPhone from a Foxconn employee who took one from the factory. http://m.tmz.com/#Article/2014/08/15/apple-iphone-6-pics-photos-leak-leaked
  17. Feature suggestion: I think it would be cool to have a database of Sprint market id's so that it would display in the app. It would be nice for those of us that are traveling by road. Sometimes the first three of the gci don't immediately stand out when I leave a market.
  18. To pay down your monthly installment, you just need to pay more than your monthly bill, i.e., your bill is $105 this month, and your pay $300. $195 gets knocked off the total. Also, you can sell your easy pay device and use that money to knock down your installment. The phone isn't locked to your account, and can be activated by another Sprint customer. You're still responsible for the payments, though.
  19. I'm told on about every other phone call that the person can't hear me. Sprint support couldn't fix it, so I just stopped using my n5. Bummer.
  20. The problem for me is, I have really only seen my phones get switched over to band 26 for capacity once, maybe twice, and that was months ago. I'm thoroughly convinced Sprint plans on not enabling that band for capacity in the Chicagoland area because we have two band 25 carriers, or they're taking their sweet time with it. I'm always being bounced around both band 25 carriers while sitting still, so I know that's a capacity switchover. I'm pretty sure Chicago is Sprint's #1 market as far as subscribers, and they really need all three 5x5's humming along perfectly asap to keep up with the demand in this market. Also, I'm noticing less and less band 41 everyday, and I'm not sure why. Maybe they're turning off clear sites so that they can do a mass clear/8t8r turn on? Who knows.
  21. Just got an email from Spigen about their new cases. I'm guessing the design is finalized if case manufacturers have specs and photos, right? Link: http://www.spigen.com/brands/apple/iphone/iphone-6.html?utm_source=General+Subscribers&utm_campaign=7cf9712909-iPhone_6_landing_page8_11_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9f8f72ddd8-7cf9712909-76802205&mc_cid=7cf9712909&mc_eid=72c98248d5
  22. Can we just get Apple to focus on the basics? How about incredibly strong RF performer and a massive battery? I love the iPhone more than any other device, but the incremental steps just to keep us hooked for another year are becoming annoying.
  23. This is the time of year where I want to punch rumor sites in their face. September 9th feels like 6 months away. Hurry!
  24. Why doesn't Sprint have a mega capacity sphere thingy? 1 million on a beach is going to destroy cellular towers in the area. In the years past, data was barely usable enough for me to view twitter (to see which planes have taken off from Gary and are en route) and to run a low bit rate data stream of the play-by-play/cockpit audio. I should just buy a handheld scanner and do it the old fashioned way.
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