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Everything posted by Vince

  1. I don't recall those breaking news alerts for a Moto, HTC, or Samsung product.
  2. This is such a disappointment. The biggest tech event of the year can't be streamed. Two bigger iPhones (basically what everyone wanted) and they didn't order up the most bandwidth that they could. There should be fiber lines as thick as tree trunks running across Cupertino right now.
  3. My stream is back, in hd, and without the Asian translator.
  4. Even Apple.com is completely offline. Tell me again how nobody cares about their products?
  5. My feed is toast. Freezing and booting me off. Audio only. Unbelievable
  6. Same here. Can't get it back. Panicking
  7. Tim Cook better parachute in.
  8. Just got off work. Waking up at 11:55 to catch it on the Apple tv. IPhone day has finally arrived!
  9. Nope. We have Sprint insurance only, and have to wait until she gets paid Friday to be able to pay the deductible.
  10. That worked so well for my fiance on Saturday night. She dropped her gold 5s in the toilet while getting ready for her bachelorette party. So naturally, she doesn't know how to use Android, and I had to give her my iPhone until Friday and activate my m8. It's not like ios 8 is coming out this week or anything.
  11. I would like to see "LTE+" when connected to band 41.
  12. I know. This is taking too long.
  13. Has anyone ever purchased for full price on launch day either online or in store? I've never done it and more than likely plan on doing that. It would probably have to be from the Sprint site, right? Apple always only shows subsidy prices.
  14. Probably better than Sandwich, IL. Mmm
  15. So pretty. So clean. Must enter and spend. BAHHHHHHH
  16. This is one of the best videos I've seen in a while. No video has ever conveyed my thoughts to perfectly. I'm always yelling out loud "where are all you people going at 11am on Thursday! Go to work!"
  17. I watched WWDC on my Apple TV and it was awesome. Hopefully, this event works the same.
  18. I just caught up on today's tech news. I see the samsung note edge now has a cool, over-the-edge screen. Where have I seen that before?
  19. Ah, my home town. Band 26 is definitely live in Orland, without a doubt. It probably isn't strong enough yet to penetrate the mall.
  20. Doesn't anyone work these days? I wish I had that kind of free time. If I did, I'd be in line.
  21. Looks like google upped the free storage from the htc m8 offer. I just got this email today
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