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Everything posted by Vince

  1. I still think a nexus 5 is your best bet. Other than the lack of expandable storage. Just get the 32gb, and cloud storage the rest of your stuff. This way, you can sample triband Sprint in Chicago, or go to tmo/AT&T prepaid or postpaid at will. It's cheap, too. Sent from my iPhone 6
  2. This is happening when the phone isn't even plugged in. See my post. I linked the apple discussion where apparently, it's s common issue, mostly since 8.0.2. Sent from my iPhone 6
  3. But according to the comment section of any tech site's article on anything iPhone 6; it's a piece of 2009 crap. Sent from my iPhone 6
  4. Has anyone been getting this phantom error "this cable or accessory may not be certified and may not work reliably with your iphone?" It just started yesterday, and I don't even have a cable plugged into it! https://discussions.apple.com/thread/6570891 Sent from my iPhone 6
  5. Have they enabled international use yet? I thought I read it was only domestic until further notice. Sent from my iPhone 6
  6. LTE service is pretty awesome down by the ferry port on Culebra, and decent 3G all over the island. Not bad for there only being 1 tower for the whole island to use. I'm also noticing hd voice here, and on the island of Puerto Rico. Band 26 will help down here immensely. One day.
  7. I'm in Puerto Rico on my honeymoon. Signal where I am is crap, but LTE in the others places we've been traveling to. I'm on WiFi now with cellular data turned off. I only had it 3 days in Chicago before I left. Maybe the bad signal is the culprit. Sent from my iPhone 6
  8. That was about 45 minutes of navigation with the screen on. I got the phone about a week ago. Sent from my iPhone 6
  9. So far, I'm not too impressed with the battery on the 6. It seems about on par, or a little worse than the 5s. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if I have a lemon. Sent from my iPhone 6
  10. Some lady was riding it when my photographer wanted it for a picture. I thought it was a dumb idea, but I paid her to think that day, so I went with it. Sent from my iPhone 6
  11. The rental car shuttle bus driver at the airport yesterday was using a Nextel, or Nextel-like two-way phone to communicate with his dispatcher. Service here is kind of decent. A little slow, though. Sent from my iPhone 6
  12. Can't beat the lakefront this time of year. Sent from my iPhone 6
  13. Thanks, guys. The weather was perfect, and the speeds were blazin'. Sent from my iPhone 6
  14. 10-30mbps down all day in Chicago. Right outside the Chicago theater, and near the river. Tons of people. Band 41 the whole time. Kiss my ass, red, blue, and magenta. Yes, I was running speed tests while taking my wedding photos. Sent from my iPhone 6
  15. It also gets stuck every now and then. I've seen "band 41, downlink: 8315 uplink: 26665." More than my 5s ever did. Sent from my iPhone 6
  16. There's spark all over that area, and blanketing the stadium. I'm surprised you were on 25. Sent from my iPhone 6
  17. No. Kansas City Royals. But, it's Paul Konerko's last home stand. The media is ignoring it because stupid Jeter is also retiring. Sent from my iPhone 6
  18. I think Joey was torn between either buying a galaxy s5, or finding a new provider that serves the area he frequents better than Sprint. Sent from my iPhone 6
  19. You need to do 2 things. On the iPhone, go to settings, general, accessibility, turn on bold text (so that you can see the whole cell identity in the engineering screen). Then take that number, and convert it to hex using the link below. If the result (site and sector) match the m8, you'll definitely have verification that you're connected to the same site. http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/decimal-to-hex.htm Sent from my iPhone 6
  20. What was your last device? If it was an iPhone 5 or <, you're probably experiencing band 26 for the first time. That, or, your local tower just turned on band 26. Edit: I should have just read your profile. You had a 5. Welcome to the band 26 party! Sent from my iPhone 6
  21. That's the answer I was looking for. So you can't go 7.1.2 --> 8.0.2. I basically have my phone manually put back together, and my pictures/videos are on my laptop, so I guess I'll survive. My plan B was that I read Apple is still signing 7.1.2, so I could downgrade, restore, upgrade, and backup. Thanks for your help. Sent from my iPhone 6
  22. Ouch. How did that happen? Sent from my iPhone 6
  23. Of course. I only have 1 iCloud account. This is frustrating. Sent from my iPhone 6
  24. Also, I find myself using the "reachability" feature all the fricken time. It's great. #lazyfingers Sent from my iPhone 6
  25. Same here. I got the typical sprint store upcharge price. 34.95 case that I probably could have got online for half. I think it was a casemate. It's super thin and clear. Got home and ripped it off. I have insurance, and I'm tired of covering these gorgeous Apple devices with cheap plastic. Sent from my iPhone 6
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