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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. sorry I have the G2 but I couldn't find it. When you go to ##DATA# on the G2 and hit LTE, that is the page to change to enable/disable LTE bands and set the priority. There is no where to view the current LTE scan frequency period. Do you have a screenshot of it on the Nexus 5?
  2. I have the Spigen Slim Armor case in Infinity White.
  3. I would say it would get annoying but if you have a non-Nexus phone, it is easy to swap out the Spark icon in the SystemUI.apk file to just the regular 4G LTE icon. That is what I am going to do when the G2 gets the Spark update.
  4. Right which is why I said the majority and at least in the major metros. I can't vouch for small cities but definitely in the majority of the top 100 cities.
  5. Is the spark ota update just have the new spark icon? What are the default LTE band settings in ##DATA#? Is there a bloatware app installed for sprint spark? Does the icon appear all the time u are connected to LTE? Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  6. Are you sure? What is the story now? Because i know during the actual call they said something different. However in the Q&A session, jon chaplin had a question about this and dan hesse clarified it as well as steve elfman that its not going to be deployed in hotspots that they might have eluded to. Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  7. Which dialer code and which menu option is it? Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  8. Same here. I went to a sprint store and they didnt one on display as a demo. Asked the staff if they are working on a demo unit to be available later and was told they don't have any in stock. Sucks. Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  9. To your first question..yes all 38,000 sites will eventually get B41 LTE but not sure if robert will get that info. To your second question..yes the clearwire sites are separate from sprint. There are about 15,000 clearwire sites nationwide so you have to add those to the total site count. Right now clearwire is focusing on upgrading all of its own clearwire sites first with B41 LTE first before beginning to upgrade sprint sites with B41 LTE. Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  10. I can tell you for a fact that is nowhere near true. Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  11. Correct. The Verizon 700 mhz B block licenses were already sold to ATT in Jan 2013 and the FCC officially approved the transaction in Sept 2013. Therefore the B block is now off the market. ATT now has the majority if not all of the 700 mhz B block licenses. Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  12. No one ever claimed that 700 mhz A was nationwide. Sprint would have to make an effort to buy up or go on an LTE sharing agreement with the regional carriers to fill the gaps Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  13. I hope so. Sprint needs to buy more PCS spectrum in major markets with 20 mhz Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  14. If u have SERO plan then you need to call each time u want to switch to a new phone. The sprint.com/activate method doesnt work since i tried and it fails since it cant find the plan. Sent from my LG G2 LS980 using Tapatalk
  15. The Premier Sponsor section has a map of every single Clearwire site and whether has being upgraded with TD LTE at this point. Clearwire TD LTE deployment is divided into Phase 1 and Phase 2 until it has blanket the entire Clearwire Wimax network with LTE. There are a lot of Phase 1 sites upgraded with TD LTE in many markets at this time especially the large markets and once Phase 1 is complete, Phase 2 will cover the rest of the remaining Clearwire towers until every single Clearwire tower is upgraded to TD LTE. I used the Premier Sponsor information to locate B41 LTE sites upgraded in my area and have taken screenshots of speedtests and engineering menus to prove that I was using B41 LTE sites. Let me tell you that speeds are FAST!!!!!
  16. Thanks. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy but I don't see this listed on the specs on the LG website for the Sprint variant. I'll have my buddy who has a Verizon G2 test the FM radio feature out to verify if this is true that the Verizon and AT&T versions have the FM radio disabled.
  17. Does the Sprint LG G2 have a FM radio? I was just testing the NextRadio app and I had my 3G/4G data connection disabled and my wifi disabled and I am able to listen to the FM radio with no issues. I just have my headphones plugged in to serve as the antenna. I read that the ATT and Verizon versions have the FM radio disabled. Can someone try using the NextRadio app and see if this works when you have all data connection disabled and see if you are able to listen to FM radio with just your headphones?
  18. What are you curious about? The HTC One Max will have the Sprint Spark update right when you power on your phone which means you will be able to use triband LTE immediately depending on what area you live in. I plan to visit a Sprint store later and play with it.
  19. I just looked at the Sprint coverage map real briefly but how is the yellow coverage any different than the orange coverage? Also one of my pet peeves about the Sprint coverage map is that the window is so darn small and looks so outdated. Sprint should really hire someone and redo the whole coverage map to make it a look a lot more nicer. The coverage map should take up at least 50% of the webpage.
  20. Disabling all the LTE bands doesn't not necessarily change the Network Mode from LTE/CDMA to CDMA Only. I don't understand why you even need to disable all the LTE bands in the first place. Changing the Network Mode from LTE/CDMA to CDMA Only in the settings should be enough to force it to only look for 1x and 3G.
  21. Well in terms of whether I consider these 3 devices to be flagships here: GS4 mini = no, Mega 6.3 = no, HTC One Max = yes! I consider the HTC One Max to be a flagship phone. A phone that has a Snapdragon 600 does not automatically disqualify it as being a non-flagship phone because the GS4 and HTC One are powered with the same SOC chip. The HTC One Max was clearly marketed to the phablet fans that want that big screen but also have the HTC build quality and "touch" to it. The only reason why the HTC One Max is getting crapped on is because of the Snapdragon 600 chip (which by no means is a crappy processor), the lack of OIS in the camera (fair criticism) and lack of Beats Audio (HTC and Beat parted ways..not much you can do and most can't tell a huge difference between the two). Had the HTC One Max just come installed with a Snapdragon 800 and possibly OIS in the camera, people would be praising this phone and calling it an instant flagship. IMO it still holds the prestige of being a flagship model material.
  22. Well I couldn't test in LTE only mode since LG seems to block access to that menu. I believe this issue also existed on the LG Optimus G as well. But all my B41 testing was done in LTE/CDMA mode. In terms of idling, I just know it disconnects and reconnects pretty often. Maybe 5-10 seconds was a bit aggressive but usually not more than 20-30 seconds. If you pump data through it then it seems to maintain that LTE connection. I also noticed that the phone tries extremely hard to try to connect to B25 where I even saw values of -134 dBm RSRP on SignalCheck for a brief second especially if you are in a borderline area where you receive cell edge B25 LTE. The behavior gets pretty weird.
  23. Agreed. I wouldn't mind if Sprint made a run at the 700 MHz A block spectrum. They would have to buy all the remaining pieces 700 MHz A block spectrum from Verizon, negotiate a buy off of Massachusetts and NH from Tmobile and a buy off of Chicago from Leap/AT&T. The 700 MHz A block would be a nice low band 5x5 LTE spectrum band to complement the 800 MHz band especially in markets around the US where Sprint doesn't have the full 14 MHz of 800 MHz that can only deploy a 3x3 LTE carrier and markets who will have zero 800 MHz LTE due to Canada/Mexico IBEZ rebanding issues.
  24. I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case. Its ok I am not too worried about the OTA update being early 2014. The fact that I already have a way to test B41 right now and B26 when I hear of spots deployed is enough to hold me until early 2014 when more and more B26 and B41 sites are deployed.
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