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Everything posted by mirskyc

  1. It going to be spotty 3G or roaming. If you are going to Hunter mountain you will have service though.
  2. There was only 4 LTE sites between Albany and Binghamton. 2 were in Oneonta and 1 or 2 near Cobleskill. This is great news. There is also a lot of LTE between Binghamton and Liberty along NY17. Before there was none at all. This doesn't up on the coverage map either. I've spoke to someone at Sprint who is in touch with the coverage map team and they are fully aware of the issue. I missed the cut of for the update last month. Hopefully will be in the September update in about a week. If not defiantly in October.
  3. Connected to B41 for the 1st time in a subway station @ 59th Street . I know its existed in some of them but I have never connected to it before. You would think all the major station like 34th, 42nd, and 14th Streets would have it but I have never found it there. Every station luckily has the 2nd B25 carrier.
  4. That's not a sprint site. There is a Sprint Site across the street and it looks like another carrier or 2 is on there as well. https://goo.gl/maps/dVdgo164aJk
  5. Did anyone else see this tweet? https://twitter.com/guengott68/status/897867126756790272 Pretty cool to see what exactly is inside one of the grey boxes I see all over NYC and now I've seen in Queens.
  6. Was in Queens on Friday and connected to a B41 MM site. I believe it was one of the grey box sites on a pole due the the amazing signal. It was somewhere near https://goo.gl/maps/QSxZahYUC2C2 . After loosing connection to that site while driving east on Metropolitan Ave I saw a building located here https://goo.gl/maps/wYq3AoaJeWQ2 . I believe I sawSprint Antennas for B25/B25/B41. Signal Check Pro Confirmed and I was able to hit 30Mbps with B41 and SCP showed a 3rd Carrier. I don't have a screenshot for that. MM B41 site 2XCA
  7. I finally had the chance to enter Penn Station through the new 8th Ave entrance and go into the new West End Concourse. I was told Sprint had a new DAS inside. I was happy to see my phone on B41 the entire time I was in the concourse and it even stayed on B41 when I went down on the track level. Speeds were 30 to 60 Mbps at around 5:30PM. Unfortunately I stay on the other end of the station because its allows for easier access to my car when I get off the train and a shorter walk when I get into the city. The DAS in place there is only 3G and it doesn't reach the lower track level too well. \ I have a feeling Sprint isn't going to upgrade this for a while. When the new Penn Station under the post office is build they will have a new DAS there as well. When they close down the current Penn Station and renovate it they will upgrade the 3G DAS. Once that is complete and the 3 section are combined in to Empire Station the entire station will have good service.
  8. bottom looks like sprint. the next two look like verizon and at&t. there is also an empty rack
  9. All of the NYC servers give me a wide range of results. It picks the best one based on Ping but sometimes a slightly higher ping server results in much faster speeds
  10. I think this is the fastest speeds I've seen in NYC. Keep in mind this is at before 5:56 am on 66th Street so its not the most crowded or busy area and time. SCP reported a Mini Macro site. My signal was -85dBM and I thought I saw the antennas. It would of been the first non light post MM in Manhattan. Later looking at Google street view and the Clear site map I realized it was a light post site. Although in the end this really isn't anything special I though it was cool almost reaching the maximum speed with 2x CA. Also by mistake I had my Speedtest server set to Syracuse from being there recently. I couldn't figure out how to get it to auto select each time so a lot of my recent results use that sever. I've figured it out and will be using NYC based servers now. Also I in the Lincoln Plaza and Lincoln Restaurant on Monday and Tuesday. I was able to hit speeds from 30 to 60 Mbps with 3xCA at anytime from 8am to 3PM.
  11. I used it recently at LGA and MIA. It is supposed to be limited to certain airports but I guess that restriction is gone now. I also recall hearing that Boingo was upgrading a lot of there Hotpots locations to include up to 3x more access points to allow for better WiFi calling and voice over internet hand off.
  12. Today I accepted a permanent position at the company in Manhattan I've been working at this summer. I will no longer have to deal with a -116 B26 signal and .05 to .30 Mbps at my old job. It's so nice having 30 to 60 Mbps basically anywhere I go in Manhattan. I'm not even halfway through my billing cycle and I've used 40GB of data. My all time high was around 25GB. I do have to say the service along the LIRR is terrible. I struggle to watch Youtube videos at 360p. Most of the time the auto setting chooses 240p or 144p. Choosing anything higher causes a 10 min video to take 40 mins to watch. As a result I've been downloading all my videos in 720p at work for the ride home. Which is the main reason I've used so much data already.
  13. The more north you get in the East upstate NY market the worse it gets. A lot of GMO sites lacking LTE. The capital Albany doesn't have any B41. The Central Upstate market is only good in Syracuse and Binghamton due to having B41. A few other smaller cities have B41 like Oneonta and Utica. There is also a lot of GMO sites lacking any LTE too. Any smaller cities either have only 3G or very little LTE. Honestly though there aren't many subscribers so the LTE isn't usually congested like many place. 5 Mbps is good for B25 on Sprint. In many markets Sprint has started to turn on LTE on GMO sites but both of these upstate markets haven't received any love yet. The best you can hope for is more GMO sites to get LTE and for Sprint to turn on a second 5x5 B25 carrier.
  14. NYC would be a great market for 64t64r. I wonder what sprint is doing with the Mini Macros they are replacing, maybe they are being re-purpose in lower priority markets. I can't see them re-purposing Clear equipment, so that's most likely sold over seas.
  15. I have a summer job in Midtown and every where I go I am always on B41. Occasionally I will drop to B25 or the 2nd B25 carrier. Haven't noticed B26 anywhere yet even deep inside buildings. Most of the B41 is only 2x CA due to being older Clear equipment. In the office I am working at I hit 55Mbps download and 5 to 8 Mbps upload all day long. I hope Sprint doesn't replace these Clear sites with Mini Macros and spends the extra money to put full B41 equipment up, maybe even the high capacity equipment. 3x CA would be insane. Now if only Sprint can get this sort of coverage and speeds in the rest of New york city.
  16. Even without HPUE you're phone would still hold on to weak B41 signals. Sprint changed something recently which causes phones to hold weak LTE signals better. Most likely to prepare for VoLTE
  17. From my experience most of the subway stations have both B25 carriers and B26. A select few have B41. Mostly the bigger stations.
  18. I don't know for sure. But if I had to guess it will carry over. The throttling is done on Sprints end in the states. All data gets pushed to the states and then back to the country you are in. This is the reason for high pings. You still have high pings when you buy a pass. I think the pass simply removes the throttle on sprints end so any data from any country will pass through unthrottled.
  19. A Little off topic for NYC But option 2 is incorrect. The weekly data pass is $25 but it's unthrottled full speeds AND unlimited data the entire week. I used it in South Africa and managed to use about 15Gb in 4 days with the weekly pass. edit: Also Russia is one of the countries that has LTE data.
  20. https://twitter.com/marceloclaure/status/870759251727273984 Only one Terminal but I guess its relieve the surrounding sites for improvements in the other terminals. I'm still waiting for the DAS in Penn Station to be upgraded. Here's an interesting fact about Penn Station from the Governor's announcement back in September "With more than twice the passengers of all JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark airports combined, the current Penn Station is overcrowded, decrepit, and claustrophobic."
  21. Wow that's great news! Still waiting for any sort of LTE in Penn Station. Place is miserable enough, having some fast LTE would help.
  22. The Mini Macro collocated site I discovered in Queens has been kicking me down to B26. It's very annoying but speeds are still 10 Mbps+ while B41 is 50 Mbps when it will stay connected.
  23. Yeah I'm trying to figure out what I'm looking for exactly. Wasn't sure if I should look for a small cell like in manhattan or just additional antennas on the rooftop which I did notice like 5 month ago but figured it wasn't sprint since they have been there so long
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