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Everything posted by nahum365

  1. Except other then the spectrum refarm to 1900, isn't that mostly a software upgrade?
  2. It takes no more then a second on my iPhone. Shouldn't be that hard... I've found that Androids take a while to connect to WiFi as well.
  3. You could give her one of your old phones that you aren't using...
  4. Worst 3G problem I've had is that after a call, it takes about 10 seconds for the 3G to reconnect... 6.0.1 helped that. Now it's down to 3-4 secs.
  5. I really need to stop opening threads and forgetting to check them. As most of you know, I have my iPhone now. I've had it for over a month now. I was told 3 weeks, but recieved it on October 1st. I ordered on the 23rd. My local Sprint Store still has no stock, not even one to put on display. Apple Store has plenty, they have like 15 on display. Thanks for all the replies!
  6. Eventually, LTE will be available everywhere you have 3G now. But it will take a while for that to happen. LTE will be deployed on some towers before others, resulting in spotty coverage at first, with it getting better each day.
  7. No. Looks like I'm waiting for a Nexus 4...
  8. Lucky. I might snatch one up, but I really want a Nexus 4. So I'm waiting for a CDMA and LTE version. Android is looking really nice right now. I can say with confidence that my next phone purchase on contract will be a top-of-the-line Android.
  9. Highest I've ever seen is 2.42Mbps. In DC it's around 1.5Mbps max.
  10. Full LTE coverage may not be available for 3-4 months, but a LTE launch is expected in a couple weeks. Some people thought it might of been today, but that obviously was not true.
  11. I believe Rockville is in the DC market, so LTE will go live with the DC Market. You'll see some brief periods of LTE as they test the towers in your area to make sure they are working properly.
  12. 3megs?! That's way over my usual .03 down.
  13. Very attractive offer here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Samsung-Galaxy-Victory-4GB-Gray-Sprint-Smartphone-Clean-ESN-/160919679664?pt=Cell_Phones&hash=item25778f72b0 Thought I'd share. I might buy this one up... Really want a nice mid-range Android that isn't the Viper.
  14. There are people in my neighborhood about a mile from the main road with both cable and FiOS fiber optics. Granted, I'm about 10 miles from a city.
  15. That really sucks... I have the option of up to 500Mbps here at my house. Not that I could afford that, but the option is there. How much is that 768k?
  16. That happened once here too... I was getting regular speeds of 4Mbps despite being so close to the tower I could see the RRUs. And it was widespread. It was fixed the next day.
  17. I was there yesterday, no LTE. 3G was 1.3Mbps average though, so that's good. A lot better then to 300kbps average before.
  18. There's a full version button at the bottom.
  19. nahum365

    Clear 3G

    Not bad. A lot better then what some people are dealing with here in 2012. Then again, there weren't millions of devices on Expediance.
  20. nahum365

    Clear 3G

    What were the speeds on Expedience?
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