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Everything posted by greenbastard

  1. Better question is what happens with Google and Sprint now that Fi wants to toy with VoLTE. Very unlikely Sprint jumps on VoLTE anytime soon. They could be missing out on potential revenue, depending on where Google intends to take this.
  2. What they want isn't irrelevant. What is irrelevant is that you're bringing up features that don't exist anymore. So users porting out is irrelevant to Sprint?
  3. The problem isn't that subsidies are gone. The problem is that Sprint isn't offering anything to these customers to make their bill competitive with what the market dictates. It's just bad business and they will slowly lose customers as phone leases/installments/subsidies expire for those on ED1500
  4. Irrelevant. Subsidies are gone and Loyalty credits are going away soon. Everyone offers unlimited data as well.
  5. Well, they kindly showed us the door. The only alternatives I see online is a price hike from 240 (before taxes for me) to 310. Calling a rep is useless as well. I was told they couldn't do anything to lower my bill to compete with the other 3 carriers. Funny how the slowest carrier with the smallest national footprint has the balls to tell it's most loyal customers to take a hike. It's very mind boggling.
  6. How would 256 QAM even be possible on Clearwire equipment? I don't think I've seen a SNR of more than 10 dB unless I'm staring at the cell tower.
  7. No issues here. Try dialing *#*#72786#*#* and see if that helps.
  8. Holy crap! I've been getting this too. It's easy to spoof a number but I'm assuming it's a local agency in my area that buys a numbers list and calls you with a similar number because one of the spam callers was actually a legit Air Conditioning service in Houston!
  9. I just find it odd that an automated machine asked for my name on a number that is under my account...yet I have never claimed the number as mine. If I sign up for something, I always use my personal number. The only other culprit I can think of is Assurion, but I have never paid for insurance on the number that received the call.
  10. Anyone else getting more spam calls than ever before in the past few months? I'm beginning to suspect that maybe Sprint has sold our numbers to 3rd party companies or they've been compromised. It's always random calls with automated machines or a quick ring with no one one the other end at least once every two days. The reason I'm suspecting Sprint being behind this is due to some of the lines on my account receiving automated machines that specifically mention my name (this is a first!). I have never associated my name with any number other than my own on anything I do. The only company that would know that my name is linked to the numbers that have received these calls is Sprint! So what the hell Sprint?! I do paperless billing, so I doubt someone went through my mail and stole my info and numbers on my account. This is shady as hell and Sprint is the only one that would have known. Fortunately, Google Dialer has a nice way of weeding out Spam numbers, but it still bugging the shit out of me.
  11. That was nice, but nothing nice ever happened again. I remember them alluding to this being a recurring giveaway to counter T-Mobile Tuesdays but it just quietly went away after their first week.
  12. If they don't do it, then their only option is to sell to Claro, At&t, or T-Mobile. But that means those carriers will also have to add it to their future phones since none of them own any upper 700 licenses. It may as well be Sprint. It's not like other carriers haven't done something similar. T-Mobile added B5 to their phones due to a small slice of 850 they own in Myrtle Beach, SC. Sprint also needs low band spectrum in Puerto Rico.
  13. There have been plans for upload CA. But I doubt we see it anytime soon.
  14. And I'm not denying that. But that's not happening right now in my area so EVDO and 1x is widely available. I think the only 850 LTE I've seen is 5x5, so there is still enough spectrum available for CDMA.
  15. Cellular EVDO is still there. Just no data. Maybe BYOD UEs are missing an APN?
  16. Sorry. I figured since this was the Preferred Roaming List, it was a suitable place since roaming issues could extend way beyond Verizon. I can't verify if the same issues show up with Five Star Wireless since they've never offered data roaming. Maybe someone in Commnet area can verify if the same issues appear on Android BYOD.
  17. It's always an issue on Verizon. Haven't seen it on another Sprint phone since I'm the only one that ventures into roaming areas with Sprint. I'm on ED1500 so roaming should include 300 MB. Roaming has been enabled, so I don't think that's the issue. 1x or EVDO makes no difference, there's just no data. It's very annoying because No Data = No MMS, which is a huge problem as I receive lots of group messages. I do have a BYOD device, so maybe that's the issue? Calls and SMS are fine, which is odd because back in the day roaming meant having a crap ton of missed calls but solid 1x data. Now it's no data, but reliable calls.
  18. I'm not talking about slow data speeds, but no data at all. A connection fails to authenticate through both Verizon EVDO or 1x and I'm usually staring at an x on the signal bar. Verizon is likely not running low on capacity as they have dedicated their entire cellular spectrum to CDMA and EVDO.
  19. Anyone else having issues accessing data when roaming on Verizon?? I get absolutely nothing on evdo or 1x.
  20. Framily is as cheap as it's going to get. Plus it has no data restrictions on gaming, music, or videos. SERO is probably still a deal even without 2 year subsidies. Really, the only plan left to offer an alternative to is ED1500/450 plans. And you'd figure it would be priority #1 as these are loyal customers and Sprint could sneak in newer network restrictions (23GB deprioritization) to counter network congestion.
  21. The 1 GB is a very attractive option for travelers in the Americas. And overages aren't expensive either. The only flaw I wish Sprint would fix is LTE roaming. Everyone else does it.
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