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Everything posted by greenbastard

  1. Something is up in your market then. B26 coverage is about -10 dbm better in San Antonio and Houston and about -12 to -13 dBm better in the boonies in Texas.
  2. Actually, I think all international CDMA roaming been taken off.
  3. Buy iPhone Red, get a free year of Tidal??? That's my guess.
  4. Nobody has denied there isn't any. You can see a few of them in Texas along Interstate 10 between San Antonio and Houston. They cover no towns, just farms and rattlesnakes.
  5. Looks like if Mobilitie doesn't get the small cells it needs in certain major cities, it will legally buy politicians in order to get it done. http://m.reviewjournal.com/local/north-las-vegas/north-las-vegas-mayor-lee-s-re-election-chances-helped-big-campaign-donations I honestly don't like it, but everyone does it so I won't criticize Mobilitie for it. They seem to have kicked their expansion into high gear and aren't fooling around anymore.
  6. When Direct2U came out, they were willing to deliver a device to me over a 200 mile round trip from Houston. That's crazy! I just don't see how they can pay for car fleet, fuel costs, and hours traveled just to deliver a single phone to the boonies. I can't see how this was helping their bottom line as FedEx and a DVD could have done the same thing with a fraction of the costs.
  7. Totally off topic, but 252 MB for Messenger?!?!? What the hell is Facebook stuffing the app with??? That's ridiculous.
  8. If roaming is very important to you, the you may as well switch. ED1500 costs almost the same as the new Verizon plans. When you roam, you're very limited in data usage and Sprint loses money having to pay Verizon. It's a lose-lose situation.
  9. Doubt it. A Sprint macro site is visible from the Walmart parking lot. Sprint probably just fired up B41 on it. The only B41 in that area was a faint Clearwire B41 signal coming from another site farther down the road.
  10. If dual SIM capabilities is top priority, then look into the Moto G5 Plus coming later this spring. It's supposed to work with all carriers and have dual sim capabilities. This may be the first ever dual SIM LTE phone for Sprint and Verizon. I was looking at purchasing the phone but it does not have USB-C. (That is a deal breaker as I'm not going through the hassle of replacing my USB cables back to micro USB.)
  11. The guy who runs that channel actually posts on the Albuquerque/El Paso thread.
  12. That's definitely 3rd carrier in Nokia territory. I don't expect Clearwire equipment to be replaced anytime soon since Sprint is currently using mini macro panels capable of only doing 2CA for B41 expansion. Looks like 8T8R panels are only being installed in areas that need more than 2 carriers. Make no sense to replace Clear equipment with Nokia equipment that doesn't expand capacity. For small cells, expect earfcn 40072 and 40270. At least that's what was being used in Houston during super bowl weekend. No CA was available out of these small cells even though they broadcast two carriers.
  13. She was able to FaceTime on 256 kbps download?? I'm not familiar with the bandwidth requirements for FaceTime, but is video chat even possible at those capped speeds?
  14. Nextel always sounded like a better brand than Sprint. But unfortunately Nextel will always be synonymous with *chirp chirp*.
  15. Are you still using the same phones from Sprint or did you pay for new unlocked phones from T-Mobile?
  16. The VoLTE on the Galaxy s8 probably means nothing for Sprint. It's been included on unlocked devices for a while now for the sole purpose of being used on T-Mobile and Verizon. Doubt we see VoLTE on Sprint this year.
  17. The tower you are probably referring to is located on Fredericksburg. You can actually see it from the freeway. The microwave will likely be used to feed upcoming small cells. The location of this microwave actually makes sense when you look at the nearby topography and the prominence of the tower itself. This is the location of the tower.
  18. I hate to beat this rumor to death, but this really sounds like merger talk. I'm sure growing rural presence would be a requirement for any merger, whether Dish or Sprint. T-Mobile buying good will??
  19. They already have and their servers can be used in Ookla speed tests. Austin, Houston, New Orleans, San Antonio, Dallas & Ft. Worth now have Sprint test servers. I'm sure the data they collect can tell them a lot about their network. Having said that, I have noticed that the Sprint server seems to have higher downloads when compared to other servers. Upload remains about the same. Coincidence or just bad timing on network usage on my end? Conspiracy tin foil hat: [ON] OFF
  20. While it is hard to do much without money, I do find it ironic that Saw said the following... Saw went after his competition but didn't realize that his question is exactly what many of us have been asking Sprint. BRS/EBS is not widely deployed and Sprint has only talked about gigabit speeds inside labs...just like everyone else has. Anything is possible, but don't call the kettle black when you're a pot.
  21. Are you saying Verizon is the best in Texas? Because they're not. At&t may have coverage gaps in the hill country and in the small canyons just east of Fort Stockton, but every carrier does as well. Not much can be done about that terrain. At&t is the best carrier along I-10 in Texas.
  22. As far as coverage, Sprint has Verizon beat in all 878 miles of interstate 10 in Texas. From Anthony to Orange, At&t is first, followed by Sprint, then Verizon, and finally T-Mobile. Verizon has a few coverage gaps and has to rely on Sprint and West Central Wireless (formerly of Five Star Wireless) for roaming in the hill country. A few years ago, I would have said Sprint was #1 due to At&t having no coverage southeast of El Paso. All GSM users would roam on Mexican carriers in that stretch of highway before veering off to Sierra Blanca. But it seems they've taken care of that now. Haven't been to El Paso in a while now, but I'm sure T-Mobile has improved as they now show LTE in areas where they had no coverage in the past.
  23. Creating a new band class that used the BRS/EBS for downlink and PCS as uplink was talked about early on when Sprint deployed triband devices. But I'm 99% sure those plans have been abandoned. If HPUE does what Sprint claims it will do, there's no need for it.
  24. Could that just be a repeater for microwave backhaul? Doubt they would place two small cells that close unless it is two different carriers in the area deploying small cells.
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